.300 Blackout Expansion BY CARL MAKES MODS 1.1.5

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
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.300 Blackout Expansion BY CARL MAKES MODS

All credit to the carl makes mods, Mighty_Condor and Pettan

You can buy all ammo and the ARBLACKOUT from Lv3 & Lv4 Skier.

ARBLACKOUT can shoot both .300 and 5.56 ammo. The mod is also compatible with ATLAS CUSTOM WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT

Installation: Download the .zip file, extract all, and add the folder "Carl-300 Blackout Expansion" to your user/mods/ folder in SPT.


  • Hello, I have a problem, I'm not entirely sure that this particular mod is to blame, but in the comments I found a person with a similar problem. After about 30 minutes of raiding, the game crashes, and in the error logs there are a couple of similar errors:

    "2024-11-05 22:04:35.715 +05:00||Error|assetBundle|Bundle "assets/content/weapons/flat/weapon_colt_m4a1_556x45_container.bundle" has dependency "assets/content/weapons/m4a1/weapon_colt_m4a1_556x45.animatorcontrollerdata.bundle" that was not found in manifest".

    I use about 50 mods at the same time, but I play with a friend through fika, he has an absolutely identical set of mods and his game does not crash, but in his error logs we saw absolutely the same as in my logs. I will also note that I completely translated the ST AR15 mod into another language, of course I doubt that this is the problem, but just in case it was worth mentioning. If necessary, I can later attach a full file with errors.

  • Is this considered an M4A1 for purposes of completing quests that require an M4A1?

    • According to a previous inquiry, you would need to find the quest under "EFT\Aki_Data\Server\database\templates", search for the quest name IE: "Worst Job in the World" and add the weapon's ID to the code of applicable weapons.

      "weapon": [
      Thumbs Up 1
  • What's the bullet drop on some of the ammo? If the Slam is part of your pack, I have a feeling that those bullets drop to the ground very fast after 100 meters.

    • I am not sure which bullets u tested, those sub-sonic bullets may have such issues… tbh, I didn’t put much time on testing, it would be great if anyone familiar with these bullets and wanna test and update it.

    • Hey, thanks for replying. Yes, I didn't write the right name. I meant the AAC .300 SLAP bullets. But you're right, it's the bullet velocity that is the issue. The bullet flies at slightly above 300 m/s. It would make sense that the bullet would drop off quick but the rate was unexpected. Suffice it to say, don't use it for "long range" shooting.

  • Sup bro, can u please add compat patch to Epic's All in One - here are few .300 BLK guns

    Also pls add ability to use ur ammo in 6l29 (5ac66c5d5acfc4001718d314) and circle 10 (5c0548ae0db834001966a3c2)

    • You probably need to update the compatible code in the Epic mod, not here…

    • and how's about vanilla mags?

    • About above stuffs, I’ll take a look in spt 4.0 update

  • I think your mods messes up the weapon mastery page, with any one of your mods, the page stops working.

  • Using this mod with realism. I’m noticing bots are spawning with weapons from this mod that are kitted out quite nicely. Is this due to the realism compatibility? I love the immersion

    • I don’t think it related with realism compatibility as it only changes the performance/ statistics of weapons and bullets. The spawning issue may caused by other mods you installed

  • Quick question. Is this an update of carl's first .300 blackout expansion, or his updated blackout expansion he remade after? I browsed though the files and couldn't really tell which this is based on that way.

    Regardless, thanks for updating!

  • Hello, is it possible to change the ammo firing speed in the mod?

    • u need to go to the item json file in the mod, then find the bfirerate and semi fire rate something like that, update it and save the json

    • Thanks

  • I'm getting this error with this mod:

    2024-05-05 15:53:44.075 -07:00||Error|assetBundle|Bundle "assets/content/weapons/arblk/weapon_colt_m4a1_556x45_container.bundle" has dependency "assets/content/weapons/m4a1/weapon_colt_m4a1_556x45.animatorcontrollerdata.bundle" that was not found in manifest

    • and this error for Star15:

      2024-05-05 15:53:44.075 -07:00||Error|assetBundle|Bundle "assets/content/weapons/flat/weapon_colt_m4a1_556x45_container.bundle" has dependency "assets/content/weapons/m4a1/weapon_colt_m4a1_556x45.animatorcontrollerdata.bundle" that was not found in manifest

    • sounds like mod conflict issue… could u try again by installing this mod only?

  • Is there a way to make the ammo weightless? As much as I want more variants of 300 Blk, I don't wanna be penalised for carrying hundreds of rounds as I'm using Server Value Modifier to increase how many rounds I can carry per stack

    • Code
      "ammo_300blk_iop_hv": {
          "clone": "5fbe3ffdf8b6a877a729ea82",
          "sptID": "4D4341544C41534745415406",
          "enable": true,
          "item": {
            "_props": {
            "Name": "",
            "ShortName": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Weight": 0.012,

      try changing it from here, see if it works

    • Yup, all the new ammo is weightless now. Thanks

  • Thanks for updating for 3.8.0. :thumbup: I always used this mod in the past as having just one gun using an entire caliber felt kinda silly. This mod and Carls Honey Badger mod fix that and add also more variety of rounds to play with.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • wish i knew how to make custom weapons, would be pumping them out, but holy shit figuring out how to add shit to this game is making me dumber or smarter. i can't tell.

  • Is there a way to change the name from "gyuokoutenhou MFG ARBLACKOUT Assault Rifle" to something else. I love the mod, but really dont like the weapon name.

    • Well, consider this is a mod port from Carl, I don’t think I have any right to change the asset name, all due respect to Carl.

      You may change the name you like from your side, thanks for understanding.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • After installing the mod go to user/mods/Carl-300 Blackout Expansion/database and open the GW_items.json file in a text editor.

      Scroll down until you see this section.

      "Name": "Gyoukoutenhou MFG. ARBLACKOUT Assault Rifle .300BLK",

      "ShortName": "ARBLACKOUT",

      "Description": "Enhanced version of the Colt AR-15 manufactured by Gyoukoutenhou Manufacturing out of Minneapolis, MN, USA for law enforcement and private security markets interested in utilizing the .300 Blackout cartridge but retaining compatibility with existing stock of 5.56x45 NATO rifles."

      You can freely change the text between the quote marks that I changed to red text to whatever you want. Don't touch anything else like the quote marks or commas, only what is shown red here.

      Thumbs Up 2
  • Awesome mod! Works great. I was curious if it would be possible to get the game to register the ARblackout or star-15 as an ar15 or m4 platform so they can be used with the quests that require those specific guns. (Peacekeeping mission) thanks!

    • Thx, it’s a good question, you probably have to edit the SPT data… it’s beyond the mod itself

    • go to EFT\Aki_Data\Server\database\templates, search quest name, such as "worst job in the world", then add weapons you want in the below area

      "weapon": [
      Happy 1
    • Thanks! This is Rad!

  • the fire rates are like 1000% for each, cant edit it config.

    • please send me a screenshot or video clip, i have not found the above issue yet...

    • its because i loaded it after realism or some other mod changing ammo values. i fixed it, thank you.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Whenever the 300 ar jams i cant clear the jam normally. Trying the normal way will just bug out my pmc and i do any actions or interact with anything. The only way ive cleared the jam is to do anything that switches/puts away the weapon... heating, mellee, weapon change etc. Once I bring the back up to a ready my pmc will auotmatically clear the jam. I've had this happen in the hideout and in raid.

    • that's quite weird, as the setting of this gun does not allow jam and overheating, so I am not sure what happened from your side...

      "AllowJam": false,
      "AllowOverheat" : false
    • might be a mod conflict tbh but its no biggie. a reload will cause a jam clear as well. i like the oh fuck of getting a jam and if i really wanted im sure i can just use the server setting manager to make jams not a thing. Thanks for the reply, ill probs test more when i decide to wipe my game. Gun and ammo are great!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Getting an error on the server page. This and the QHB and the Star 15 are saying no such file or directory.

    Full error:

    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'user/mods/Carl-300 Blackout Expansion/database/'

    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'user/mods/Carl-300 Blackout Expansion/database/'

    at Object.readdirSync (node:fs:1452:3)

    at Object.readdirSync (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1306:35)

    at VFS.getFiles (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\VFS.js)

    at ImporterUtil.loadRecursive (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\ImporterUtil.js)

    at Blackout.postDBLoad (C:\Users\Jacob\Desktop\SPT 7.0\user\mods\Carl-300 Blackout Expansion - 1.0.2 300blk\src\mod.js:34:38)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'user/mods/Carl-300 Blackout Expansion/database/'

    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'user/mods/Carl-300 Blackout Expansion/database/'

    at Object.readdirSync (node:fs:1452:3)

    at Object.readdirSync (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1306:35)

    at VFS.getFiles (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\VFS.js)

    at ImporterUtil.loadRecursive (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\ImporterUtil.js)

    at Blackout.postDBLoad (C:\Users\Jacob\Desktop\SPT 7.0\user\mods\Carl-300 Blackout Expansion - 1.0.2 300blk\src\mod.js:34:38)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

    • Same, didnt have any issues like this with these mods and 3.6. Now getting this same error with 3.7 and these two mods are the only mods giving me this issue

    • try delete the " - 1.0.2 300blk" in the folder name and see if it works.

      in other words, make sure the mod address is: user/mods/Carl-300 Blackout Expansion/database/ not user/mods/Carl-300 Blackout Expansion - 1.0.2 300blk/database/

    • i just removed the - 1.0.2 and it seems to not error now. Will try with the other mods as well

    • So my file just says "Carl-300 Blackout Expansion" in the user/mods section, so everyone else is clear on this.

  • I'm gonna be honest... Which .300 Rounds are better? (Besides Vanilla AP of course)

    • IOP HV - DMG 45/PEN 62/ARMORDMG 67


      CBJ SUB - DMG 63/PEN 44/ARMORDMG 58





      SSA SLAP - DMG 54/PEN 62/ARMORDMG 61

    • thanks man

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Need ver. for Realism

  • oh damn, thanks for bringing this back.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Do you have ammo stats at all?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • According to a comment on the original mod page, they should be:

      IOP HV - DMG 45/PEN 62/ARMORDMG 67


      CBJ SUB - DMG 63/PEN 44/ARMORDMG 58





      SSA SLAP - DMG 54/PEN 62/ARMORDMG 61

      Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • use ODT item info so you will have all the ammo info displayed at the name and more spec's at status , its very helpfull and does work with realism mod too .

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Oh by the way, multi-caliber weapons don't work out well with how bsg made the base weapon part of how recoil stats are balanced.

    You are better off splitting the calibers into their own guns and keeping the barrels(which is the same asset anyway) while changing their base stats.

    • haha, I never thought about this issue before... if splitting the calibers into 2 guns then the only problem left in the mod can be solved... but the thing is I really want to make this gun use multi-caliber by changing the barrel only lol

      I probably will make another version to remove the 5.56 caliber...