Posts by NukSooKow

    We don't need a downgrade patcher. The Live update caused an issue with existing AKI installs. I found an old install of EFT Live on another PC so deleted 12.11.7.xxxxx Live and replaced with older EFT Live version and AKI works again. If you don't have a backup of a known working install of Live EFT before today's update, then you have to wait for the devs to either release a fix or release a new version.

    NugentGL, You're an absolute legend!! I do have a backup of the last working EFT live folder. However, I thought that I'd need a copy of that and the launcher folder. I just replaced the latest EFT with my saved backup folder and I'm back in.

    :) Many thanks :)

    We need to wait until there is a new downgrade patcher available bud, my game won't load now because I updated my Live Tarkov even though my games are in different locations so I'm a little confused about this. Hopefully a new patcher gets released today.

    Plus 1. I just assumed it was safe to update live EFT and carry on with my single player experience too seeing as they are separate from one another. Hopefully they drop a new patcher soon =)