Posts by Aleft9

    A quick apology to the staff,

    I'm not sure if I gave the correct log information, and if I didn't I apologize. I didn't grab the crash log from before I updated everything to the new clean install so if you guys need an accurate serverlog for what's happening on my end, Let me know ASAP and I can post them in the comments below here to help diagnose my problem. Thank you again guys for making such an awesome experience. (FYI I did also post my querry to reddit looking for some help as well)

    So here's my problem.

    The server can launch with no issues but everytime I try to launch the game through the launcher, I have a problem with the game suddenly crashing/resetting in the launcher.

    Once the serverlog updates to Singleplayer/bundles, it refuses to launch/crashes and just circles back around to the launcher again and the game crashes. I can't for the life of me figure out why this is happening. I just recently updated the game to the newest version of the launcher, (Had no issues prior to this) I updated from 3.7.3 to 3.7.4 and updated my mods to their most current and it's still having issues. Do I need to reinstall the game and lose all my progress on my character/start over again? I'm just not 100% sure what could be causing the game to launch and then suddenly crash once bundles is pulled up.

    FYI I just updated my launcher today and just upgraded my Single Player from 3.7.3 to 3.7.4. I had experienced a crash on that game version and went through a Fix I found on the reddit about 2 weeks ago and it fixed my problem but I tried the same fix again and the problem is now persisting.