Posts by TeejayMerks

    Been away for a week or so and just downloaded the updated version of the SVM which I love btw. But... looks like there is a problem...

    EDIT: looks like I am going to have to make a new preset My apologies as i failed to fully read the change log where it states it is highly recemented to make a new preset.

    TeejayMerks added a new file:

    TeejayMerks added a new file:

    TeejayMerks added a new version:



    Now delay value will save upon application closing.

    TeejayMerks added a new file:

    TeejayMerks added a new version:


    This version is a complete rework. Rebuilt from the ground up.

    Now it's easier to change the images to whatever you want.

    Simply go into the settings.json file, there you will see what traders coincides with what .jpg file name in the res folder.

    Be sure to make your custom trader images size 640x640px. Then to rename each one just copy and past the value to the left of the custom_trader name in the settings.json file.

    Also in the setting file you can chose whether you want all the traders changed or just the ones you want by changing changeAllTraders to false then changing what traders you want changed true.

    TeejayMerks added a new file:

    TeejayMerks added a new version:


    The Machine Mod v0.0.4 now requires the VCQL Mod. From here on out you will have to download and install VCQL v2.0.0 to use this mod. Happy Playing!

    TeejayMerks added a new version:


    The Machine Mod v0.0.4 is now dependent on the VCQL Mod. From here on out you will have to download and install VCQL v2.0.0 to use this mod. Happy Playing!

    TeejayMerks added a new file: