Posts by Akira

    Your log is filled with over 20 out of memory errors:

    if it used to work but now doesn't i suspect its a mod not releasing memory its using. Try removing mods you've added recently and see if it helps.

    Alright, so I noticed something red in my server after I boot it up, I needed to change the config file for it to remove something. I've also removed a defective mod that seemed to be interfering with some other mod which I preferred using. Thanks for the help.

    As the title says, I can't play a raid for more than 20 minutes because the game instantly crashes without any error screen or anything. Yesterday I played for about 8 hours, and there wasn't a single crash, the game was just laggy sometimes, even if it froze for a few seconds it didn't crash. But now, no matter the map I play, my framerate can be perfect and it would still crash randomly, the most annoying part is that whenever it crashes the raid doesn't save of course, so I lose a full backpack of loot, and neither do the quests save. Is it a mod which causes the crash? Because yesterday I had the same mods with the exception of a few plugins I installed today, so maybe that's the problem?