Posts by Tyfon

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Load ammo via context menu in raid!

    - Shift-click an item in your stash will open the sorting table automatically if needed

    - Added keybinds for Use and Use All, unbound by default. F12 menu to bind and enable.

    - Fix armor value tooltip not working

    - Fix context-menu repair not working for broken items

    Tyfon added a new file:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Made code more resilient (added more null checks) to handle weird situations (specifically, old versions of Fika).

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Added autodeposit button to transfer screen (aka mail)

    - Fixed button disappearing when you swap rigs/backpacks

    Tyfon added a new file:

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    🔥Bulk Offer Hotfix 🔥

    - Fixed bulk offers changing their price to 0 when you place them

    - Clicking market values when bulk offer is checked now multiples the price by the item count

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Restore back-compatibility with 3.8.0 #sorry #notsorry #youshouldupdate :*

    - Persist "Autoselect Similar" checkbox in the Add Offer window across sessions

    - Localize the "< BACK" button added to the flea market 🌍

    - The existing "Autostack Ammo with FiR Ammo" feature will now allow you to top up ammo with found-in-raid ammo, and vice-versa.

    - The inspect window snap-left and snap-right buttons now have keyboard shortcuts (left arrow and right arrow by default) ⬅️➡️

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    Fix some locked offer tooltips showing wrong quest name.

    All base game offers and quests should now be handled (some by hardcoding, damn Zeus thermals), but its possible for mods to add ambiguous custom offers/quests that can't be determined without server support. Most will work fine, but if that happens the tooltip on those offers will not display any quest name.

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Blocked swapping within the scav inventory, on the post-raid transfer screen only. Due to a bug in the server (fixed in 3.9.0), this would cause a server error that would force a client restart.

    Tyfon added a new version:


    - Option to synchronize stash scroll position everywhere you see your stash (off by default)

    - Remember hideout craft search when you go to other screens

    - Confirm dialogs with spacebar

    - Added extra safeguards to prevent swapping into a trader's inventory in the completely unlikely event that another mod has a bug that would allow that... ;)

    Tyfon added a new version:

    Tyfon added a new version:

    • Fix nested mod stats not showing buttpad stats, because of course buttpads are somehow special 🍑
    • Fix BSG not knowing how to display MOA correctly and rounding deltas to the nearest integer :cursing:
    • Fix Show/Hide mod stats not updating in other windows if you had multiple inspect panels open
    • Fix quickslot bindings persisting on items that are swapped to non-bindable places (compatible with Use Items Anywhere) 4️⃣5️⃣6️⃣
    • Fix mods swapping with weapons when adding the mod would increase the size of the weapon beyond available room
    • Fix items not being hovered after swapping, so you would have to mouse-off then mouse-over them again to interact 🖱️
    • Inspect panel shows stat difference when swapping mods, both dragging onto the slot or dragging the slotted item over a different item in your stash or inventory
    • Fix non-fatal exception that got logged when you tried to swap a container into itself
    • Confirm compatible with 3.8.1 ✅

    Tyfon added a new version:

    • Support container swapping (off by default + out of raid only, to avoid costly mistakes)
    • Fix various formatting issues (black text, missing colors, etc)

    Tyfon added a new version:

    • Fix overly aggressive trimming of trailing zeros in inspect panel