Tactical Gear Component 1.2.1

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Adds a lot more unique gear and attachments for Escape From Tarkov


Before posting your error code IN SUPPORT THREAD, read the overview and FAQ carefully. Thank you!

I do have a Ko-Fi

  • Version 1.2.1

    • Fixed new flashlight model not turning on (sorryyyyy hummm )
    • Added AR-15 DD Magazine FDE version
    • Increased brightness slightly for the FDE MULE belt
  • Version 1.2.0


    • Fixed original clothing items getting replaced by TGC clothing
    • Changed model for the offset mounted RIS flashlight (SureFire P1RZ-IB-DF) to use the same asset as Surefire M640U-BK-PRO. It uses the same ID so it's safe to upgrade
    • Added handguards to more filters and also conflicting items
    • Added rail covers to more handguards
    • Adjusted price for some items
    • Adjusted stats for some items
    • Fixed some faulty default presets
  • Version 1.1.9

    • Revamped MODXII helmets. Now takes more attachments and headphones are not static mesh anymore. Use the helmet like every other helmet in the game. MODX v1 is still the same though. Planning on removing that helmet because it doesn't hold the detailed standard I envision this mod to hold.
    • Changed the M700 short barrel to not extend the weapon icon like it was a long barrel
    • Added M16 handguards to not fit onto Mutant rifle / SR-25 / R11. Because it was not intended and looks goofy.


    Remember to clear the icon cache in launcher to have the TGC items icons refreshed (new icon for MODXII and M700 barrel). The next version will be updating ALL bundles for every item to the new Unity version. This is hard work so keep that in mind if updates take a while from now on.

  • Version 1.1.8

    Fixed clothing so they show up in Painter's services tab. If you don't care about the clothing, don't download this release.

    Edit: It seems like people like clothing... Go check out Artem trader for more clothing pepeclown

  • Version 1.1.7

    Updated for SPT 3.10

    • New handstop MLOK foregrip (FDE, Black)
    • New SLR Sights Riser
    • New ACRO Sights Riser
    • New AR-15 Split handguard
    • Updated all items to use MONGOID

    Realism patch is not included. If you want it, please DM me on the hub with your realism patch and I will probably include it, if the balancing is good.

    Trader services for buying TGC clothing from Painter are unavailable in this version. I will come up with something soon.

  • Version 1.1.6

    • Added AR-15 Magpul MOE Carbine stock (Modded)
    • Added new AR-15 TGC handguard
    • Nerfed ergonomics on Vertical Grip to 5 from 7 because some users complained it was best in slot
    • Texture/material rework for AR-15 Wrapped silencer, all rail covers, DD Magazine, etc
    • Decreased pricing a lot for CGPC3 TQS vests
    • Added new version of M16 Stock

    This release comes with a Realism patch. Only install the SPT-Realism folder if you run the mod Realism.

    Video | Magpul Stock

    Video | TGC Handguard

  • Version 1.1.5

    • Increased Mystery Ranch NICE COMM 3 backpacks to have 5x7 space inside them (from 5x5)
    • Increased pricing of BackPanel v2
    • Decreased space inside BackPanel v1 (now 4x5)
    • Increased pricing of Ghost Mask from 120,000 to 145,000
    • Updated textures of AR-15 short barrel and ultra short barrel
    • Updated textures of M16 modern handguard (black version)
    • Added FDE tape for the reversed MOD3 foregrip
    • Fixed Daniel Defense magazine and Magpul kitted magazine not accepting .300 Blackout CBJ
    • Removed transparent magazine for now. Read more below.

    So.. I had to remove the transparent 5.56 magazine. It caused game crashes and other problems. This makes it important to clear any mention of this id in your profile.json: 668aaaeb9af267a137cc379b , take a backup of your profile before making any changes. If you know you don't have this magazine in your stash or in any saved weapon preset, you can install this TGC version as normally.

    This release comes with a Realism patch. Only install the SPT-Realism folder if you run the mod Realism. Install into user/mods.

  • Version 1.1.4


    • Balanced barter for 6 ARC ammo.
    • Updated SIG Tango scope materials and made the two reticles much brighter.
    • Updated M16 handguard with new texture and added more customization options.
    • Updated transparent 5.56 magazine, it now looks better and also added some details inside the magazine.
    • Added a config file for error that could occur when using "remove secure container filters". Set the value of "PouchesInSecureContainer" in TGC config file to false if you use this option in SVM and get Filter error. If you're not, leave it at default.


    • Added reversed BCM GUNFIGHTER MOD 3 vertical foregrip.
    • Added reversed BCM GUNFIGHTER MOD 3 vertical foregrip (blue tape).
    • Added new black urban camo for CGPC3 TQS vest.
    • Added Harris TGC Bipod.

    Install MoxoPixel-TacticalGearComponent into user/mods, The SPT-Realism folder is only for Realism mod users.

    This release is for SPT 3.9+

  • Version 1.1.3

    HOTFIX for you who use the TGC Realism patch: download this and replace MoxoPixel-TacticalGearComponent.json inside SPT-Realism/db/put_new_stuff_here. I forgot to update one ID for transparent 5.56 magazine.

    • Added the Realism compatibility patch back (Thanks Senara)
    • Changed how filters for some pouches are applied to secure containers
    • Added a black variant of the Wilcox tactical device
    • Magpul 5.56/7.62 kitted magazine now has 30 cartridges again like intended and changed ergo from -3 to -2

    Only for SPT 3.9+

    Do not drag and drop the SPT-Realism folder into user/mods if you don't run Realism

  • Version 1.1.2

    • Added new ammo, 6mm ARC, used in AR-15 platforms
    • Updated all AR-15 magazines to include this ammo
    • Made sure First Aid Pouch and Ammo Pouch could fit into secured containers without using SVM
    • Balanced unlock loyalty levels for some items

    This release is only for SPT 3.9+

  • Why can't I use the m4a1 gas block together with the m16 daniel defense handguard?Together, they look more like the m16a4, which I would like to run with

  • Ive had to remove this mod from my mod list due to issues with bots, when using SWAG bots are spanned without bodies and invisible due to spawning with your armor and weapon mods, if there is a way to stop them from spawning them with them i would be happy to hear it

  • Hi is there a way to remove the bastion transparent from the mod?

    • Delete the item from any saved presets and in your stash. Remove the code for it in TGCitems.json and in assort.json (assorts _tpl value is the same as item's id in TGCitems.json, then the assort items id is unique for that item. You then have to delete three entries in total in assort.json where that id for the _tpl is mentioned). Good luck, have fun!

    • Yes I also learned from Spt discord that I can blacklist it with APBS.. :) For anyone else.. Thanks for you mod btw love it...

      Heart 1
  • Hello, for some reason the MCU-2/P protective mask does not have assets, so i get the Doge dog cube from Painter. I redownloaded TGC and Painter and still no luck

    • for me this works intermittently. it's the only asset in TCG/painter that does this, not sure why, rest of the mod works great and is cool

  • Hi! Thanks for the mod. Is there a way to disable "secure container" feature of the belts?

    • I don't know if this mod has that functionality, I don't think it does, but there's another mod which adds a bunch more item cases and belts and that mod has a config option to make the armband slot not a secure slot.

      WTT - Pack 'n' Strap

      I recommend using the belts from Pack n Strap if you want to make them not a secure container, though, 'cause the belts from it are priced to be disposable, while the belts from TGC aren't. At least not in 1.1.9, maybe they're cheaper now.

  • Hello, all your mods seem great to me. But I have an idea that I think would be more immersive regarding the battlebelts.

    As it is known, the bosses in the game have bigger pockets, and the different versions of the game change the pockets. Would it be possible in some way for the battlebelts to modify the character's pockets instead of being a new container?

    • ya that would be awesome! i love the battlebelts but i dont use them very often cuz when i reload the mags will go in there sometimes (and i loose my mind thinking i lost my mag) but having expanded pockets would be really cool

    • I agree, in an ideal world it would have its own slot and be added to the regular inventory spread instead of you having to open it separately. That might be unfeasible, though. The inventory might be super weird to work with and hard to change/add to.

      I, too, have thought I lost mags before, only to later find it in my belt.

      In an ideal world you would also be able to equip a fannypack or dangler (from Pack N Strap) and a belt (without using one of the two in place of a real chestrig), 'cause they compliment each other pretty well (most of the time). Packmaxxing.

  • Do you have any plans to add a black version of the Shapeshifter Helmet & Mask?

  • can you make rails for the carbine handguard and m4 carry handle?

  • I ran into an issue where disabling certain items in modTGC_items.json causes infinite loading on start up. I know it's a super niche issue but I like to disable certain items just to keep them out of bot inventories (and for balance).

  • heya! just wanted to say i love this mod, particularly the reversed bcm grip combined with weapon customizer- i was using it in a test run to imitate a mag hold on an ak.

    i was wondering if you were willing to make a separate file/mod without the mesh or texture of the grip (not familiar with modding spt, but assuming you could make it invisible yet keep stats/the outline when hovering over it on the gun for the m-lok and picatinny grips). the only issue with doing so would be the world model positioning in the main menu/clothing, with the thumb clipping the mag, but i dont mind it personally since im not seeing that too often

    thanks for making the mod either way!

  • Probably my favorite mod! being a gear wh*re myself. Some suggestions for future add-ons that I know theres digital assets out there. NGAL, Eotech OGL, dead air sandman for the muzzle device.

    Heart 1
    • Oh yes NGAL for sure, pls pls pls

      Happy 1
    • Thank you! Unfortunately I will not add more assets until Unity 2022 update is implemented in SPT. Also we need the SDK to be updated for the new Unity version. This whole thing is a huge time waste (but necessary) for us who make content like this because it will require us to re-export every asset we released before. I would had loved to not having to do this and add more content instead :kekw:

    • yikes thanks for the reply though!

  • Idk whats happening but I am getting random pixel images at the beginning when music starts and this pixel image is full screen I can't see nothing. I tried changing the order of mods, putting Painter at first but doesn't work. This issue started when installing this mod. Painter mod works fine alone.

    • I'm not sure what you looking at. Never heard this before. Maybe you installed it wrong?

    • I fixed it! this error is from reshade mod, but for whatever reason it started happening after installing your mod. It is fixed now. Thanks! Your mods works fine for me :)

  • While I love everything else the mod has to offer, personally I'd like to have an option to retain the original clothing.

    With the modded hoodie, armbands are barely visible and I can't quite figure out which files to edit to remove the reskin.

    Is it at all possible for the clothing changes to be a config option?

    • Its a bug right now. Will release a version soon with this fixed.

    • I see, thanks for the info.

      Godspeed :thumbup:

    • It is fixed in latest version now :)

      Heart 1
    • Wonderful, thank you!

  • i think the M16 20" barrel should increase size by +4 like the vanilla AR-15 20" barrel, instead of +3

    love your mod :D

    • Does the icon look weird? I will not update more until the Unity version upgrade is implemented for next SPT release. Thank you!

    • just makes the weapon look smaller nothing crazy

      Thumbs Up 1
  • MODXII is being weird with all headsets except the EXFIL ones. The EXFIL ComTacs go in the first Gear slot and are displayed correctly. Every other headset can only go in the second Gear slot and appear heavily offset. Also, you can double up on headsets, with EXFILs in the first slot and the RAC in the second. It's a shame, because the model looks great, especially when the headsets fit right.

  • Could it be possible also to add support for rail covers for the M60? ^^

    • I will put a hold on adding/changing features for a while. Need to re-export all my models because of Unity version upgrade next SPT release.

    • Understandable! I forgot about the whole unity change for the next SPT. I can wait in the meantime.

  • I love your mod. Its amazing. Adds lots of good gear.

    Now me and my mate have been playing with the mod FIKA and have used your mods since like forever. Dont know why but we've started to notice that all the flashlights and lasers that comes from this mod does not show up on the other players screen.
    What I mean is the light/laser, not the weapon attachment itself, they are visible on the weapons.

    Weird part is that they did show when we installed it last patch etc. But now its a no show.

    This is the last mod we added to our game (and ofc the required mods).

    Any solutions or tips would be apricated and sorry for the wall of text.

    • Is this still a problem? But like I mention in the FAQ, I do not offer support for FIKA related stuff. But anyway, I have no idea what is causing it. We use a script for flashlights in the SDK that should work like any other flashlight in the game. So idk know why this is happening on synced clients.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Newest update spams with this in console:

    [OOB] Для предмета: 6782a4050c88d822601f65e5; Сообщение об ошибке: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fill')
    Unable to find container: 6613bb72b5b0ba138a0fab07 row line: 78
  • The FAST Ear protection when on the MODXII is offset


    Crying 1
    • You have to use the Team Wendy EXFIL Ear Covers. I will add a conflict in the database for Opscore ear protection. It doesn't fit if we want to have the attached headphones on this helmet.

    • Gottcha, thanks

  • Hey, I think I found a bug with one of the pieces of clothing; I just updated the mod, and the hoodie added by Painter now replaces the USEC urban responder hoodie. Whenever I equip one it also equips the other. I can attach screenshots of the issue if you need.

    • Yes it's a problem with SPT 3.10+ I don't know how to fix it or if it's even possible tbh. Thanks for the report though.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • The woodland infiltrator clothing is bugged on mine. Which is a shame because that's my go to. Got replaced by the M90 camo and a black top.

    • Re-installed older version of this mod and the clothing is all fixed and operates as normal. So its definitely something in this update

    • Copy the "clothes" folder from (user\mods\MoxoPixel-TacticalGearComponent\bundles) in TGC 1.7.7 and overwrite folder from latest update.

      Copy lines 359 - 375 in TGC 1.7.7's "mod.ts" json and paste them over lines 342-358 in TGC 1.1.9's "mod.ts" json file.

      This seemingly repaired all clothing for me. I don't use a lot of the clothes but everything seems to be "normal" again.

      Thumbs Up 3
    • thanks for the info, ill give that a shot

  • Just wanted to Give kudos, Still one of my top Mods, epic attention to detail. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. cant wait to see what else you add....

    Heart 1
    • Thank you! Helps more than you think!

  • Not sure if this is a bug but I had the MULE belt on my armband and when I died, obviously it was still on my arm when I went back to the stash. However, I got it back also when insurance returned :P So now I got a free copy of my belt.

    • The belt should function just like WARTECH TV-109 + TV-106 chest rig because I clone that item and its properties for the belt.

    • well I'm just saying that I didn't lose it when I died and then I got it back in insurance too :P

    • I just don't see why it's happening but I believe you. Maybe it's from using something in SVM or other similar mod?

    • maybe. I thought it was from your mod since it is placed in the armband slot but oh well...I don't mind having extra belts :P lol

      I have bag-ception going on now. I have my one MULE and inside it I have 4 more MULE belts :P LOL

      Happy 1
    • I have this happen as well, not everytime, but occasionally it happens. I dont use svm either.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I cant figure out how to to change certain things in the files like changing the extrasizeleft, Did 3.10 make that more confusing or did you just change how things were formatted?

    Im trying to make the 15 in m700 barrel not extend the gun, And the honey badger stock shorter, But it keeps saying to fix the j.son

    I had no issues before 3.10, any advice?

  • I have now got the trader Painter to highest level(rank) and some of the items looks like they can be stacked on top of eachother (the info almost says so to) but I cant figure out how, if this is possible ?
    (Refering to "Back Panel", "Mystery Ranch frame system" and so on)

    • Backpanel acts just like a regular backpack

  • Thanks for the mod!

    Few things:

    1. The weights of the armor are wild and make them un-useable. The Paraclete APC is 90kgs. I've managed to fix some of the weights of various armor in the config, but its very tedious to mess with the config and get the integer just right.

    2. When you die wearing the battle belt, it remains after death as intended like a secure container, but when you get insurance back, the battle belt is part of the insurance return, basically it duplicates itself gifting you a free battle belt you can sell

    3. This may be intended but if I put ammo in painters ammo pouch, then put that ammo pouch in the battle belt, I can't right-click and then reload mags.

    5. It would be really, really neat if you could hotkey meds inside of painters med case, no matter the location of the medcase.

    Thanks for the great work! Everything looks amazing!

    Thumbs Up 1
    • 1 and 2 will be fixed for next version

      5 you can use the mod useItemsAnywhere for

    • Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check that mod out. And thanks again for the great work! I managed to get all the weights dialed into a realistic range with the configs, I can live with that until the update.

      Wishlist for future versions:

      1. Painter ammo pouch and med pouch can go in special slot

      2. can reload mags using ammo from inside battle belt.

    • regarding the weight of the rigs. This seems to be a bug with SPT/EFT itself. Once you buy the armored rig from Painter, the weight shows up correct. I tried it multiple times

    • Interesting. Haven't had time to play since messing with the weights in the config. However I just opened up my game and you're right. by messing with "weight" in the config I can get the weights to display a reasonable number that I decided made them balanced. But when I buy the armor the weight is now unbalanced once purchased. I made the paraclete weigh 13kgs via config but when I purchase it, it weighs 2kgs.

  • how to solve the error when installing the mod on version 3 9 8 :
    A patch in SPTCustomPlugin FAILED. The type initializer for 'SPT.Custom.Patches.EasyAssets Patch' threw an exception.. SUBSEQUENT PATCHES HAVE NOT LOADED, CHECK LOG FOR MORE DETAILS

    • you should install the version for 3.9.x

      I'm assuming you installed the most recent version though ;)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • is 1.1.4 the most recent 3.9 version?

  • The helmets included in the mode

    I can't fit the Comtac 5,6 headset, can you add it?

    Thank you always for the mod.

    • I'm reworking the helmets so you can use those headsets soon. I will remove the headsets that are attached permanently on MODX2.

    • Thank you always.

      Happy New Year

  • do the helmets that looks like it has headphones and lights on it, actually have those items, or is it just visual. like the Ops-Core FAST MT MODXII. im pretty sure that item is from this mod, sorry if it isnt, this is the only mod i have installed that im aware of that adds gear.

  • Paraclete rigs don't have any own armored protection points.