Are you below level 20? If so, that is expected.
Yes, sorry to bother you.
Are you below level 20? If so, that is expected.
Yes, sorry to bother you.
Try without zzDrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices mod.
It doesn't give you an error, but the merchant is empty anyway.
Hello, the merchant appeared without items in the store and quests.
And it gives an error when starting the server.
Mod loader: Error during asynchronous mod loading: Couldn't find seller: 67768b19fa281ca31708b187 in the database
Error: Couldn't find seller: 67768b19fa281ca31708b187 in the database
in DatabaseService .getTrader (C:\snapshot\src\services\DatabaseService.ts:310:19 )
in TraderHelper . get the highest price for a trader \ (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\TraderHelper.ts:497:53)
in the \function.Обновить цены \ (E:\GAmes\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\zzDrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices\src\mod.ts:140:50 )
in Mod.postDBLoadAsync (E:\GAmes\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\zzDrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices\src\mod.ts:46:24)
in PostDBModLoader .executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:51:60)
in PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)
when loading the app (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:26)