Friendly PMC

  • pitAlex added a new version:

    • fixed Rogue faction turning hostile on the player if getting too close after becoming an ally with the Goons
    • fixed Goons turning hostile if the player got too close to them after becoming their ally
    • fixed same side PMC turning hostile on the player if getting too close while friendlyPMC flag is on
    • fixed Knight giving raid end messages
    • fixed conflict with the EFT API mod causing the "Home" button to not work
    • fixed possible crashes when buying certain weapons from Knight (the AKs)
    • revamped code for followers following the player in order to deal with the situation where followers would run instead of walking from point to point when roaming around the player
    • fixed a bug with marking followers' equipment unlootable
    • some improvements in detecting the bot's hands getting stuck after throwing a grenade
    • overall better handling of relations between players and followers with allied groups or friendly bots (such as BTR or the gifter)
  • There is a new setting at the bottom of the config called "prefetch data". Maybe you turned that off, that will result in a spawn delay. And that is not an error, it is normal. With who do you have problems? With the Goons or regular followers?

  • There is a new setting at the bottom of the config called "prefetch data". Maybe you turned that off, that will result in a spawn delay. And that is not an error, it is normal. With who do you have problems? With the Goons or regular followers?

    It's with regular followers. Even after waiting over a minute in raid, they don't spawn. With 3.6.3, they spawn fine.

  • No errors in that log. So i can't tell where the conflict is. I have MOAR, more checkmarks, dynamic maps, looting bots, endurance (that is besides what this mod is dependent of) so at at least I can tell you those do not cause problems.
    You seem to have a lot of weapon mods - those could cause problems with bot spawning if bots get the weapons and they are not actually made to be used by bots.

  • Hmm, I am experiencing a critical error when trying to play as a scav; which didn't happen before.

    I will place the list of the mods I am currently using:

    - Late To The Party

    - Drakia's XYZ Waypoints

    - DynamicMaps

    - friendlyPMC

    - HeadshotDarkness

    - Kobrakon Firearm Deafen

    - Menu Overhaul

    - MoreCheckmarks

    - SAIN

    - BetterBulletCracks

    - UnityToolkit

    -Amands Hitmarker

    - Looting Bots

    - shadow flicker fix

    - Skeleton Key

    - VCQL

    - Munitions Expert

    - inory-agony

    If you need anything else I will provide it asap.

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