Consumables Galore 1.2.0

Easily create your stims and foods in-game. Tool that comes pre-packed with some new and old stims and foods.



If you wanna be true homie or say thanks for time I've spent modding the game, feel free to send me a coffee on kofi


  • Version 1.2.0

    Renamed the mod to better accommodate new functionality (apparently you can use this framework to also mess with the food, which I didn't even think of before my good man Riisn sent me an archive with like 20 new stims and food/drinks)

    Added a bunch of stims and foods (thanks to Riisn)

    Renamed internal stims folder to items folder (which mean mods that use this as dependency will have to update a bit

    Added json checking, now if there's bad stim/food with broken json, it'll mod will just skip it and show error instead of failing to load.

    Installation: download MusicManiac-ConsumablesGalore and drop folder from it into your user/mods folder.

    DELETE previous mod install (MusicManiac-StimsGalore).

  • Version 1.1.0

    Version bump to 3.8.x

    Added some extra options for stims

    Installation: drop folder into your user/mods folder.

  • Version 1.0.1

    Fixed insanely high spawn % (was accidentally doing math twice)

    HOW did noone report this?

    Installation: drop folder into your user/mods folder.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • This is a long shot but is there a way to add to custom items value that will restore HP in hideout while using Realism Mod? I know that restoring HP in hideout is made somehow different.

    • No idea, Im not using realism so no clue how it works

  • am i losing my mind? everything except injectors cant be used in raid but have stats like (del 30) sec (duration 300) or w/e so it makes me think its suppose be in raid use but it says I can't

    • I have the same issue, I was unable to use the Bottle of Yadulin in-raid. I haven't tested the other items yet.
      I'm using Realism with med changes on, I'm not sure if that has an effect.

    • Probably realism med changes conflict.

  • How would I make a stim that heals blacked limbs? Do I just replace the effect with "Surgery"?

  • how do i change the stim visualized in the flea listing icon? I'm making a new stim and altough i set it to be "cloneOrigin": "5fca13ca637ee0341a484f46" (sj9) it always shows the adrenaline stim in the miniature of the flea and inventory. and once done and tested how can i link you the file?

    • No idea why its wrong bundle, haven't ever seen this problem before. Try deleting temp files in SPT launcher thingy.

    • I tried deleting both bepinex and user cache it doesn't do anything, if i click inspect it shows the sj9 stim, on flea and inventory, it shows adrenaline stim. idk, ill send the code.

    • your code works for me without problems, it shows sj9 skin on your stim

    • yeah it fixed it by itself, idk maybe the cache refreshed.

  • Great mod!
    Do you happen to know what "AbsoluteValue" does?

    • Not exactly sure what you referring to

    • In the stims config, in the Buffs section there is a field named: ""AbsoluteValue":" that can be set either to true or false.
      I was wondering if you would know what changing this value really does, as I cannot find any information on it, and my testing was inconclusive

    • dunno

    • From my limited knowledge messing around with the existing stims in global.json, the functionality is as follows:

      AbsoluteValue = true leads the relevant stat to be applied, predictably, as a raw number for the relevant stat. For instance, the eTG-Change stim has HP Regen as an absolute value of 6.5. This means 6.5 HP will be regenerated per second.

      AbsoluteValue = false leads the stat to be applied as a fraction of the maximum value for the player character. For instance, the M.U.L.E. has the Carry Weight stat with a value of 0.5, but is NOT an AbsoluteValue. This means that 0.5 of the player's current carry weight (that is, 50%) is added on top as the bonus. Changing the value to AbsoluteValue = true would change the bonus from 50% of your carry weight to a 0.5kg bonus, as that is the magnitude listed for that stat.

      Heart 1
  • Are you still looking for stims made by community? I have a few that are pretty balanced and somewhat interesting.

    Also, could it be possible to copy the animations and models of other medical items, like the morphine injector without transferring over the item's properties with the ability to add our own? Like the ability to heal limbs and so on with an injector would be S-tier!

    • Yes.

      No idea.

    • Is there any way of sending those over to you other than pasting them here in a code block? I really don't want to spam your comments here, because there's a good amount of 'em.

    • DM or comments. either is fine

    • Iirc you can make a stim that heals blacked limbs. Just add the heal effect to the stim but change the parent ID of said stim to the surgery one.

    • Quote

      Iirc you can make a stim that heals blacked limbs. Just add the heal effect to the stim but change the parent ID of said stim to the surgery one.

      I'm trying to use Destroyed Part on a cms clone origin but it does not work. Tbh I cannot use those items now, there is info that item cannot be used in raid.

  • hi, that a great mod , i have make my own stim , but i want to make only barter in terapist, sont just selling ,

    for now i removed from terapist so the only way i get it is from crafting..

    but is any way to add it in terapist but only barter ?


  • can you add this stim? it seams to no longer be in tarkov https://escapefromtarkov.fando…combat_stimulant_injector

    • Go into MusicManiac-StimsGalore > stims > SalNRG And replace the text with this

      You will get SJ15 but WITHOUT max stamina because I dont know the bufftype but I hope it's up to your like

    • No need to replace, can just make a new file

  • How would I make a stim to just remove contusion? I don't want to remove the buff from the stims that cause it, I wanted to make a new stim that could remove it if you had it. I didn't see in the globals.json anyhthing about remove contusion as a buff. Would I be able to make the stim with the buff of contusion and set the value to 0 for a duration of my want and this would remove the contusion effect?

    • I don't know, you can try

    • That did not work. The only way I was able to produce a stim that removed contusion was to use a clone ID of one that already contained that buff, but of course it wasn't long enough to convert the side effects of the cheetah so I had to lower the Cheetah down so it would. I wish I could just put the buff to remove contusion for a certain amount of time and it work properly.

  • Thank you! Been wanting a mod like this for awhile now.

  • Not sure if its shown or not but can I increase the amount of uses the Stims have??

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I use Kiki-MedTweaker and just deleted un-needed things from the code. Probably can include similar functionality in next update

    • Oh ok cool, its not a huge deal just a nice QOL thing that would be nice to have

    • Hey I created an account to answer this because I had the same question and figured it out. I know I'm super late but maybe you still want to change it.

      You have to change the HP resource for the stim being copied, the HP resource is set to 0 for combat stims so the MedTweaker doesn't work on them. For me I wanted to change the Obdolbos v13, which copies the normal Obdolbos. Open the JSON for the stim you want to edit from this mod and copy the cloneorigin ID near the top.

      Go to [Your SPT Folder]\Aki_Data\Server\database\templates and open items.JSON, ctrl+F and paste the ID from the modded stim, it should lead you to the stim that was copied. About 36 lines down from there will be "MaxHpResource": 0

      Just change the 0 to 2 or more and it should work. After I did that it was able to be edited by MedTweaker too, which is kinda useless now that I can figure out how to modify them myself. Anyways, hope this helps someone down the line, definitely download Notepad++ or something similar if you don't already have it, files like these suck to edit with the microsoft notepad.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • How do I take pain away? Whenever i have a stim that has "BuffType": "Pain" and set the "Value": 0, it still causes pain. how do I TAKE AWAY pain?

    • Remove the pain block from the stim?

  • I think two additions (that would be expensive and more expensive) should be a stim to replace a blackout limb with 1 hp and a second one that restores and then slowly heals. Both again costing a lot of money.

    Heart 1
  • This is SUPER awesome, I feel like I used to have a few mods way back in the alpha builds of SPT that added some cool albeit OP custom stims, this is the next evolution; love that you've added a detailed description of how to make your own or use it as a dependency...It's insanely cool to be able to have your cake AND eat it to by having custom stims and being able to make your own, great job w/ this mod :saint:

  • mf

    Thinking 1
  • Great job! Another great addition to the modding community!

    Thumbs Up 1