Posts by master-shiff

    hey, used the mod with A7 and it worked great but since the new version came out it does not let me sell items, i can choose the items and give them the price but the sell button won't let me click, is there any configuration i need to change with the new version?

    i am using these mods too: SPT-AKI configurator, ALLinOne mod and Andrudis - QuestManiac

    does anyone if one of them might conflict and make this problem?

    love the quests, give so much to do in raids but i have one wierd problem, maybe meant to be and maybe a bug.

    when i do the quests where you need to give specific weapon parts or parts that you can use to modify a type of weapon the quest recognizes the parts i have on weapons in the stash and on my PMC, and sometimes when i choose a part to give i find out after that it took a part from one of my weapons which sometimes makes a problem if the part is vital for the weapon.

    i think its also happening with the bullets quest where it will recognize bullets inside magazines and take bullets from the magazines, and if you don't notice it before a raid you might enter with an empty secondry magazine.