Posts by obr1aNN

    im getting messages in game from what look like players? is this just a fun little addition to make the game feel alive or did I mess something up

    "this just a fun little addition to make the game feel alive"

    jep it is, those are messages from the bot PMC you are killing ingame

    MtNak hm damn, but when you´re on a complete fresh installed windows,

    you should try and check again if any windows updates are open to update

    thats really the last thing that comes to my mind sry, hope you get it to work somehow, gl!

    MtNak the only thing left that comes to my mind is

    starting the SPT Installer as administrator and try again

    its weird that some of those problems pop up for some people,

    because they have very good n clear instructions, and also a instruction video

    up to make the process more easy to do

    naaa sorry, i got the latest updated version installed and its working perfectly fine for me

    you NEED to have your EFT original game file up to date to install SPT, as said in the description,

    annd i also guess you need to be logged in your acc in the bsg launcher before you close it

    because SPT is not promoting pirating of the game

    weird with the free space...

    EenViezeVent it looks like you also set everything up the right way, you

    have all the green checkmarks up thats weird

    when the game is installed its just top right corner for "options",

    i maybe missed that you cant do this before install :F

    but i guess it finds your og installed game directory automatically

    when eveything else is set up

    i dont know about the free space thing, only thing that comes to my mind is

    starting the launcher as administrator / and or changing the disks to install

    sadly you only show us the error screen which tells us nothing :whistling:

    screenshot the launcher before, showing the "needed" thíngs to have

    and whats been done

    you also need to go sure your SPT installer is in a new folder, on another drive

    then your original bsg launcher and EFT install, and has the right "install path" of

    the original EFT game in the options

    whats also important is that your main game is up to date and has no updates open

    Furbi2000 i didnt know that before i wrote my comment here, but you find any information and updates on the official discord!!:)

    the new version (snow maps/ vaulting/ etc.) is hardly worked on,- but it will take some time to get completley done-

    The SPT devs are working haard on in

    best greetings, enjjoy your game ::: )

    CWX thank you for the all work thats done, to you and all the pppl

    in the background of SPT, its an awesome experience without the presents of cheataer/hacker in this game