Andrudis-QoL-Configurator 3.2.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Adjusts for: loot spawns, XP, raid limitations, weapon maintenance, grindy quests. Adds Naked Edition to start with nothing at all


1. Unzip and copy Andrudis-QoL-Configurator folder in user/mods/

2. Change options in Andrudis-QoL-Configuratorsrc*_config.json files to your liking (default values will not change anything for compatibility with other mods)

### Collaboration with other mods:

*KMC Gear

* KMC Weapons

See "Collaboration configuration" section below for details

### Mod Information - main_config.json

* RemoveTraderLoyaltyForUpgrades - all upgrades in Hideout that require specific lvl of standing with Trader now require only lvl 1 standing.

* EnableNakedEdition - if set to 'true' new "Naked and Dangerous" edition will be added in launcher to Wipe options. Using this edition you start absolutely naked with only Alpha container

* RemoveExaminedByDefault - remove ExaminedByDefault flag from all items. In conjunction with EnableNakedEdition you start with absolutely no items examined

* ExpandRandomStackLimits - when enabled, ammo can spawn using full stack range. E.g.: 9x19 mm Green Tracer stacks at 50 max, but random stack in loot containers spawn in range between 15 and 40. With this option enabled all stackable items spawn in range between 1 and MAX_STACK_SIZE except money, which stack in range between 1 and MAX_STACK_SIZE/200

* RemoveInRaidLootingRestrictions - when enabled, armbands and melee of AI PMCs will become lootable.

* RemoveInRaidCarryRestrictions - remove restrictions on how many specific items you can carry in you PMC inventory

* ItemsLootExperienceMultiplier - change XP you get from looting items

* ItemsExamineExperienceMultiplier - change XP you get from examining items

* ItemsExamineTimeMultiplier - change how much time you spend during item examination (0 - instant, for hardcore 3-5 recommended)

* PlayerLeftRaidMultiplier - change end-raid XP on Disconnect

* PlayerMiaMultiplier - change end-raid XP on MIA (raid time runs out while you are still in raid)

* PlayerSurvivedRaidMultiplier - change end-raid XP on Survived extract

* PlayerRunThroughMultiplier - change end-raid XP on RunThrough extract (less than 10 minutes in raid, no kills)

* PlayerKilledMultiplier - change end-raid XP in case you died in raid

* TimeBeforeDeployLocal - changes countdown time in seconds for GET READY screen after map assets are loaded, set to 0 to remove delay completely

* NumberOfUsagesForUnlimitedKeys - leave at 0 to keep keys as is. Increasing this number will add limit to usages for all keys and keycards that did not have limit before.

* BoughtItemsCountedAsFiR - changes whether bought items from trader will not be FiR or not. Valid values:

null = Default value, will do nothing for compatibility with other mods

true = override settings to explicitly enable FiR for items bought from traders

false = override settings to explicitly disable FiR for items bought from traders

* AllowLootOverlay - when set to 'true' will enable multiple overlaping items to spawn on the same spot. Does nothing otherwise for compatibility with other mods.

* GlobalLootChanceModifier - sets global Loot Chance Modifier to set value if different from 0.23. If equal to 0.23 (default) does nothing for compatibility with other mods.

* LocationsLootChanceModifier - sets maps' Loot Chance Modifier to set value if different from 0.8. If equal to 0.8 (default) does nothing for compatibility with other mods.

* GrinchStoleChristmas - when enabled, spawn Roubles instead of decorations in containers.

* EnableChristmas - when enabled, activates Christmas event

* EnableHalloween - when enabled, activates Halloween event

* ForceAllLooseLootSpawn - when enabled, all loose loot of all maps will always spawn (may be affected by max number of loose loot allowed)

* LootContainerSpawnLootChance - does nothing at default (50), otherwise change % chance to spawn loot in container

* MinRelativeChance - increase relative spawn change of all items below value to be equal to that value. Vanilla values are between 1 and 5000, but can be set higher. At 5000 or higher all items have equal spawn change.

* AdjustItemsSpawnInContainers - when enabled, imports custom loot spawn configs from 'loot_spawn_configs' folder, See "Adjust Items Spawn Configuration" section of README for details.

### Mod Information - bots_config.json

* UsecChance - set to value between 0 and 100 to change chance PMC will be USEC. BEAR chance will be (100-UsecChance)%

* SameFactionIsHostileChance - set to value between 0 and 100 to change chance PMCs of same faction are hostile

* MaxPMCLootTotalRoubles - default SPT-AKI value is 150000, leave 'null' to keep that

* ShowBotTypeInNickname - if enabled, bot role will be added to the end of NPC Nickname

* MaxBackpackLootTotalRub - enter value in Roubles for max PMC loot worth on backpacks. Default value is 'null' which will leave default SPT-AKI value '150'000' unchanged

* MaxPocketLootTotalRub - enter value in Roubles for max PMC loot worth on pockets. Default value is 'null' which will leave default SPT-AKI value '50'000' unchanged

* MaxVestLootTotalRub - enter value in Roubles for max PMC loot worth on chest rigs (vests). Default value is 'null' which will leave default SPT-AKI value '50'000' unchanged

* OverridePMCCartridgeBlacklist - when set to 'true', overrides ammo restrictions for PMC. Does nothing if set to 'false'

* PMCCartridgeBlacklist - contains list of ammo restricted for AI PMC. used when 'OverridePMCCartridgeBlacklist' is set to 'true'

### Mod Information - bots_durability.config

* EnableDurabilityOverride - when set to 'true', overrides bot's armor and weapon durability configuration with values from 'Durability' section

* Durability - holds configuration for bot's armor and weapon durability, does nothing if 'EnableDurabilityOverride' is not enabled.

### Mod Information - trader_config.json

* OverrideTradersDiscounts - enable to set % of item's base cost traders will substract when buying items from you. Disabled by default.

* TradersDiscounts - set discount for each trader. This setting is ignored if "OverrideTradersDiscounts" is not se to 'true'

### Mod Information - quests_helpers_config.json

* ChangeUsecToAnyPmc - when enabled, "Punisher - Part 6" and "Friend from the West - Part 1" quest will accept any PMS's dogtags/kill instead of USEC ones

* ChangeBearToAnyPmc - when enabled, "Punisher - Part 6" quest will accept any PMS's dogtags instead of BEAR ones

* GrenadierCounter" - change to any positive value except 12 to change how many PMCs you have to kill with grenades for "Grenadier" quest. Change to 0 or negative value to insta-complete quest. (credits go to @Lone_Simon for initial implementation of insta-complete version)

* TheStylishOneCounter - change to any positive value except 100 to change how many time you have to kill Killa for "The Stylish One" quest. Change to 0 or negative value to insta-complete quest. (credits go to @Lone_Simon for initial implementation of insta-complete version)

* AShooterBornInHeavenCounter" - change to any positive value except 100 to change required distance for "A Shooter Born In Heaven" quest. Change to 0 or negative value to insta-complete quest.

(All credits go to @kikirio and @Lone_Simon for initial implementation, I've just added insta-complete option and support for condition's texts in all locales and not just EN locale )

* "HunterCounter" - change to any positive value except 25 to change how many times you have to kill Shturman. Change to 0 or negative value to insta-complete quest.

* ForceMarkedOphthalmoscopeSpawn - when enabled, force "Marked Ophthalmoscope" for quest "Colleagues - Part 2" spawn with 100% chance

### Mod Information - quests_helpers_config.json

* ChangeInsuranceAvailability - change for which maps insurance will be available or ignored.

### Mod Information - maps_config.json

* ExtendRaidTime - enable for changes in RaidTimeByMapInMinutes to take effect

* RaidTimeByMapInMinutes - define raid time in minutes per map. Does nothing if ExtendRaidTime is not enabled

* DisabledForScav - change scav raids availability for maps

* RestrictMapsByPlayerLevel - then enabled, maps will become locked by player level accorting to 'MapsRestrictionsByLevel' settings (special thanks to @Shirito#4361 and @Wind Le T-Rex#1487 ​for idea and initial implementation)

* MapsRestrictionsByLevel - set for each map min player level to access this map. Does nothing if 'RestrictMapsByPlayerLevel' is not enabled

### Mod Information - weapon_maintenance_config.json

Note: all setting in this section only affect weapons

* MaxDurability - sets max durability for all weapons (NOTE: weapons will always show 100%, does not affect weapons already in inventory)

* DurabilityBurnRatio - multiplier for weapon durability burn each shot. Set to 0 to disable durability degradation

* DurabilitySpawnMin - set min durability % for Scavs weapons

* DurabilitySpawnMax - set max durability % for Scavs weapons

* MinRepairDegradation - set min weapon durability degradation during repair

* MaxRepairDegradation - set max weapon durability degradation during repair

* BaseMalfunctionChance - set base malfunction chance for weapons (for most weapons default is 0.13-0.17)

* AllowMisfire - change to enable/disable Misfire malfunction for all weapons

* AllowJam - change to enable/disable Jam malfunction for all weapons

* AllowFeed - change to enable/disable Feed malfunction for all weapons

* AllowSlide - change to enable/disable Slide malfunction for all weapons

* AllowOverheat - change to enable/disable Overheat malfunction for all weapons

* HeatFactorGun - affects head buildup, most guns have values between 0.85 and 1.05

* CoolFactorGun - affects head dispersion, most guns have values between 0.75 and 5.76

* CoolFactorGunMods - affects head dispersion, most guns have values between 0.9 and 1.5

* HeatFactorByShot - affects head buildup, most guns have values between 1.2 and 11.7


* HeapPreAllocationEnabled - 'false' do nothing, 'true' - may have positive effect, but needs confirmation

* OverrideRamCleanerSettings - 'false' do nothing, 'true' - may have positive effect, but needs confirmation

* RamCleanerEnabled - 'false' do nothing, 'true' - may have positive effect, but needs confirmation

* DisableReleaseProfiler - 'false' do nothing, 'true' - may have positive effect, but needs confirmation

* EnableNewSpawnForMaps - in theory should enable new bots spawn algorithm as in Live, but looks like not supported for now. Leaving it here just in case

###Collaboration configuration - collaboration_config.json

[WARNING]: Temporary DISABLED as KMC mods are not yet updated for 2.2.0 and even when they will be updated - wait for QoL Configurator update!

See 'scrcollaboration_config.json' where you can enable/disable collaboration with other supported mods:

* KMC_Gear - when enabled, adds gears from mod to loot containers loot pool according to configuration in 'srccollaborationKMC_Gearkmc_gear.json'.

* KMC_Weapons - when enabled, adds mods and ammo from mod to loot containers loot pool according to configuration in 'srccollaborationKMC_Weaponskmc_mods_and_ammo.json'.

Note: Collaboration options should be disabled if target mod is not installed or removed!

### Adjust Items Spawn Configuration

Only works in "AdjustItemsSpawnInContainers" is set to 'true' in main config file.

There are multiple items (barrels, foregrips, ammo, ironsights etc.) which are not added to loot containers spawn tables and so never spawn inside any containers.

In folder srcloot_spawn_configs - there are a number of files with configurations to add missing item spawns to loot containers.

You are free to remove, edit or add your own spawn configurations as you like - just put them in 'loot_spawn_configs' folder.

Should be compatible with other mods that add new items to the game as long as they are loaded before this mod - you can create your own config files for those items and add them to loot pool of containers you want

Each file starts with 'AdjustAlreadyExistingItems' param

* AdjustAlreadyExistingItems - if set to 'true' will override spawn chances for existing items, default is 'false' which will only add items that do not yet exists in containers' loot tables and ignore already existing ones. This setting has affect only for one specific configuration file - each file is handled separately.

* ItemsSpawnConfigs - contains list of items to be added/edited for containers' loot tables

Each record consists of the following fields:

* Name - for your reference and log only, does not have any effect

* UID - EFT '_id' value for item you want to edit. Use 'items.json' or '' for reference. If item with this UID does not exist - whole record will just be ignored

* EnableSpawnChanceAdjustment - change to any value except 'true' to disable this record without deleting it.

* RelativeSpawnChance - set relative spawn chance. EFT values usually go between 1 and 5000, but can be set higher. Higher value gives more chances to spawn this item.

* SpawnInAnyContainer - if set to 'true' item will be added to loot table of each available container in the game

* MimicItemSpawn - enter another item's '_id' to spawn your item in the same containers where mimicked item can be spawned. NOTE: this setting is ignored if your item already has at least 1 spawn container defined, i.e. only works for items that has no spawns defined yet at all.

* IntendedContainers - coma-separated list if container IDs in which you want to spawn this item. See 'container IDs.txt' for full list

Note: if item can already spawn in a given container, second spawn will not be added - instead existing spawn chance will be altered

### Roadmap

You can track progress and plans for my mods here: Roadmap

I can neither provide any ETA nor promise 100% of backlog will be implemented, but tasks that got into TODO list at least will be attempted,

  • Version 3.2.3

    Changes in 3.2.3 from 3.2.2

    Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.2.2 Release

    ***NOTE: This is going to be the last update from me. Anyone willing to take over future support for this mod are welcome to do so! ***

    ### Added new config - bots_durability.config

    * EnableDurabilityOverride - when set to 'true', overrides bot's armor and weapon durability configuration with values from 'Durability' section

    * Durability - holds configuration for bot's armor and weapon durability, does nothing if 'EnableDurabilityOverride' is not enabled.

    ### Added new params to bots_config.json

    * MaxBackpackLootTotalRub - enter value in Roubles for max PMC loot worth on backpacks. Default value is 'null' which will leave default SPT-AKI value '150'000' unchanged

    * MaxPocketLootTotalRub - enter value in Roubles for max PMC loot worth on pockets. Default value is 'null' which will leave default SPT-AKI value '50'000' unchanged

    * MaxVestLootTotalRub - enter value in Roubles for max PMC loot worth on chest rigs (vests). Default value is 'null' which will leave default SPT-AKI value '50'000' unchanged

    * OverridePMCCartridgeBlacklist - when set to 'true', overrides ammo restrictions for PMC. Does nothing if set to 'false'

    * PMCCartridgeBlacklist - contains list of ammo restricted for AI PMC. used when 'OverridePMCCartridgeBlacklist' is set to 'true'

  • Version 3.2.1

    Changes in 3.2.1 from 3.2.0

    Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.2.1 Release

    ### Changes:

    * Updated compatibility with AKI 2.2.1

    * "Santa's Bag" is added to \loot_spawn_configs\event_items.json - will be spawned if "AdjustItemsSpawnInContainers" is enabled in main config

    * "Keycard holder case" and "Injector case" are added to \loot_spawn_configs\_other_items.json - will be spawned with small chance if "AdjustItemsSpawnInContainers" is enabled in main config

  • Version 3.2.0

    Changes in 3.2.0 from 3.1.2

    Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.2.0 Release

    ### Global Changes

    * Split large config.json into smaller dedicated config files

    * FixBsAmmoPack - removed this param because should be fixed by BSG already

    * ExtendRaidTime - moved to maps_config.json and re-worked

    * OverrideTradersDiscounts - moved to trader_config.json

    * TradersDiscounts - moved to trader_config.json

    * QuestsConfiguration - moved to quests_helpers_config.json

    * ChangeInsuranceAvailability - moved to insurance_config.json

    * DisabledForScav - moved to maps_config.json

    * RestrictMapsByPlayerLevel - moved to maps_config.json

    * MapsRestrictionsByLevel - moved to maps_config.json

    * WeaponMaintenance - moved to weapon_maintenance_config.json

    ### Added - bots_config.json

    * UsecChance - set to value between 0 and 100 to change chance PMC will be USEC. BEAR chance will be (100-UsecChance)%

    * SameFactionIsHostileChance - set to value between 0 and 100 to change chance PMCs of same faction are hostile

    * MaxPMCLootTotalRoubles - default SPT-AKI value is 150000, leave 'null' to keep that

    * ShowBotTypeInNickname - if enabled, bot role will be added to the end of NPC Nickname

    ### Changes - maps_config.json

    * ExtendRaidTime - enable for changes in RaidTimeByMapInMinutes to take effect

    * RaidTimeByMapInMinutes - define raid time in minutes per map. Does nothing if ExtendRaidTime is not enabled

    ### Changes - weapon_maintenance_config.json

    * AllowJam - change to enable/disable Jam malfunction for all weapons

    * AllowFeed - change to enable/disable Feed malfunction for all weapons

    * AllowSlide - change to enable/disable Slide malfunction for all weapons

    * AllowOverheat - change to enable/disable Overheat malfunction for all weapons

    * HeatFactorGun - affects head buildup, most guns have values between 0.85 and 1.05

    * CoolFactorGun - affects head dispersion, most guns have values between 0.75 and 5.76

    * CoolFactorGunMods - affects head dispersion, most guns have values between 0.9 and 1.5

    * HeatFactorByShot - affects head buildup, most guns have values between 1.2 and 11.7

    ### Changes - collaboration_config.json

    * Temporary DISABLED as KMC mods are not yet updated for 2.2.0 and even when they will be updated - wait for QoL Configurator update!

  • Version 3.1.2

    Changes in 3.1.2 from 3.1.1

    Note: Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.1.2 Release

    ### Changes

    * updated to be compatible with SPT-AKI 2.1.2

  • Version 3.1.1

    Changes in 3.1.1 from 3.1.0

    Note: Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.1.1 Release

    ### Changes

    * updated to be compatible with SPT-AKI 2.1.1

    * ChangeInsuranceAvailability and DisabledForScav - available again

  • Version 3.1.0

    Changes in 3.1.0 from 3.0.7

    Note: Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.1.0 Release

    ### Changes

    * updated to be compatible with SPT-AKI 2.1.0

    * ChangeInsuranceAvailability and DisabledForScav - temporary disabled until some issues with these settings will be resolved

  • Version 3.0.7

    Changes in 3.0.7 from 3.0.6

    Note: Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.0.* Release

    ### Update

    * KMC collaboration - both configuration files updated

  • Version 3.0.6

    Changes in 3.0.6 from 3.0.5

    Note: Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.0.* Release

    ### Hotfix

    * KMC Weapons collaboration option will now work correctly


    Changes in 3.0.5 from 3.0.4

    Note: Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.0.* Release

    ### Added:

    * Added \scr\collaboration_config.json where you can enable/disable collaboration with other supported mods.

    Currently supported mods:

    * KMC Gear (KMC Gear)

    * KMC Weapons (KMC Weapons)

    ### Collaboration configs:

    * KMC_Gear - when enabled, adds gears to loot containers loot pool according to configuration in '\src\collaboration\KMC_Gear\kmc_gear.json'.

    * KMC_Weapons - when enabled, adds mods and ammo to loot containers loot pool according to configuration in '\src\collaboration\KMC_Weapons\kmc_mods_and_ammo.json'.

    Note: Collaboration options should be disabled if target mod is not installed or removed!

  • Version 3.0.4

    Changes in 3.0.4 from 3.0.3

    Note: Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.0.* Release

    ### Fixed:

    * added Sorting Table to 'Naked and Dangerous' edition

    NOTE: Change is automatically applied on wipe. In order to add Sorting Table to already existing "Naked and Dangerous" profile without wipe you need to add the following record to your PMC inventory (characters=>pmc=>Inventory=>items):

    "_id": "60dca3da42ad9b706b369aca",
    "_tpl": "602543c13fee350cd564d032"


    "sortingTable": "60dca3da42ad9b706b369aca",

    after characters=>pmc=>Inventory=>questStashItems

    Make sure to backup profile before editing!


  • Version 3.0.3

    Changes in 3.0.3 from 3.0.2

    Compatible with SPT-AKI 2.0.* Release

    ### Added (special thanks to @Shirito#4361 and @Wind Le T-Rex#1487 for idea and initial implementation):

    * RestrictMapsByPlayerLevel - then enabled, maps will become locked by player level according to 'MapsRestrictionsByLevel' settings

    * MapsRestrictionsByLevel - set for each map min player level to access this map. Does nothing if 'RestrictMapsByPlayerLevel' is not enabled

    ### Removed from EXPERIMENTAL section:

    * AzimuthPanelShowsPlayerOrientation

    * MarksmanAccuracy

    * EnableSkillAtrophy

    * MaxBotsAliveOnMap


  • Important note about possible future of this mod.

    Due to Russian Federation invasion in Ukraine I will not be able to continue support and development of this mod. Martial Law is in effect in Ukraine from 12am February 24th local time .

    This mean the following:

    1) All future support and development for QoL Configurator and Quest Maniac mods will be discontinued from my side.

    2) All existing downloads will remain active for as long as site owners will see fit and my Dropbox account will remain active.

    3) Anyone willing to take over future support for these mods are free to do so.

    4) I will not be available for communication by any means any more - either because of internet shutdown or because I will spend all available time taking care of my family and providing assistance to hospitals and shelters.

    5) Regardless of scale, duration and outcome of invasion most likely I will not return to EFT even after the end of armed conflict.

    Sad 4 Crying 1
    • ||||||

      Thanks 1
    • Code
      I loved your mod, nevertheless I wish you my deepest sympathy and hope that you and your family and friends are doing well. I wish you all the luck in the world and get through this difficult time well. Warm greetings from Germany.
      Thanks 1
    • We are still alive and fighting! Russian warship to “go fuck yourself”!

  • SPT wouldnt be what it is, without your contributions. Thank you.

    Thanks 1
  • Thank you so much for this final update!

    Take care!

    Thanks 1
  • Hello!

    I have a weird problem. It seems that whenever I add any ID to "IntendedContainers", the console throws this error.

    This is what the config looks like:


    "Name" : "Combat stimulant injector SJ9 TGLabs",

    "UID" : "5fca13ca637ee0341a484f46",

    "EnableSpawnChanceAdjustment" : true,

    "RelativeSpawnChance" : 100,

    "SpawnInAnyContainer" : false,

    "MimicItemSpawn" : "5ed51652f6c34d2cc26336a1",

    "IntendedContainers" :[5d6fe50986f77449d97f7463]


    [ERROR] Trace:

    Error: Unsupported issue: Expected "," or "]" but "d" found. (please open an issue at the repo)

    at runFixer (G:\EFT_Offline\obj\node_modules\json-fixer\index.js:91:1)

    at fixJson (G:\EFT_Offline\obj\node_modules\json-fixer\index.js:103:1)

    at fixingTime (G:\EFT_Offline\obj\node_modules\json-fixer\index.js:113:1)

    at checkJson (G:\EFT_Offline\obj\node_modules\json-fixer\index.js:146:1)

    at Function.deserialize (G:\EFT_Offline\obj\src\utils\JsonUtil.js:25:35)

    at Loot_Spawn.Adjust_Loot_Spawn (G:\EFT_Offline\user\mods\Andrudis-QoL-Configurator\src\loot_spawn.js:18:37)

    at Mod.load (G:\EFT_Offline\user\mods\Andrudis-QoL-Configurator\src\mod.js:47:14)

    at Function.executeMods (G:\EFT_Offline\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:147:13)

    at Function.load (G:\EFT_Offline\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:17:19)

    at Object.load [as aki-mods] (G:\EFT_Offline\obj\src\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js:9:19)

    Any help would be appreciated as this is confusing lol.

    Thank you for this masterpiece of a mod, Andrudis!

    • Hi! ID should by in quotes " like this:

  • Hey Andrudis, is it possible to make it so mod items can be configured to be able to spawn as loot inside containers?

    EDIT: Read the description, never mind. But I'd like to know how to do it? Do I just copy-paste the parameters from other items for the new ones?

    • Hi!

      Edit any existing or create a new one config in \src\loot_spawn_configs\

      Copy any existing block of settings, change UID to unique id of item you want to spawn, fill IntendedContainers, MimicItemSpawn or just enable SpawnInAnyContainer . Also make sure AdjustItemsSpawnInContainers is enabled in main config file

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Alright, so I was able to modify a modded item and make it so that it can spawn in every container with the SpawnInAnyContainer param. But I was also trying to modify an existing item (in this instance, the GPU) to make it so that it just has a higher chance of spawning in its default containers. This is without the SpawnInAnyContainer param, so would you say that I'm writing the config correctly?

    • Not 100% sure, but maybe "MimicItemSpawn" param still should be there, but set to "" or null - just in case absence of this param will cause any issues with script. Did not test it without "MimicItemSpawn" param listed at all

    • Can I set MimicItemSpawn to the same ID as the item itself or will that cause issues?

    • There is no point setting the same items ID - better just leave "" or null.

  • Thanks for the update, there's so many useful settings in this mod.

    Thanks 1
  • btw is this compatible with the KMC server value configurator or whatever.

    • Hi!

      Basically all settings in QoL Config (except Naked Edition) are turned off and change nothing by default. If there are settings in KMC server value configurator, AllInOne etc. mods that change the same values - the mod that is loaded last will override changes made by other mods.

      Usually my mod is the first one to load so just do not edit default values in my mod if you have other mods changing the same settings: Global/Local loot chance, remove restriction, edit raid time etc...

      There should be no hard conflicts with any mods

    • I can confirm it works great with server value modifier, Much needed, Fin's Ai Tweaks and Alex AIO, i wouldn't use All in one mod with this, i'm sure it could work but it usually don't play nice with other mods of this sort.

  • Maybe expand GrinchStoleChristmas to include loose loot? Christmas baubles/ornaments spawns in the ZB bunker on scav sniper mountain on Woods and doesn't seem to be affected by the setting.

    Thanks 1
    • Hi! Thanks for letting me know! Did not know there are loose ornaments spawns. Added to roadmap - will cover it when have time

  • Hello Andrudis is it possible for you too add airdrop in your quality of life mod? since theres no airdrop in aki 2.2.0 right now? thank you just asking if its possible haha

    • Hi! Airdrops are BSG's new feature and if it is not covered by SPT-AKI there is nothing I can do. My mod only change already existing SPT-AKI parameters, but does not add new functionality not covered by SPT-AKI.

      Sorry, but you'll have to wait for the future SPT-AKI updates.

    • Ahhh i see thank you for the answer! might aswell wait for spt aki 2.2.1 hahaha thanks again! much apperciate!

  • First time, long time. Is it possible to change the durability of items that fence sells? I can't find the info I'm looking for.

    • Not sure if it is possible in SPT-AKI 2.1.2, try asking in modding section in Discord, maybe someone experimented with Fence settings and know the answer

  • Olá, eu amo o seu mod, eu seria capaz de mudar o tempo de ataque de 12 para menos, porque 12 horas eu acho que é muito longo. Eu gostaria de personalizar por mapa, fabrica 40 min, personalizado 90 min, madeiras 80 min e assim por diante, você gostaria?

    desculpe meu inglês, e google.

    • Hello, I love your mod, I would be able to change the raid time from 12 to less, because 12 hours I think it's too long. I would like to customize by map, manufactures 40 min, custom 90 min, woods 80 min and so on, would you like to?

      sorry my english, and google.

    • Hi! I've added you suggestion to roadmap. No ETA for not, but definitely will be included in QoL update for 12.12 when it gets released

      Like 1
  • question. i enabled christmas event how do i get the ornaments to spawn in i have checked multiple safes and nothing?

    • It looks like some kind of bug - either mine or from SPT-AKI. Ornaments are present in items database and their spawn is also defined, but for whatever reason they really do not spawn. I'll investigate when I have time

    • I'm having the same problem. It is not possible to make a Christmas Tree in Hideout.

    • Can confirm that there are some issues with ornaments spawn.

      I've managed to get them spawning by setting those items to spawn in every container:


      Set "AdjustAlreadyExistingItems" : true

      for Christmas tree decoration balls set "SpawnInAnyContainer" : true

      This will cause them to spawn in other containers also, but for whatever reason they still will not spawn in safes - it feels like there is some code explicitly preventing them from spawning in default containers. I am not sure if it me missing something, still have an idea worth checking out and if it work I'll deploy an update with fix.

      If that idea will not change anything, then I will explicitly investigate this issue more when the next SPT-AKI version will gets released

  • Aki 2.1.2 Server said that this mod is out of date and doesnt work

    • Update mod to a compatible version (the latest at the moment)

    • Nothing changed :(

    • Send me your server logs after starting server with this mod via PM or Support Thread

  • Update for 2.1.0 coming soon? :D Can't live without fast reload speed :(

  • When I enable the KMC compatibilty, then I will get an Error. The console gives following Info and it only appears, when you try to start an raid, it will load endless:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'Width' of undefined

    at Function.generateContainerLoot (C:\EFT (live) - zicoman's Ai Configuration\obj\bundle.js:55845:75)

    at Function.generate (C:\EFT (live) - zicoman's Ai Configuration\obj\bundle.js:51723:25)

    at Function.get (C:\EFT (live) - zicoman's Ai Configuration\obj\bundle.js:51764:31)

    at Object.getLocation [as aki-loot] (C:\EFT (live) - zicoman's Ai Configuration\obj\bundle.js:47350:52)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\EFT (live) - zicoman's Ai Configuration\obj\bundle.js:56235:62)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\EFT (live) - zicoman's Ai Configuration\obj\bundle.js:56463:29)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\EFT (live) - zicoman's Ai Configuration\obj\bundle.js:56498:22)

    at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)

    at Inflate.emit (events.js:315:20)

    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)

    When I disable the KMC compatibilty, then it works correctly.

    • Do you have the latest version of both KMC mods and QoL configurator installed?

    • Yes I have. Sould you need a list of my Installed mods?

    • 1) Remove original version of my mod. (move to a different folder)

      2) Download this version of my mod and extract in Mods folder:

      3) Version starting with ZAndrudis-... should be there along with your other mods.

      4) Make sure collaboration_config.json is configured correctly for KMC mods you are using. you also may copy over config.json withi settings you use from original version

      5) Run server, wait until all mods are loaded (no need to start neither launcher nor game)

      6) Send me Server.log with results by any means (PM here, discord, pastebin etc...)

      7) Use that ZAndrudis version of a mod to play if you want - it will skip missing items and you will not get any more "Cannot read property 'Width' of undefined" issues, while collaboration for all existing items will work.

      Once I'll get server.log from you, I'll contact KMC team and we will find more permanent solution.

      Like 1
  • absolutely beautiful

    Thanks 1
  • It's "Multiplier", not "Multiplyer"...

  • Hello there.

    I have a question for Malfunction feature

    "BaseMalfunctionChance" : 0,1,
    "AllowMisfire" : true,

    but scavs & even me still shoot weapons well, even on 0 durability.
    How to make weapons jam and even broke?

    • Hi!

      For 'BaseMalfunctionChance' you need to use dot, not coma as digits separator and 0.1 is less than default value which as around 0.13-0.17. I do not have exact formula used for the final malfunction chance, but with value 10.0 you should have 100% malfunctions even for a brand new gun and best ammo.

      AllowMisfire - is 'true' by default for all guns except PPSH

    • So, guns will only jam and never broke?

      I mean that will never happens fatal jams that fix only by repairing them

      p.s. - just set "BaseMalfunctionChance" to 2.0, guns jam now, but still not broke. Also, this looks like don't work for AI, they shoot stable even with 0 durability guns.

    • As far as I know there is no such thing as "fatal jam" in Live EFT yet, so obviously such thing do not exists in SPT. Also There is a bug in SPT that AI Scavs always start with 100% durability and repair degradation does not work - but this goes outside of my mod and I have no influence on that.

  • Any chance we can see if we'll get a hideout build time override added to the mod?

    • AIO mod already similar options: FastHideoutConstruction and FastHideoutProduction - they change build time and production time to a few seconds. If that does not work for you, please let me know what exactly would you like to have different from what AIO provides.

      I usually try to avoid duplication functions already provided by other mods, unless I have a good reason to do it or if I can provide better and more extensive functionality.

  • Hey, i am relativive new to modding my AKI and im recieving this error :

    [QoL] Initializing: Andrudis-QoL-Configurator

    There's still an error!

    [ERROR] Trace:

    Error: Expected string but "5" found.

    at doubleCheck (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5097:11)

    at fixJson (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5171:10)

    at doubleCheck (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5095:44)

    at fixJson (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5171:10)

    at doubleCheck (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5095:44)

    at fixJson (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5171:10)

    at doubleCheck (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5095:44)

    at fixJson (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5171:10)

    at doubleCheck (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5095:44)

    at fixJson (C:\Games\SPT-AKI\EFT AKI 2.0\EFT\obj\bundle.js:5171:10)

    maybe u could help me with that.

    Thank u for taking time :)

    • ah sry it seems like i got it now.

      it was an error caused by an incompatable mod i guess.

      deleted it and now its fixed

      Like 1
  • Hallo i have a question about MinRelativeSpawnChance does it mean of the rarity items or the specific item to spawn? like in a certain container if so what are the recommended MinRelativeSpawnChance?

    • The higher you set this param - the more rare items will become more common

      I would recommend setting to 25-50

      All items by default have rarity between 1 and 5000: higher number means more chances to spawn that item. If you set this param to 50, than all items with rarity 1-49 will be updated to have rarity 50. If you set it to 5000 - then all items in the game will have equal changes to spawn

      Note: that param affects only items spawned in containers, but does not affect loose loot spawned in open

    • thank you so much for the reply! i was a bit confused about the MinRelativeSpawnChance No wonder why i got so many rare item out of so many container thanks alot Andrudis!

    • also i have one more thing mine parameter is like this how do i make more rare item common again?

      "ForceAllLooseLootSpawn" : false,

      "LootContainerSpawnLootChance" : 50500,

      "MinRelativeChance" : 50500,

      "AdjustItemsSpawnInContainers" : false,

    • LootContainerSpawnLootChance - this should be between 0 and 100 - this is change for container to spawn anything at all

      MinRelativeChance - 5000 is enough, no need to get higher. At this value all items have the same chance to spawn in container

    • Alright gotcha! thanks alot man!

  • Hey,

    it looks like durabilityspawn min and max dont work unless im doing something wrong. All scavs spawn with 100% weapons even when I change these, same with repair degradation

    • Hi

      for repair degradation see ### Known Issues in patch notes

      for durabilityspawn - it may also be related, but I'll re-test tomorrow

      Thanks 1
    • Sounds good, thanks!

    • Ok, I did some testing - looks like even without any mods Scavs have 100% durability weapons always, but in database for all weapons min and max durability spawn is set between 20-30 and 70-85

      That means Durability related features are not working at the moment. Strange - they were working in BE RC1 build when I did testing for each param. Looks like we have to wait for AKI update that will fix repair degradation

    • Good to know thanks again!

  • Anyone know why this is failing to load?

    • You are using incompatible mod version. Versions 3.0.* are for BleedingEdge AKI 2.0 RC1 version and not compatible with earlier version as pointed in notes

      for AKI 1.5.* use mod version 2.2.2

    • ahh thanks, I missed that!

  • hey so I try and set the Hunter counter but it says

    "(NOTE!: this quest is not present in R7.3 and is only available with "BleedingEdgeDatabaseImport" enabled in EXPERIMENTAL section)"

    but there is no setting in the EXPERIMENTAL section for Andrudis QoL configurator V2.2.2.

    Is there a workaround for this?

    • Sorry, description got a little outdated and "BleedingEdgeDatabaseImport" was removed after release of SPT-AKI 1.0, but since The Hunter quest is present in 1.0.0 and later versions - this setting should work for all SPT-AKI versions from 1.0.0 and up to 1.6.0

    • Hmm I tried to change it and it wont work. I looked in the mod.js of the 2.2.2 version and I *think* it's still pointing to the bleedingedgedatabaseimport per the code below.

      EDIT: I commented out the "if (Config.BleedingEdgeDatabaseImport_QuestsAndItems == true)" line and it works.

    • Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix this in the next version of the mod

  • hey quick question,

    Would mods like MoreVariety/advance pmv and such would be compatible or would their be "conflict" from them. Thanks in advance ^^

    • Should have mention, if you have any modrecommendation to work alongside your QoL
      and Ereshkigal-AllinOneMod. (Just realised I posted this on ur QoL and not QuestManiac)
      I am very sorry about that.

    • QuestManiac may conflict with TerragroupSpecialist and other mods that alter XP progression curve, but you can just avoid enabling progression overhaul in AQM and then there should be no conflict.

      In general I try to build mods in such way that they do not change anything critical unless you explicitly specify that you want to enable that change in config. If there is another mod that changes the same thing - there may be a conflict, but you can always just leave corresponding setting in my mod at default value to avoid that.

      Only enable params that you cannot change by other mods you are using and you should be fine.

      If you run into any conflicts that cannot be resolved - let me know and I'll try to come up with compatibility patch, but so far I've received no such reports and always try to set default configuration so it will not conflict with anything else.

    • Thanks alot for the quick reply, I'll be testing out some mods with it. I'll just make sure there nothing that could conflict with the xp curves and such! thanks!

  • The Config ExtendRaidTime does nothing, when I set it to true.

    Thanks 1
    • Thank you for letting me know!

      There is a spelling error in config file: param is spelled "ExpandRaidTime", but should be spelled "ExtendRaidTime" as in description.

      If you rename param in config file to "ExtendRaidTime" - it will work, I'll fix this in the next update

  • I dont know if its just me but... when I edit EnableNakedEdition to True and make a new "account". Im not starting naked ^^

    • You need to switch to "Naked and Dangerous" edition in the launcher. Vanilla editions are not affected

  • package.js is missing module.exports.mod = new Mod(); :kappa:

    Thanks 1
    • Thanks a lot, hotfix is deployed

  • Thermite does not seem to spawn so I checked the code and it looks like its all jumbled up...

    There is a mixing of thermite and tnt..... and Config.TntRelativeSpawnChance is used to test for thermite

    • Thanks a lot for finding this! Updated version is deployed

    • Thanks for the fix. Is there still an issue if you just want to add thermite in the default location and not in any container? Does it get triggered? (same with wrench) I was thinking something like this for thermite:

    • Yeah, I don't know if it's an AKI 1.2.0 thing, or an issue with the mod, but it looks like there's still some sort of issue with thermite spawns even with the most recent version of this mod (2.1.4).

      I don't see thermite at all unless I massively increase the spawn chance (I see reasonable amounts of TNT and ratchet wrenches at the default values), and when I do that I start seeing thermite and ratchet wrenches spawning as a pair (if one spawns in a container, the other does too).

    • I did a search in the AKI source and thermite is definitely being added to the the following places:


      578f87a3245977356274f2cb//Duffle bag

      5d6fd45b86f774317075ed43//Technical supply crate

      5909e4b686f7747f5b744fa4//Dead Scav

      5d6d2b5486f774785c2ba8ea//Ground cache

      5d6d2bb386f774785b07a77a//Buried barrel cache

      It must be a really low chance because I spent hours looking for a single instance doing a hardcore run where you can't buy the stuff!

    • Ok, looks like something was changed with loot spawns. Originally my mod was meant to add new items missing in AKI db, but now as those items are added to db I'll probably have to manage them differently. At a moment relative chance to spawn Thermite is 300 which is almost twice less that chance to spawn Radiator Helix. I'll probably have to re-write and re-test all logic with those items. Sorry for inconvenience

  • Thanks again for this mod, much appreciated :)