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Red Dot Tweaker
Let's you adjust the color, size and brightness of red dot sights while in-game in real time via BepInEx config menu (F12 while in-game).
Extract file into your SPT directory, or make sure the RedDotTweaker.dll file is in BepInEx/Plugins.
This mod should be compatible with all future versions of SPT unless BSG changes something drastically.
Configuration is done with the BepInEx config menu (F12 while in-game). You can change brightness, scale and color as well as the keybinds for adjusting the reticle brightness.
The color and scale options will apply automatically, color changes all sights and cannot be tuned per-sight. If you don't want the original color to change, you can disable it in config and restart the game or into a new raid.
Known Issues
Whatever shader set up they're using for the reticles makes the RGB values behave in ways you might not expect. Blue is very dim. Lowering RGB values makes the reticle more transparent, Brightness compensates for it. If you set the scale too high it the reticle might hover outside the sight in some cases. Just BSG things.
Version 1.1.1
- Fontaine
Fontaine's Red Dot Tweaker v1.1.1 for SPT AKI 3.8.x (And Likely Future Versions Too).
Version 1.1.0
- Fontaine
Fontaine's Red Dot Tweaker v1.1.0 for SPT AKI 3.7.0 (And Likely Future Versions Too).
Version 1.0.2
- Fontaine
Fontaine's Red Dot Tweaker v1.0.2 for SPT AKI 3.5.8 and 3.6.0
- Fixed hands error/bug with PK-06, Walther and Kobra.
- Fixed brightness getting stuck when swapping between weapons while custom colors is disabled.
- Fixed color changing if custom colors is disabled if brightness is adjusted too low.
Version 1.0.1
- Fontaine
Fontaine's Red Dot Tweaker v1.0.1 for SPT AKI 3.5.8 - HOT FIX (I know, very rare from me)
- Fixed brightness breaking everything if not enabling color changes. You can now adjust brightness while keeping original color.
Version 1.0.0
- Fontaine
Fontaine Author
This mod should remain compatible with all future SPT versions unless BSG makes drastic changes.
Okay so for some Reason the Reticles don't have any glare for me (they look like just a red dot with no illumination, kinda like a sticker of sorts) and the brightness option doesnt work.
Neither running only this mod or with other mods gets this working, I am playing on medium graphics quality.
Color and Size Change works normally tho
Its that compatible withEFT SCOPE AND RED DOT SIGHT OVERHAUL BY GEFF HANNIGAN - Reupload 1.0.4?
In my case the dot colour turned to white and it wont change after tweaking with the colour bars (Version 3.9.8)
I installed it where it says to but it doesn't pop up in the f12 menu
Fontaine Author
Then you didn't install it where it says to or you're not using the right version of SPT
i followed the instruction now all my red dots are white but the menu doesn't appear
Fontaine Author
If everyone else except you can install it correctly I think the common denominator for the issues you're having is you
got it working only wanted to show up in a raid and not my fireingrange
Thank you for making this mod! I am a Chinese player and I want to ask may I repost your mod to our website? Of course I will indicate the source and your name.
Fontaine Author
Can confirm works on 3.9.1
Could you potentially add keybinds for increasing and decreasing reticle size like there is for brightness? Rather than it only being an F12 slider. I find that I like my holo reticles larger, but then my red dots are too large, so it would be nice to dynamically adjust them as needed.
does this work in the latest version of SPT i can't find it or aman's graphics or Borkel's realistic NVG's in my BepInEx menu
i'm sure i have them in plugins amand's doesn't have installation instructions anymore and borkel's was very unclear (i'm also incredibly new to modding manually)
Quick tip on manual modding, if you open the folder of, the mod you downloaded and it contains a .dll file that isn't in its own folder, that is a plugin which you put in BeplnEx. However if you see a folder, open it and if you see a .dll along with other files, that is also a plugin. While there are some plugins suck as SAIN, Fontaine's Realism, and Borkell's NVG's, these plugins also have a .dll file along with them in the folder that contained them both so they work together in the plugins folder. On the other hand, with mods there will be no .dll file and if you open up the folder you a file called package.json and more often than not a config folder or src folder.
You said that you were pretty sure you put them in plugins so can you send a screenshot of your plugins folders so I can check as I have those mods installed as well.
And yes, it does work with the current spt version. You can see the version (in this case 3.7.6) under the name of the mod and if your spt version shows up as 3.7.6 when you launch the server, you are good to go (the mod doesn't always have to be the same version as the one you are using, just check the comments if it isn't.)
That wasn't much of a quick tip lmao
@cqgamer that perfect.
Explained so there are no future mistakes.
For some reason, increasing and decreasing brightness is not working for me, not even after changing the keybinds for it when using your FOV fix mod
Fontaine Author
does it work by itself?
Yes, Removing the FOV fix, fixes the issue
i thought i was going crazy seems none of the options work when using fov fix
You're right, the only option that kinda works is the color changing option.
Fontaine Author
I'll try to look into this when I have time
are LPVOS included or just holos?
Fontaine Author
Only red dot sights and holos, optics are coded differently.
Is there anyway to make red dots black when using flashlights..ect?
Fontaine Author
No I don't think so
Read the private messages, please:)
Fontaine Author
I don't reply to DMs most of the time
The mod is cool. But I have one problem. On different sights the same brightness can be normal, and can give a strong glare. Is it normal or not?
Fontaine Author
Would it be possible to add a separate size setting for if the sight is on the front of your weapon so it's possible to see the eotech fully whether it's on the front or back?
Or maybe make an override that adjusts the reticle size depending on your fov so it's always the same no matter the distance of the optic?
Even if not I can adjust manually to get a similar effect still 10/10
Fontaine Author
Not feasible
how do you do this manually would love to try this out on my end
do you plan on adding different dots or changing the dots on sights in the future?
Fontaine Author
That probably wouldn't be feasible
got it thanks for anwsering
Noticing some jitter with the reticle and scope moreso with acogs. Thinking this might be a compatibility issue with Derps or the Acog Optic rework.
Fontaine Author
what's derps and what do you mean by jitter?
so few month later but sounds like this answers my question that is works with ACOG4LIFE.
Not sure on comment jitter but I get slight jitter sometimes with vanilla sights, specially the hybrid, anyway you the best FONTAINE gonna try this out
Sick, thanks for making this
Okay, I'll bite. Why does the first line of the file download state "
Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.0.1 for SPT AKI 3.5.8 - HOT FIX (I know, very rare from me)
". Isn't there another mod called "Fontaine's FOV Fix & Variable Optics" ??? - Fontaine's FOV Fix & Variable Optics Is this the same mod or something different? Thanks in advance.
Fontaine Author
Because I copy pasted the formatting from FOV Fix post and forgot to change title since it was 2 AM, I hope people had were able to figure it out and not get too upset about it
Sorry, wasn't upset, just inquiring. thanks for the explanation.
Awesome mod
You work faster than BSG, very cool.
i love you