Fin's Economy Tweaks 3.6.0a

Do you dislike how fancy guns are the most valuable things to bring back from a raid? -Want to be encouraged to scavenge, instead? Here ya go.

This mod lowers the price at which you can sell guns, gun parts, and armor to traders. To accomplish this, mechanic also no longer buys weapons.

In addition, the value of all barter items with a base value of less than 50000 has been increased, so that there are fewer totally worthless barter items.

  • Version 3.6.0a


  • Version 3.6.0

    Version 3.6.0 for AKI 3.1.x

    • Compatibility update for AKI 3.1.x
  • Version 3.5.0

    Version 3.5.0 for AKI 3.0.x

    3.5.0 - (June 26, 2022)

    • Updated to work with AKI 3.0.x
  • Version 3.4.0

    Just a package file update for 2.x.x compatibilty

  • Version 3.3.0a

    Version 3.3.0a for AKI 2.2.x


    • Small but important bugfix for mechanic


    • Compatibility changes for 2.2.x
  • Version 3.2

    Compatibility update for AKI 2.1.X

  • Version 3.1.1

    Economy Tweaks 3.0, for AKI 2.0.0


    • Disabling the flea market actually works now. ...I promise.
      • The AIO mod can still potentially override this, if it loads after


    • Disabling the flea market no longer completely disables the flea market. -It now only disables dynamic offers, and allows you to continue using the flea market to browse the NPC trader's items.


    • No big changes, just a few small alterations to accommodate altered trader behaviour in AKI 2.0.0
      • The prices they bought goods for when using this mod were far, far too low with the new changes, and have been raised back to where they were with previous versions of AKI and this mod.
  • Version 2.4

    Version 2.4 for AKI 1.5.1

    • Price multipliers for several categories of items added to the config, and disabled by default.
      • This was accidentally included and enabled by default and also non-configurable in the previous version
  • Version 2.3


    -If guns are set to sell for less, Fence will now purchase all items from you at a lower rate.

    Update 2.3: Added a separate price modifier for dogtags

    Update 2.2, July 6th: Should now be compatible with the changes made in AKI 1.5.x

    -Added a new option (Disabled by default) that does several things, with the goal of diversifying EFT's economy by both separating profit made from selling weapons from other types of profit (ie. Money made from selling weapons can't be used to buy meds, ammo, armor, cases, etc., and vice-versa), and encouraging the sale of weapons, instead of hoarding them forever (Because selling weapons and their mods is the only way to buy new weapon mods, sights, etc.):

    • Removes all weapon mods from other traders and gives them to Mechanic
      • This includes weapon magazines
    • All mechanic's prices are now in euros, and are very high
    • Mechanic will only buy things from the player in exchange for euros
    • Mechanic will only buy weapons and weapon parts
    • Therapist now buys all barter items

    -Added another option to disable the flea market. It's highly recommended to use the two options together, if the first option interests you.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • love this mod.

    one little suggestion:

    when generate itemList and prices for "mechanic_trades_in_euros_and_sells_all_weapon_mods" option, item prices for peacekeeper's item should be calculate separetely, because the original prices is us dollar.

  • I'm trying to figure out how to make traders weapon prices go up. Using this mod I can up the "all other items" cost modifier to achieve this but it obviously makes other items cost more too.

    Is there a relatively simple way to add specific weapons or weapon classes to the modifiers that are used in this mod to raise prices of certain types of items? I'd ideally like to do it by specific weapons but classes of weapons would be good too. Any help here would be appreciated!

    • You'd need to do a bit of work to get that happening. -But assuming you have a bit of JS knowledge, it's possible.

      The way that part of the mod works is by passing an item ID to the function getItemType().

      getItemType() then passes the ID through an if statement, and that statement decides what type of thing the item is. This is then returned to the increasePrices() function, which checks that type, and then assigns it the relative value held in the config.

      The easiest way to make it do what you want is probably to have getItemType() return the item ID as its 'type' if it doesn't match another category, and then have increasePrices() check the config to see if that ID is present in the config.. For instance, if it can find config.56dff3afd2720bba668b4567, then it checks what that config value is set to and uses that as a multiplier instead.

      That would let you set multipliers for individual weapons. You could also add a check in getItemType() to see if the item's ._props.weapUseType is 'primary' or 'secondary', and then create a category in the config and in increasePrices() for that.

      Thanks 1
  • Having an issue on version 3.3.0, the game sends an error every time you open mechanic. Below is error msg :) Thanks for lightning quick updates!

    • Oops, looks like I left in a reference to a 2.1.x value. Fixed now.

      Thanks 1
    • this error also appears when using this mod in conjunction with Lirkanas Plate Carrier mod ported for 2.2.0 by kobra.

      opening peacekeepers inventory throws an error identical to this one

  • I can see the sale items of the AIPMC even though I turned on the 3.1 version market unavailable. I wanted to show only the items sold by the NPC trader and I figured disables dynamic offers would make the AI PMC's items invisible, but isn't it? Or am I doing something wrong?

    • Oops.

      This error is because I forgot to add one single character, and was changing 'dynamic.enable', instead of 'dynamic.enabled'.

      Fixed now.

    • thank you!

  • Does this mod affect flea market prices as well, or can I download a separate mod to fix flea prices?

    • It does not, no. It contains an option to disable the flea market, but at the moment it doesn't change the flea market prices.

  • I have noticed a couple of issues:
    All Therapist med items have a straight 0 added to them, for example Painkillers that normally cost 4104, now cost 41040. AI-2 that normally costs 3510 is now 35100. Car Medkit 6237 = 62370, etc.

    The other minor thing is when selling a weapon to mechanic, if you remove any mods from said weapon, the price doesn't reflect the value of the de-modded weapon. (unless you close and open mechanics trade menu again to refresh or "recalculate")

    Thanks for all the great work you do Fin! You're greatly appreciated!

    • Oh, oops. -Therapist having increased prices (You'll also notice body armor is 5x more expensive, as is ammo) was a personal change I hadn't meant to upload. -I've made a couple quick modifications, and those multipliers are now config options that are disabled by default.

      As for Trader prices not updating when you remove parts from an item, that's a purely visual bug. It happens on live as well, but if you actually sell the thing you'll get paid the appropriate amount for the item, not the displayed amount.

    • Absolutely fantastic, thanks for the quick fix!

      I must say, although it wasn't intended to be included in the mod, those multipliers are exactly the type of change I wanted, so thanks again!

  • nice mod! does the price modifier also influence the prices of dog-tags? i've been getting enormous ammounts of money for them

    • It does not, but since I have something like that in a personal mod, I can just port it over.

      Check back in about ten minutes, and the updated version will have that added in.

  • update please :(

    • I believe it should still be working in 1.5.x. -I've been able to use it, at least!

      I'll do a double check to be sure, but if you're having a specific error, please let me know : )

    • check support thread

      Fin's Economy Tweaks

      i dont know why, all functions works but prices of the barters still normal, for example, I set the modifier to 1, but the prices for matches, tape measure and nails did not change, although as I understood they should have become equal to 50k

    • now works good, but some items now overpriced xd


  • Hello, I'm trying to modify your mod to my personal preference (not to upload later) because i want to make every item in game sell for less, i see in your code you check item type by "barter", and I can't find what other item types the game recognizes, i thought i could ask you since you're the author.

    • Oh, okay, i did a genius move and simply wrote all remaining traders under the pricegroup part of code where discount is configured in the gunssellforless function and that did what i wanted. realized that i didn't need the mod for that, as i could just set the discount in the aki's server data for each trader individually. at first my idea was to instead replace the if (path[3] == "barter") to if (path[2] == "items") in raiselowvalbarterprices function but i never tested it because that's when i had the brilliant idea that all i needed is discount. Thanks for the mod, i would have a much harder time figuring this out without your code.