Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Regarding SPT 3.9.X or higher
If you're a user:
I do not plan on actively playing SPT 3.9.X or higher, therefore I do not plan on updating my less-used mods.
If you're a modder:
Do not reupload my old mods, thank you. If you want to fix compatibility, please ping MusicManiac on SPT discord and I can add you to authors so you can update the mod if it requires an update.
This mod allows you to make negative effect of food and stim to be %-based (where it's not). Mostly I just need it for personal usage when prestiging Immunity with Prestige System Helper. For example, in base game Max Energy drink always gives you -1 Stress Resistance (aka it has 100% to proc). With this mod you can adjust globally all/some negative effects to have lower chance of triggering. So, for example, you could set config to 0.2 and it'd reduce all specified negative effects trigger chance by 20%, so Max Energy would have only 80% of giving you -1 in Stress Resistance.
Config is highly modular, meaning that you can add your own stims/food in there without any problem (for example, by default it comes with already pre-packed stim names from More Stim Injectors and Stims Galore )
Here's picture of Obdolbos with this mod config set to 0.2 (notice how what before was 25% became only 5% and what was guaranteed became 80%)
If you wanna be true homie or say thanks for time I've spent modding the game, feel free to send me a coffee on kofi
Version 1.4.0
- MusicManiac
Download zMusicManiac-NegativeEffectsChance.rar and extract it into /user/mods.
Version 1.3.0
- MusicManiac
Removed OG meldonin and OG Obdolbos, now they can be found in Stims Galore
Skill limits array now has all skills in it.
Added innate support for Stims Galore
Download zMusicManiac-NegativeEffectsChance.rar and extract it into /user/mods.
Delete old version of the mod if you had it.
Version 1.2.0
- MusicManiac
Added option to toggle OG Meldonin for all the damage reduction enjoyers.
If you were using older version and don't care for old Meldonin, you don't have to update, nothing else changed.
Download MusicManiac-NegativeEffectsChance.rar and extract it into /user/mods
Old configs are not compatible.
Version 1.1.0
- MusicManiac
Added toggle to revert Obdolbos to normal state.
Added non-linear scaling option for stims, read config.
Added skill limiters for some skills. If stims push your STR above 50, for example, you will stop earning STR exp (at least, from personal observations). You can limit max max buff some skills can have.
Download MusicManiac-NegativeEffectsChance.rar and extract it into /user/mods
Old configs are not compatible.
Version 1.0.0
- MusicManiac
Initial release
Download MusicManiac-NegativeEffectsChance.rar and extract it into /user/mods
Thank you so very much for this wonderful mod!
Lots of possible config :3
I'm not sure if I will use this but this is a great concept. Good job!~