Friendly PMC

  • pitAlex added a new version:

    • fixed issue with Knight trader not increasing when running with BirdEye or BigPipe
    • fixed spawned followers not having secured container so extra ammo could not be added to them
    • fixed the "enemy spotted" command not registering the enemy the player saw even if the bot didn't also see it
    • updated follower to not throw grenades when the enemy is out of throwing range
    • health multiplier now also affects the Goons' health
    • added option to increase the display time of the ping team (some key binds will need to be re-assigned)
  • pitAlex added a new version:

    • kills made by followers you spawned with (except Goons) will now count for any kill-based quests (quest conditions will be applied to their kills)
    • marksman can now switch to the secondary weapon when in close combat - you are responsible for what weapons he has, take note!
    • increased the distance the bot will go when using the "there gesture" command to 50 meters
    • fixed suppression command not using grenade launcher in some cases
    • code was refactored on cover and tactics logic to rely more on the in-game cover system for a more stable build (note: this can make your followers spread out more)
    • attempt to fix the run duck bug when transitioning from combat to follow
    • resolved some conflicts with the QuestingBots mod
    • ping squad now also displays the bot's distance from the player
  • Hello, the merchant appeared without items in the store and quests.

    And it gives an error when starting the server.

    Mod loader: Error during asynchronous mod loading: Couldn't find seller: 67768b19fa281ca31708b187 in the database

    Error: Couldn't find seller: 67768b19fa281ca31708b187 in the database

    in DatabaseService .getTrader (C:\snapshot\src\services\DatabaseService.ts:310:19 )

    in TraderHelper . get the highest price for a trader \ (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\TraderHelper.ts:497:53)

    in the \function.Обновить цены \ (E:\GAmes\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\zzDrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices\src\mod.ts:140:50 )

    in Mod.postDBLoadAsync (E:\GAmes\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\zzDrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices\src\mod.ts:46:24)

    in PostDBModLoader .executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:51:60)

    in PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    when loading the app (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:26)

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