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Version 1.0.1
- Jehree
Just replace the mod.ts file in the src folder of your case with the updated one. No need to do all your setup steps again.
- Fixed issue where ctrl clicking loot to a case in the SecuredContainer, TacticalVest, and Backpack slot didn't work.
- Note: If your case can be equipped to multiple of these three slots, only the last one listed in your config will allow ctrl clicking.
Version 1.0.0 hotfix 2
- Jehree
- Corrected dependency keys in bundles.json so the armband model will show correctly in game.
- Updated documentation to better explain the bundle steps, including finding and adding dependency keys to the bundles.json.
Version 1.0.0 hotfix
- Jehree
- Fixed horizontal_cells and vertical_cells being reversed.
- Added project URL to the LICENSE.txt file.
Version 1.0.0
- Jehree
Hi guys,
Any update on losing the ArmBand on death ? I'm playing on 3.7 right now. On older versions, the mod worked perfectly (wasn't losing the ArmBand on death).
Is there a way to get my custom case go into special slot, without the help of an external mod also is there an easy way to use filters for multiple items like ammunition or grenades without having to type every id?
The mod is really nice and I'm sure I will create tons of new cases once I get around these couple of issues I'm not figuring out yet, thank you for your time and effort.
Jehree Author
Yes, check the example case config where it allows it into the armband slot. That's where you'd allow it into special slots.
And yes, you can use parent ids of items rather than listing them one by one.
Got the bullet filtering working with parent ids, thank you for that. I couldn't figure out which command would allow it into special slots, so either I couldn't crack that puzzle or then the src doesn't have special slots identified, either way I just use it from safe container for now.
My case also misses the little identification path like in other items when inspecting, e.g MS2000 Marker reads "Special equipment", dunno if thats intended or if I've messed around somewhere I wasn't supposed to.
Either way, thanks for the speedy reply, it's working well enough for my purposes as it is.
Normally you can't lose the ArmBand when you die. In your Arm Wrap With Storage example, unfortunately, you still lose the ArmBand. Is there a way to ensure that you do not lose the ArmBand with the contents when you die?
Jehree Author
If I die with the armband equipped, I don't lose it or anything stored inside it. Unsure why you would be losing things. Are you on 3.5.5?
I am on 3.5.5 and I lost my armband when i die...
Jehree Author
To be absolutely clear, you are losing it when it is equipped and you die?
Yes, i die and then i lose it like all other equiepments, when i get out and see my character, it wears nothing. And I am sure that on my server config, it has lostondeath setted as "ArmBand":false
Jehree Author
That is really weird. I've played with it quite a bit without losing it on death. I'll have to look into that.
Is there a way to make multiple slots like underneath eachother? Such as the look of the oakley bag? Like a two by two with a two by 2 under it?
Jehree Author
Currently no, that gets a little more complicated. I'd like to experiment with it in the future but this version doesn't support it.
How can I add multiple new cases ? Adding to the config seems to only load the last item on the list
Jehree Author
Currently you can only make 1 case per copy of the mod. Multiple cases in one mod is a planned feature that should be out soon though, other projects just keep taking priority haha.
You can always make multiple copies of the mod though, ofc.
I actually tried copying the mod, it seems to conflict for some reason with it's previous version (basically no matter what I do one of the two items ends up in the doge cube and the .bundle file doesn't seem to load :/)
Jehree Author
You definitely can have multiple as I currently do and it is working. You might just go back thru the Bundles tab on the modpage and see if you missed anything.
Hey I'm trying to use your mod to create useable battle belts, it works great, but I can't put my items in "quick use"
Is that a config thing I missed or if not, is it possible to have that added in the mod ?
Thanks in advance ;P
Jehree Author
You can only hotkey items from the case if you're putting it in your rig slot. From what I understand the slots are the ones that determine rules like that.
Hi there, I'm just wondering if it's possible to turn my case into a backpack? I have it working with it being a backpack and going into the backpack slot. But the only issue is that it can't be insured along with when trying to pick up loose loot it won't be able to go straight into the backpack (and when you ctrl + left click an item to switch inventory).
Jehree Author
Good catch, check the newest version
Edit: But even before the fix, I was able to insure the case just fine. What happens when you attempt to do that?
When I attempt to insure my backpack/case it gives you that "Item cannot be insured" error like with armbands. They were quite big backpacks that were quite expensive so when I died I lost them haha.
Jehree Author
Hmm. I was able to. Can you try again with this update and see if that is still the case?
Sorry about your lost items.
I tried again, unless there's a config setting for it or I did something wrong it doesn't let me insure it. Is it possible to allow loot to go straight into it when you pick up loose loot as well?
My appologies for not checking if the loose loot goes into your backpack. It now does, thank you so much!
just so you know.
are oppersite in the config
horizontal cell changed vertical and vertical changed horizontal
Jehree Author
Oh whoops, thank you I'll fix that in a bit and update
i get this error
...found it kkkkk , just reorder it, i put it in top of loaded mods
edit: dont givme any error but i think is not working bc the armband is not apearing in ragman stash...
Jehree Author
What other mods do you have installed? Any that are adding things to Ragman?
Yes , i have CNN containers i get one bc i received a gift by leveling up ...but dont shows me in ragman store to buy it ...other thing , it works as intended but the icon/image dont show..
Jehree Author
I'll have to do some testing to see if there's an incompatibility with that mod.
The issue with the icon is fixed with the most recent hotfix version
I'm receiving the exact same error. I don't have CNN containers. The mod is set to load last. I removed your "zCaseFramework" mod incase it was conflicting.
Mod list:
Link is down.
Jehree Author
Of course it is lol. Sorry, try again.