Bots freeze in place when killed, can't loot them.
Version 3.5.5 and using Realism in conjunction with it.
Posts by DeltaFrost22
I did end up removing FriendlyPMCs and that solved the issue entirely, but thanks for letting me know which setting it was so I can re-install it.
"In response to : Input string '25.9999999999999996' is not a valid integar. Path 'waves[0].time_max', line 1, position 370923"
This is the error message I get when I attempt to load into a raid, regardless of time. Based on the fact that it's calling "LocalLoot" I figured there was a setting in SVM related to loot that was messing with it, but disabling it didn't fix anything. It boots me right back to the main menu, and everything works just fine there, but I cannot get into a raid for the life of me.
Did you obtain the game files from live or from emutarkov?
Live. I have no idea what emutarkov is
Huh. It's likely that it may have something to do with it, some automatic process could've messed something up in the backend of spt's files, but all we can do is wait and see. If it is, it's likely that we'd have to wait for an update.
Hey friendo, Question, are you using a mod called Reider123 - Advanced PMC. Removing it from my mods list stopped giving me the trace error. It also allowed me to log back in to my old profile.
There's an update for the EFT client. That wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it?
EXACT same issue! Just posted on the reddit about this. I checked my profile when i tried to log back in, and it was corrupted (everything replaced by NULL). So i replaced it, but to no avail. did you get the unexpected token in JSON?
Yes, now that you mention it.
This. Not sure what's going on.
What's the difference between versions B5 and A7? atm the only thing I can guess is different mod availability.