sp_construct 1.0.1

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gm_construct in Tarkov

sp_construct is a 1:1 port of gm_construct in Tarkov. It uses custom textures and assets.

Well optimized, has echo zones, etc.

Not compatible with any other map I made.

  • if you're wondering why the textures are weird, that's because all of them are TARKOV textures. I put them on by hand.

    Happy 1
  • Anyone else getting intense lag from this map? It could be me running a newer version of the game but I gotta know

  • Man, this don't work on 3.5.0
    Yup, I know, Its old version, but anyway

  • Hey MissingInAction,

    Would you be able to tell me what tools i would need to start working on converting my Source engine maps over to unity, I'm no stranger to Hammer as i have worked on a few maps before, is there any specific tools I would need? Im new to making SPT mods aside from unpacking .BUNDLE files to look at the internals and making changes to .js and .json files. Once i know what tools i need, i should be pretty much able to make my way from there.


    • here's just a complete guide, since it gets pretty confusing first time you do it:

      open the .bsp in blender with SourceIO installed. Take out any unnecessary parts (like lights, NPCs, etc.) then export as fbx.

      Put the fbx into the SDK (preferably in the example map since it has spawns which are hard to make) and select every part, then change the layer to lowpolycollider, then add the "mesh collider" and "ballistic collider" components (change the material and other properties if you need). copy every part, disable the mesh renderer, then change the layer to "transparentcollider".

      After that, you can add the textures. You can either use custom textures imported from the source game you're using or use my assets from the alpha. you should be able to change each individual material if you click the parent of every object in the fbx. and scroll down in the properties tab.

    • Thanks, Should have some maps coming down the pipeline soon, is there any way of getting around having only one custom map at the moment? would make it easier in the future when theres more custom maps to download. something like a custom maps framework that creates new map selectors like the SP Construct map within the selection screen automaticaly within a selected space, something you can just drag and drop the new map files into in the BepinEx folder and the framework does everything else automaticaly, there would need to be a limit on how many maps would be available on screen at one time due to the lack of space on the map screen.

    • maybe? I haven't messed around with that yet. you'd need to do some stuff with the server code and file/folder names, though.

  • i need help installing this cause im dumb tbh :)

    • install it like any other mod. drag bepinex and user into the root (the one with the tarkov exe) of spt

    • i did and it didnt work idk why



  • Do bots spawn on these maps from spawn mods? I loaded in and didn't see any

  • Now we only need de_dust2 so the saying of "If a game has custom maps, there will be a Dust 2" is proven true once again.

    • No. We can prove WarOwl wrong once and for all.

    • too late. its in the alpha, so im adding it.

  • how do you go about adding in custom maps, I would love to learn the steps and programs used to do so, so I can give it a shot.

    • its pretty advanced, and basically nobody knows how to do it yet. wait until i make some type of documentation

      Thumbs Up 1 Happy 1
  • does AI spawn on it?

  • how do you load into the map?

    • if installed correctly, should show on map
      i had to remove a different map to properly import the map
      try removing any other custom map you have (if you have one)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • install the mod and load into it like you would with any other map.

    • wait it has its own like location on the map or?

    • should

    • yep, its on the menu.

  • as i said from sp_flatgrass lol
    seeing these makes me wanna learn how to do this
    good job though, SPT dev community is a step closer to a bit of a breakthrough :)

    Thumbs Up 1
    • it's pretty simple if you know how to use things like hammer. thanks!

      Thumbs Up 1
    • "Simple" and "Hammer", pick one.

      All joking aside, this is pretty sick. Gj

  • What a time to be alive