
  • Member since Aug 9th 2020
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  • i miss fin

  • Legend himself is gone

  • the legend is gone

  • I just wanted to say you inspire me man - Your creative and intelligent programming has allowed some of the best mods to be implemented in terms of fixing AI and a thousand others, Thank you.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • YO fin. would it be possible to make another mod where you can use any attachment on any weapon. would be pretty rad. :P

  • Sorry if you've already (I'm sure you) have been asked when you'll update your inertia mod? It's one of my favorites, thanks for your mods.

  • HAY Welcome Back !!!!

    Nice that you are active again.

    I love your mods and your work is much appreciated.

    Thank You!

  • will you be updating your mods to 3.5?, I use quite a few and really enjoy them but I haven't been able to get them working on the new version

    Thumbs Up 1
  • bro, why did you stop working on mods? Already released SPT 3.5.0

  • Could it be possible to Update the "AnyAmmoAnyMag" mod to 3.3.0. It did work on 2.2.1 but had a freezing problem if the ammo were loaded "too fast (faster than 0.25% of load speed)" into the mag. The any ammo function of "MISHMASH WEAPONS" mod doesn't work. Does it only works on TestingRange in hideout?!!! I looked at the both of the mod's codes, they were similar but I don't know how to write codes. maybe it would be much easier to use the code of one mod to make the other mod better.

  • Hi, May you please update the MishmashWeapons for 3.3.0? aquadesperate

  • Thank you for making EFT fun again . Peace :thumbup:

    Thumbs Up 5
  • just wanted to say, Hi; me, a random stranger and 30 year old Canadian male just wanted to stop by and tell you that i admire the shit out of you and lua for your creative intuitiveness and sticking around and always pumping out new and or upgraded mods constantly.. You(FIN), Lua and samswat are just laying down mods like they're 545 PRS

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi man ! Do you know how mak rig back to normal after unstalling you big rigs mod ?

  • Ay man, Love your mods. Most are must have. JET had a All in weapon type mod like you have here on aki and your ones great but I see you have a placeholder for any ammo any mag in any gun.

    Hope you add it as clodans any ammo any mag is outdated, many people have been asking for it in the thread. Would be great man.

  • Thank you so much for all you do.

  • hey fin. thx for all the great mods. i like to play tarkov a bit more ez. with weather and stuff item value bigger backpacks. but to balance the game i can always count on your mods. currently using the mods. hardcore mode (not all settings :P) auto balance lvls. big rigs. chocking hazard. ecomemy tweaks. eerie silance. fold everything again. in raid modding. limited inventories. and ofcourse fin ai tweaks.

    all these mods make for a harder tarkov while its more ez to play i thank you (and ofcourse all other modders like cwx big fan of him, nootropix, kiki and more for there mods but i used you the most so i post it here) also give my loves in discord but i have a diffrent name there :)