Green icon is okay, not an issue.
Try step 2 and 4 on this link:…top-specified-cast-is-no/
Green icon is okay, not an issue.
Try step 2 and 4 on this link:…top-specified-cast-is-no/
Normal EFT behavior with top-loading weapons
Multiple outdated mods listed, closing.
If issue persists after updating all mods, make new thread.
One of your mods is out of date, as per the release notes, out of date client mods are not supported and will cause issues.
The recoil mod is likely the cause, make sure you're not using mods made for 3.5.8 for 3.6.0.
Great to hear,
if it still happens i recommend the spt installer + step 4:…top-specified-cast-is-no/
I found this,…_play_due_to_unity_crash/
Are you using Avast anti virus?
Does it crash when on the menu or only in-raid?
Can you try downloading a tool like Cinebench23 and running it, does that crash after 15 mins?
Have a look at step 3 of this page:…-server-is-not-available/
Do other games crash
Try closing your browser/discord/software using RAM. It may help
Does it crash on all maps or just some
Is your generator on
EFT and SPT share the same appdata folder, `AppData\Roaming\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov\Settings`
If they drift from each other too much they get reset to defaults on game start.
Can it be detected? BSG already detect out of date config files and reset them, not sure how they could tell who's out of date and who's using SPT
This can happen when your live eft has a corrupt file in it, the solution we've found that resolves it is to uninstll live tarkov ( and delete the game folder if anything is there) and install fresh, then run the SPT installer
If the mod creator has closed their comments section and forum post, your last option would be general chat on discord.
The SPT team doesn't make the profile editor and can't provide help with it
Have you tried uninstalling live EFT?
What folder was SPT installed to?
Try deleting your SPT folder and installing with the installer
One of your mods is broken/has a bug/is installed wrong/out of date. Also your logs expired so i couldn't view them