Realistic Lighting for EFT 1.0.1

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Elevate your Tarkov experience with enhanced lighting effects brought to you by way of Reshade and Amands graphics. Experience darker shadows, reduced 'fake' ambient lighting, removed interior fog, and much more

Built upon Reshade 5.8 and AmandsGraphics with weeks of tuning, adjustments, and testing the mod is finally ready to release to the public.

Enjoy EFT as it should be with no rusty orange overlay, no washed out colors, no fog inside every interior.

The aim of this mod is not to completely overhaul the look of EFT, but to improve what is already there. Designed first and foremost as a gameplay graphics enhancer and to deliver stunning visuals while not sacrificing FPS.

No in-game performance robbing Post FX is used.


Installation Instructions

(do not try to use this online)

Requires Reshade 5.8 and Amands Graphics.

1. Drop the file called Realistic Lighting for EFT-Tarkov-ReShadePreset into your SPT folder (the folder with the games exe in it.)

2. Put the folder called reshade-textures into your SPT folder.

3. Install Amands Graphics.

4. Install Reshade 5.8 This is important to use this version.

5. In the download there is a folder called BepinEx. it has the config file for Amands Graphics. Please install this LAST. If you dont, your game wont look like my screenshots.

6. Play game.


When installing Reshade select your eft.exe in your SPT folder and press next, then select Directx 10/11/12 on the next screen, press next. On the Select preset to install screen, the file called Realistic Lighting for EFT-Tarkov-ReShadePreset should auto-populate in the bottom text field if you followed step 1. If it doesnt browse to your SPT folder and select it.

In the select effects screen, make sure these effects are checked:

1.Standard Effects

2. SweetFX by

3. Color effects by prod80

Then click finish once its done doing its thing.


Effects that are included

Lumasharpen - It produces less aliasing artifacts with better performance.

prod80 filmgrain - Very light film grain effect. It's not my favorite effect but it does improve image quality in certain titles.

HDR (fakehdr.fx) - Without having the rendering information prior to processing, this as close to HDR as you can get.

prod80 colorbalance - A lot of tuning was done here on highlights, shadows and texture color. This is probably the most intensive adjustments made. I spent raid after raid procuring this setting.



(first shot is plain EFT, second shot is with the mod on. All shots were taken with CWX weather to ensure a sunny day. Not all screenshots are taken at the same time of day.)


Vanilla EFT Customs


With mod Customs


Vanilla EFT Factory


With mod Factory


Vanilla Factory Night


With mod Factory Night


Vanilla EFT Interchange


With mod Interchange


Vanilla EFT LABS


With mod LABS


Vanilla EFT Lighthouse


With mod Lighthouse


Vanilla EFT Streets


With mod Streets


Vanilla EFT Streets


With mod Streets


Vanilla EFT Woods


With mod Woods


Vanilla EFT Reserve


With mod Reserve


Vanilla EFT Shoreline


With mod Shoreline

  • Version 1.0.1

    Whats new:

    Adjusted Lighthouse lighting, contrast, and shadow hue.

    Slightly lightened Factory lighting.

    Added Lighthouse and Factory screenshot comparisons.

    please see install instructions. if youre updating, just drag archive contents into your SPT folder, yes to overwrite when asked.

    1. once youve downloaded the mod put the folder called reshade-textures into your SPT folder

    2. put the file called Realistic Lighting for EFT reshade preset into your SPT folder. DO NOT install the BepinEx folder yet.

    3. install amands graphics

    4. install reshade 5.8

    5. lastly install bepinex folder from this mods download file. overwrite when prompted.

  • it's working for 3.8.0? anybody tested ?

  • My eyes cry from beauty, my gpu cries from pain, my wallet cries for my need for crisp 4k visuals.

  • Hey I might just be dumb but when Launching my game goes completly black and I am unable to see anything. I have no Idea what I could do to fix this. sorry to bother you

  • не могу найти требуемый Вами Изменение шейда 5.8((( как быть?

    • Theres install instructions on overview page.

      Do step 1-5 no exceptions.

    • я был-бы счастлив, если бы мог, но там буквально НЕ РАБОТАЕТ вот эта ссылка (…hade_Setup_5.8.0.exe/file) как-же я выполню все шаги без исключений?

    • what do you mean the link doesn't work?

      Does it not take you to download page on media fire


      Is the download broken?

      I'm away from my home/computer so I can't test on my end, for now.

    • сама страница не открывается, где мы обычно ставим галочку перед тем как переходить на страницу загрузки.

    • I can send you a pm with the link

  • Simply Beautiful, 100% recommend. :thumbup:

    Thumbs Up 1
  • In the instructions you indicate a folder called "reshade-textures"; in the download there is a folder named "reshade-shaders' and a folder within that , named "Textures"; which is "reshade-textures".

  • Hello, I wanted to ask - I installed your mod, everything works fine - but how can I disable screenshots in ReShadePreset when I click on Home in the settings, otherwise screenshots are taken in the folder \Documents\Escape from Tarkov\Screenshots and + screenshots from ReShadePreset.

    • you'll have to open the reshade GUI and change the hotkey that opens the GUI.

  • VERY VERY GOOD OO YEAAH! WOOOWW!! 🤷‍♂️👹👹🤣✅🙌🤞😎😎

    Happy 1

    Thumbs Up 1
  • In most of the screenshots,

    pictures of the connected addresses are pictures of the interchange.

    Both interchange picture are vanilla pictures too.

    //Thank you for trying making this mod.

    • weird idk why its doing that.

      the image previews arent the same screenshot.

  • Can't find the 'game exe folder' in my SPT folder, did I download something wrong while downloading SPT or does it have a different name? :?:

    • your spt folder and the game exe folder are the same folder friend.

      look for the game's .exe file (inside your SPT folder) and select that when installing reshade

  • Any plans to make a version with iMMERSE Pro (RTGI/Regrade/Clarity) ? 👀 I can give you the files

  • im following exactly how your instructions are but uh,..wont base eft detect reshade because your instructions say to select eft.exe in spt folder.

    • if you installed SPT correctly and this mod as the instructions say, there is no worry. Battleye is not present in SPT.

    • ye i took a chance lol, its amazing

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Was hoping to try this out but I am getting the Google drive message "Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist." when trying to download.

    • updated link...should be good to download now

      my fault i was deleting stuff to make room on G Drive and mustve deleted this too.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yes it is working now. Thanks for fixing it so quick.

      Thumbs Up 1


    • on the overview page look for 'Installation Instructions'

      dont use 5.9 use 5.8

      Thumbs Up 1
    • o'k thanks

  • Is it possible to include all third-party programs in the mod distribution? It would be convenient for users...

    • i'll see how its done and if i can, ill update the mod asap with the request added.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • i downloaded the reshade from yesterday, how do I update it?

    • drag and drop archive into SPT folder overwrite when asked.

  • Just wanna say,I really liked the way this looks but it caused my game to freeze on lighthouse roughly 20 seconds in raid. Uninstalled and issue went away.

    • I second this, I can't even load in, it loads fine without reshade

      edit: (I cant even load into specifically LIGHTHOUSE raids)

    • My game freezes while I'm still in the hideout.

    • weird. that didnt happen on my end. are you using any other mods? i tested on a plain spt profile

    • fixed the issue. use reshade 5.8…hade_Setup_5.8.0.exe/file

      double click the downloaded file and install as the instructions say on the main page, this time click modify during the install.

    • Will test tomorrow and let you know, and yes i am running mods, though i just know that once i uninstalled Reshade 5.9 i could run lighthouse again. Will let you know the results.

  • This mod adds a rusty orange overlay, not removes the one the game already has?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • do you have a link to a screenshot?

      does your game look like my screenshots? if it doesnt then something was installed incorrectly.

      same instructions to @Grish98

      make sure you install the folder that is called BepinEx (with the download) last. install is AFTER you install Amands Graphics.

      Thinking 1
    • I fixed the problem by opening ReShade's menu and disabling one of the items, I don't currently remember which one... But it got rid of the hue, and made it look EXACTLY like the screenshots!

      Thumbs Up 1