Posts by _blacklight
That error occurs when you've restarted the server but leave the game client running.
Haven't done that at all though. Every time I start up the server even for the first time I get spammed with that error, no idea why.
And yeah here's my profile…Jx2x1p7CoyMge991WZCEihTmy
Tried removing some flea market offers and they never came back to my inventory. Every time I arrive at the main menu, be it from starting up my game or exiting a raid, I get the notif in the bottom right telling me my offer expired but Ragman never sends a message saying my item was not sold.
Also, the flea market seems to become completely unusable when I have my game open for longer periods of time? I can still open it but offers just stop showing up like it's locked or something. I did set the flea unlock level to 10 in SVM and I'm currently only level 13 right now, pretty much the only thing I can think of that could be causing this. Temporary fix is to just restart my server and game client but it pretty much always comes back.
Also I get this error spammed in the server console, not sure what it means but could be connected to my offers not returning to my inventory: