Hi all. fresh install today with the new downgrader and new version of SPT. ran my first raid, aside from FOV being set weird all was perfect.
after raid i was unloading loot, first few items moved fine then a few didnt move, they flashed in both the original location and the new one i tried to move them too. nothing was responsive. after a few mins i got a dialogue box... Backend error: request timeout. it reloaded the main menu, i wen back to character and finished unloading and all seemed fine. i went to a trader, moved everything to sell. hit deal and same again. loading circles and eventually same backend error message.
i wiped everything this morning and made this in a new folder as a new install with the new versions of EFT, the downgrader and SPT. any advice appreciated
update. just tried again and froze again so i closed the game and relaunched, as soon as i press deal on a trader i get these loading circles so i cannot sell anything. ill try full pc restart and update as to whether buy or sell will work