TurboZoroger added a new version:
Quote- Fixed null reference error when entering a raid after changing voice from Sound settings menu
NOTE: Be sure to overwrite all files when installing the latest version.
TurboZoroger added a new version:
Quote- Fixed null reference error when entering a raid after changing voice from Sound settings menu
NOTE: Be sure to overwrite all files when installing the latest version.
TurboZoroger added a new version:
Quote- Fix for blank mod config (F12) menu
TurboZoroger added a new version:
QuoteUpdate for SPT 3.9
TurboZoroger added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreAdds the iconic voice of Richard "Dick" Marcinko, played by Mickey Rourke, from the video game Rogue Warrior (2009).
The voice is available to both USEC and BEAR. The voice is not added to bots.
How to install:
Extract the BepInEx and user folders and move them to your main SPT install folder. Overwrite if prompted.
Any updates to this mod can be installed the same way.
How to use:
Switch to the new character voice in the in-game Sound settings.
Most voice lines are found in the following phrase groups:
- Mumble (F1)
- Fight mumble (double-tap F1)
- Enemy down
- Fire
- Scav
- Bad work
- Good work
- Ready
• GrooveypenguinX for the new VoiceAdder code, based on the original by CWX.
• GrooveypenguinX and rockahorse for WTT-Up In Smoke - this mod was based off of its server code.
• JustNU for STALKER VOICES - contains a link in the description to a Unity project for creating the proper assetbundles. I uploaded a backup of the Unity project, it's available here. I did not create the Unity project itself and can't help troubleshoot it.