Mouse Penalty Fix 1.0.2

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Mouse sensitivity is sacred

If you hate Nikita fucking you over depending on what gear you have, this fixes it.

Configurable in config.json

removes mouse sensitivity penalty (on by default)

removes movement speed penalty (on by default)

removes weapon ergo penalty (on by default)

Also check out no-mouse-sensitivity-penalty-in-raid to remove sprinting mouse penalty etc.

  • How to install?

  • working for 3.7.0 ?

    Thinking 1
  • Any difference between this and the option in SVM to remove gear penalties?

    • Not familiar with that mod, can't say for sure.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • There are no mod files. Failed to download. And the mod is good...

    Especially regarding mouse sensitivity.

    • download 1.0.1 version

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you! Downloaded!) Just yesterday I cursed for changing the sensitivity of the mouse! And here your mod comes in handy!