Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Has been partially maintained by MusicManiac. Much appreciated.
Gives a chance for the weapons found in the weapon crates inside airdrops to be special editions with better stats.
By default they have higher fire-rate, better ergo, more durability, less recoil, and a cool background color. The exact numbers can be tweaked in the config file.
The list of weapons are the ones I personally felt fit, but you can add more if you'd like.
"blacklistFromAirdrop": true, //Will blacklist the recievers from randomly spawning in airdrops.
"addToQuests": true, //Adds the newly generated weapons to quests that require the original weapon.
"addToMasteries": true, //Adds the newly generated weapons to the mastery groups the original weapon belong to.
"replaceAllAirdrops": true, //Will make the airdrop weapon crates always contain a shiny weapon instead of any regular possibility.
"debug": false, //Displays a LOT of debug info, only enable if asked to. Or if you're just curious about stuff.
"allowSpecialSlots": true, //Enable/Disable weapon groups to be allowed in special slots. (Still needs enabling in the weapon group too)
//(might be needed to disabled for compatiblity with mods that adjust pockets)
"addRevolversIntoPistolCase": true, //adds pistols/revolvers into the pistol case.
"weaponGroups": //Each weapon group HAVE to have a unique name. Changing the weapon group name during a playthrough will
//generate new IDs for weapons and AT BEST will remove them from your inventory, and at WORST corrupt your save.
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1
"5dcbd56fdbd3d91b3e5468d5", //MDR 762
"6499849fc93611967b034949", //AK-12
"606587252535c57a13424cfd", //MUTANT 47
"5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", //AKMN
"57c44b372459772d2b39b8ce", //AS VAL
"5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3" //HK-416
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.08,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 15,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.88,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.94,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.9,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.9,
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "♥ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ♥"
Probably works with mods that add new guns, but if they don't have a default preset it will crash.
I HIGHLY recommend adding the guns to blacklists of mods like ALP and other mods that adds weapons to PMCs.
Version 2.1.2
- DeadLeaves
- Add G36 to default guns config.
- Add 15% reduced durability burn on ARs making them slightly more durable.
- Add compatibility with Leaves Questrandomizer. Adding all the shiny guns to be equivalents to all non-shiny for quest purposes. See Questrandomizer documentation if you want to do this for your own weapon mods.
- Added config option to blacklist the guns from fence. (Enabled by default)
Version 2.1.1
- DeadLeaves
- Update to 3.10.0
- item IDs have changed, and they can be found in the
file in theconfig
directory. They will be generated on the fly if missing. - Weapon groups can have weighting (technically not new, but wasn't mention.) useful if you want to do things like "rarity tiers"
- Ensure that guns don't get invalid properties that might be present in the config. Edge case.
Version 2.1.0
- DeadLeaves
- Update to 3.9.0
- Change name of folder and name in package.json to follow standards.
Config files from previos version ARE compatible.
Version 2.0.1
- DeadLeaves
Fix addToSpecialSlots property of weapon groups. This was being ignored and all weapons could be added to special slots.
Version 2.0.0
- DeadLeaves
Version 2.0.0 For 3.8.0 release.
MAJOR OVERHAUL OF MOD.The mod now allow multiple sections of guns. Each section can be customized independently.
Added many new features, all which are explain in detail in the config.
Version 1.0.8
- MusicManiac
Version by MusicManiac
Fixed short name displaying full name. Also means killfeed mods (such as Amands's Hitmarker ) will look much better when using shiny guns -
Version 1.0.7
- MusicManiac
Version by MusicManiac
Fixed weapons being incorrect categoryFixed weapons missing from handbook
Added more config options
Added VSS VAL to list of shiny guns that spawn by default
Version 1.0.6
- DeadLeaves
-Shotguns not working ( WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS BSG!? )
-Removed durability from config, cus it didnt work.
-Saiga 12 to default guns
-The ability to give low-firerate guns an extra boost ( < 100 default fire rate )
Version 1.0.5
- DeadLeaves
Added masteries to the guns. They share the same masteries as their original weapon.
Version 1.0.4hotfix
- DeadLeaves
While last release wont crash or cause any issues. The blacklist didn't work properly. Here's a hotfix, this only matters if you have the
Code"blacklistFromAirdrop": true,
hey not sure if you have adressed this with someone else but ive gotten this error after trying to add the mk18,rsass, and ash-12
"blacklistFromAirdrop": true, 'array element in JSON at position 791 while parsing '{
"blacklistFromAirdrop": true, 'array element in JSON at position 791 while parsing '{
at C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\parse-json\index.js:26:19
at Function.parse (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\jsonc\lib\jsonc.js:176:16)
at LeavesShinyAirdropGuns.postDBLoad (C:\Users\luigi\OneDrive\Desktop\SPT 10\user\mods\leaves-shiny_airdrop_guns\src\mod.ts:61:29)
at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:26)
"blacklistFromAirdrop": true, 'array element in JSON at position 791 while parsing '{
"blacklistFromAirdrop": true, 'array element in JSON at position 791 while parsing '{
at C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\parse-json\index.js:26:19
at Function.parse (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\jsonc\lib\jsonc.js:176:16)
at LeavesShinyAirdropGuns.postDBLoad (C:\Users\luigi\OneDrive\Desktop\SPT 10\user\mods\leaves-shiny_airdrop_guns\src\mod.ts:61:29)
at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:26)
any idea what this means and how to fix it?
Also trying to add the g28 not sure if this makes a difference
DeadLeaves Author
Looks like you've some sort of error in the json. probably a missing comma or bracket.
do you have to line it up exactly how it is in the file and if so any idea how to? i looked at the instructions in the overview but tbh it makes no sense to me
DeadLeaves Author
Contact me on the SPT or FIKA discord and I can have a look
Love this mod, I like to play with the bsg flea blacklist removed but add other items that can't be on the flea to strive for and this fits the bill perfectly. I also previously added way more guns so that I have a larger gambling pool to pull from and can't chase my favourite ones.
For 3.10 I want to rewrite basically the entire config for my own balance and such, 2 questions I have regarding that are:
1. What is the new ids.jsonc exactly? Should I delete all of the ids there after modifying my config, or will it automatically reconfigure itself properly or should I just completely ignore it?
2. Is it possible to have the same gun in two different categories, and if so, which will happen:
a) It creates two shiny guns that have different properties based on the two categories it is in.
b) It creates one shiny gun that has the properties from both categories (with one of the categories overwriting the other where they overlap).
DeadLeaves Author
1. The new ids.jsonc just keeps tracks of IDs for guns. You never have to touch this manually. You need to include this when sending profiles (along with the config). Or youll get profile errors.
2. a
I love you
This mod is causing a strange crash with an error saying "DoubleActionAccuracyPenalty." Not sure what this mod touches in order to give that error.
DeadLeaves Author
What version of the mod are you running? What version of SPT are you running? Have you edit the config? If yes, please send it.
Everything is up to date and i have no config edits
DeadLeaves Author
What version number does SPT show when launching?
its 3.9.8
DeadLeaves Author
I can't replicate. Try with a clean install of 3.9.8, or try removing OTHER mods and see which one causes the issue. If you can track it down, I might be able to fix it.
After using this mod for a few months I can say it's absolutely incredible, I especially appreciate the level of customization you can do and it's just a very well built mod with good integration with other mods and the game itself.
I can recommend All The Loot as a synergy mod if you want to find the shiny weapons in loot boxes. You can even use APBS or ALP to get them appearing on bots too, although they become a little too common for my taste at that point.
I hope you keep updating your mods with each SPT version as I can't imagine playing without some of them now!
I am getting this error on server startup. Any ideas? I didn't change anything with this mod and it was working fine.
Love the mod! I am having a few issues though. I'm not able to change anything about the semi-shotgun weapon group or it crashes my game, and the revolvers don't seem to be able to be added to my special slots. Not sure if I am just not doing something right or if it is a conflict of my mods.
plz tell me how can i get those guns in cultist's room or some where other ... not just airdrop
PLZ PLZ PLZ... my dear Leaves
i got too many airdrop levels guns and then i waiting for the plane too many times , that plane driving me crazy
Shiny Airdrop Guns ! my love !
DeadLeaves Author
I might consider it for the next big patch, but not for 3.9.x
SO SAD SO BAD... my 3.9.0 version
What is preventing the 3.9.0 version ?
i can feel this mod will be a key milestone of SPT tarkov
thank u so much of all of this
good news bro
"All the Loot" can make shiny guns spawn on some big box
Share my configuration:
(Three different types shiny guns , for various needs)
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1
"5dcbd56fdbd3d91b3e5468d5", //MDR 762
"6499849fc93611967b034949", //AK-12
"606587252535c57a13424cfd", //MUTANT 47
"5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", //AKMN
"57c44b372459772d2b39b8ce", //AS VAL
"5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3", //HK-416
"628a60ae6b1d481ff772e9c8", //RD-704
"5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3", //MCX300
"59d6088586f774275f37482f", //AKM
"65290f395ae2ae97b80fdf2d" //SIG MCX SPEAR
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.05,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 15,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.85,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.85,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.7,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.7,
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "♥ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ♥"
"6165ac306ef05c2ce828ef74", //SCAR762
"6184055050224f204c1da540" //SCAR556
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.05,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.55,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 30,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.7,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.7,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.6,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.6,
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "♥ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ♥"
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1
"5dcbd56fdbd3d91b3e5468d5", //MDR 762
"6499849fc93611967b034949", //AK-12
"606587252535c57a13424cfd", //MUTANT 47
"5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", //AKMN
"57c44b372459772d2b39b8ce", //AS VAL
"5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3", //HK-416
"628a60ae6b1d481ff772e9c8", //RD-704
"5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3", //MCX300
"59d6088586f774275f37482f", //AKM
"65290f395ae2ae97b80fdf2d" //SIG MCX SPEAR
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.1,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 15,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.80,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.80,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.85,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.85,
"background": "yellow",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●★ ",
"suffix": " ★●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★"
"6165ac306ef05c2ce828ef74", //SCAR762
"6184055050224f204c1da540" //SCAR556
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.05,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.75,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 25,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.75,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.75,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.85,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.85,
"background": "yellow",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●★ ",
"suffix": " ★●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★"
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1
"5dcbd56fdbd3d91b3e5468d5", //MDR 762
"6499849fc93611967b034949", //AK-12
"606587252535c57a13424cfd", //MUTANT 47
"5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", //AKMN
"57c44b372459772d2b39b8ce", //AS VAL
"5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3", //HK-416
"628a60ae6b1d481ff772e9c8", //RD-704
"5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3", //MCX300
"59d6088586f774275f37482f", //AKM
"65290f395ae2ae97b80fdf2d" //SIG MCX SPEAR
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.2,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 10,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.9,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.9,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.9,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.9,
"background": "red",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●※ ",
"suffix": " ※●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "※ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ※"
"6165ac306ef05c2ce828ef74", //SCAR762
"6184055050224f204c1da540" //SCAR556
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.1,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.8,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 20,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.8,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.8,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.8,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.8,
"background": "red",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●※ ",
"suffix": " ※●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "※ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ※"
"5fb64bc92b1b027b1f50bcf2", //VECTOR 45
"5fc3f2d5900b1d5091531e57", //VECTOR 9
"5cc82d76e24e8d00134b4b83", //P90
"58948c8e86f77409493f7266", //MPX
"5bd70322209c4d00d7167b8f" //MP7A2
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.1,
"ergoMultiplier": 1.5,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.85,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.85,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.85,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.65,
"background": "yellow",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●★ ",
"suffix": " ★●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★"
"5fb64bc92b1b027b1f50bcf2", //VECTOR 45
"5fc3f2d5900b1d5091531e57", //VECTOR 9
"5cc82d76e24e8d00134b4b83", //P90
"58948c8e86f77409493f7266", //MPX
"5bd70322209c4d00d7167b8f" //MP7A2
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.3,
"ergoMultiplier": 2.0,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.9,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.9,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.8,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.5,
"background": "red",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●※ ",
"suffix": " ※●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "※ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ※"
"5fb64bc92b1b027b1f50bcf2", //VECTOR 45
"5fc3f2d5900b1d5091531e57", //VECTOR 9
"5cc82d76e24e8d00134b4b83", //P90
"58948c8e86f77409493f7266", //MPX
"5bd70322209c4d00d7167b8f" //MP7A2
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.05,
"ergoMultiplier": 1.5,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.5,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.5,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.7,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.6,
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "♥ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ♥"
"576165642459773c7a400233", //SAIGA 12
"5a7ae0c351dfba0017554310", //GLOCK 17
"606dae0ab0e443224b421bb7" //MP-155
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 600,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.8,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 10,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.6,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.6,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.7,
"setFireMode": [ "single", "fullauto" ],
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "♥ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ♥"
"576165642459773c7a400233", //SAIGA 12
"5a7ae0c351dfba0017554310", //GLOCK 17
"606dae0ab0e443224b421bb7" //MP-155
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 800,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.5,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 15,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.7,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.7,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.8,
"setFireMode": [ "single", "fullauto" ],
"background": "red",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●※ ",
"suffix": " ※●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "※ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ※"
"576165642459773c7a400233", //SAIGA 12
"5a7ae0c351dfba0017554310", //GLOCK 17
"606dae0ab0e443224b421bb7" //MP-155
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 750,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.7,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 15,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.75,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.75,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.85,
"setFireMode": [ "single", "fullauto" ],
"background": "yellow",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●★ ",
"suffix": " ★●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★"
"60339954d62c9b14ed777c06", //STM 9
"59e6687d86f77411d949b251", //MOLOT VPO-209 .366
"5aafa857e5b5b00018480968" //M1A
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 50,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 5,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.85,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.85,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.85,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.75,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.75,
"setFireMode": [ "single", "fullauto" ],
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "♥ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ♥"
"60339954d62c9b14ed777c06", //STM 9
"59e6687d86f77411d949b251", //MOLOT VPO-209 .366
"5aafa857e5b5b00018480968" //M1A
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 100,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 5,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.9,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.9,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.9,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.8,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.8,
"setFireMode": [ "single", "fullauto" ],
"background": "red",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●※ ",
"suffix": " ※●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "※ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ※"
"60339954d62c9b14ed777c06", //STM 9
"59e6687d86f77411d949b251", //MOLOT VPO-209 .366
"5aafa857e5b5b00018480968" //M1A
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 60,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 10,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.8,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.8,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.8,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.7,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.7,
"setFireMode": [ "single", "fullauto" ],
"background": "yellow",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●★ ",
"suffix": " ★●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★"
"5bfea6e90db834001b7347f3", //M700
"55801eed4bdc2d89578b4588", //SV98
"627e14b21713922ded6f2c15", //AXMC
"5fc22d7c187fea44d52eda44", //Mk18
"5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25", //LONESTAR
"5a367e5dc4a282000e49738f", //RSASS
"6259b864ebedf17603599e88", //SUPER90
"5a7828548dc32e5a9c28b516", //M870
"5c46fbd72e2216398b5a8c9c", //SVD
"5df8ce05b11454561e39243b", //SR25
"6176aca650224f204c1da3fb", //G28
"5df24cf80dee1b22f862e9bc" //ORSIS T-5000
"ergoFlatIncrease": 30,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.5,
"fireRateMultiplier": 3,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.3,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.3,
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "♥ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ♥"
"5bfea6e90db834001b7347f3", //M700
"55801eed4bdc2d89578b4588", //SV98
"627e14b21713922ded6f2c15", //AXMC
"5fc22d7c187fea44d52eda44", //Mk18
"5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25", //LONESTAR
"5a367e5dc4a282000e49738f", //RSASS
"6259b864ebedf17603599e88", //SUPER90
"5a7828548dc32e5a9c28b516", //M870
"5c46fbd72e2216398b5a8c9c", //SVD
"5df8ce05b11454561e39243b", //SR25
"6176aca650224f204c1da3fb", //G28
"5df24cf80dee1b22f862e9bc" //ORSIS T-5000
"ergoFlatIncrease": 35,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.5,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.5,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.5,
"background": "yellow",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●★ ",
"suffix": " ★●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★"
"5bfea6e90db834001b7347f3", //M700
"55801eed4bdc2d89578b4588", //SV98
"627e14b21713922ded6f2c15", //AXMC
"5fc22d7c187fea44d52eda44", //Mk18
"5d43021ca4b9362eab4b5e25", //LONESTAR
"5a367e5dc4a282000e49738f", //RSASS
"6259b864ebedf17603599e88", //SUPER90
"5a7828548dc32e5a9c28b516", //M870
"5c46fbd72e2216398b5a8c9c", //SVD
"5df8ce05b11454561e39243b", //SR25
"6176aca650224f204c1da3fb", //G28
"5df24cf80dee1b22f862e9bc" //ORSIS T-5000
"ergoFlatIncrease": 25,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.5,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.6,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.6,
"background": "red",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●※ ",
"suffix": " ※●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "※ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ※"
"61a4c8884f95bc3b2c5dc96f", //RHINO .357
"633ec7c2a6918cb895019c6c", //RSH 50
"6193a720f8ee7e52e42109ed", //USP
"5b1fa9b25acfc40018633c01" //Glock 18C
"ergoFlatIncrease": 25,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.8,
"doubleActionAccuracyPenaltyMultiplier": 0.8,
"velocityMultiplier": 1.1,
"addToSpecialSlots": true,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.6,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.6,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.55,
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "♥ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ♥"
"61a4c8884f95bc3b2c5dc96f", //RHINO .357
"633ec7c2a6918cb895019c6c", //RSH 50
"6193a720f8ee7e52e42109ed", //USP
"5b1fa9b25acfc40018633c01" //Glock 18C
"ergoFlatIncrease": 5,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.8,
"doubleActionAccuracyPenaltyMultiplier": 0.5,
"velocityMultiplier": 1.5,
"addToSpecialSlots": true,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.8,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.8,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.75,
"background": "red",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●※ ",
"suffix": " ※●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "※ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ※"
"61a4c8884f95bc3b2c5dc96f", //RHINO .357
"633ec7c2a6918cb895019c6c", //RSH 50
"6193a720f8ee7e52e42109ed", //USP
"5b1fa9b25acfc40018633c01" //Glock 18C
"ergoFlatIncrease": 15,
"accuracyMultiplier": 0.8,
"doubleActionAccuracyPenaltyMultiplier": 0.7,
"velocityMultiplier": 1.3,
"addToSpecialSlots": true,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.75,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.75,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.7,
"background": "yellow",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●★ ",
"suffix": " ★●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★"
"65268d8ecb944ff1e90ea385", //Degtyarev RPDN
"64637076203536ad5600c990", //PKM
"5b0bbe4e5acfc40dc528a72d", //SA-58
"5beed0f50db834001c062b12" //RPG-16
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 50,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 40,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.6,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.65,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.6,
"setFireMode": [ "single", "fullauto" ],
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.6,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.65,
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "♥ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ♥"
"65268d8ecb944ff1e90ea385", //Degtyarev RPDN
"64637076203536ad5600c990", //PKM
"5b0bbe4e5acfc40dc528a72d", //SA-58
"5beed0f50db834001c062b12" //RPG-16
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 100,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 20,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.55,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.6,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.55,
"setFireMode": [ "single", "fullauto" ],
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.8,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.85,
"background": "yellow",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●★ ",
"suffix": " ★●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★"
"65268d8ecb944ff1e90ea385", //Degtyarev RPDN
"64637076203536ad5600c990", //PKM
"5b0bbe4e5acfc40dc528a72d", //SA-58
"5beed0f50db834001c062b12" //RPG-16
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 250,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 5,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.5,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.7,
"durabilityBurnMultiplier": 0.7,
"setFireMode": [ "single", "fullauto" ],
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.9,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.9,
"background": "red",
"prefix": "˙·٠•●※ ",
"suffix": " ※●•٠·˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "※ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ※"
DeadLeaves Author
Because I'm not playing this version. I'm only doing the bare minimum to keep the mods working. When I actually play Ill consider updating mods with new features.
I can prescribe a separate group for weapon components in the mod and it will work too. Or in the algorithms for modification there is a selection only for weapons, but not for modules?

Judging by this line "data.fireRate = this.itemDB[weapon]._props.bFirerate;" only weapons are modified
Can you add modules?
DeadLeaves Author
Im guessing you mean weapon mods. Its outside the scope for this mod, but might be something I look into in the future, as it does sound pretty sweet.
That's right, thank you
How do I make these guns show up on the flea market?
I have just noticed that the stats seem to be all wrong for realism mod... Am I doing something wrong or missing something?
DeadLeaves Author
I have no idea, have never played realism
yea idk how realism works. But I think the shiny airdrops mod is taking the baseline stats and editing them without touching the realism stats. But even then the stats seem entirely wrong. When Shiny Airdrops runs. Does it create new items with IDs?
Well. it definitely doesn't work right with realism. For it to be compatible this mod would need to pull the item stats from realisms db. And then make its own json compatibility file and stick it into realisms compatibility folder. I don't really know how to write this language nor am I advanced enough to understand how it works.
Itd be very cool if you could somehow add multiple different tiers to these too.
DeadLeaves Author
Nothing is stopping you from doing it yourself. See 10tmdals below, they do it, and posted their settings.
Ohhh I didnt know that was configurable! I will definitely play around with these. Also I am using SAMswats heli crash mod (the patched version from Fika discord) That can also spawn shiny guns right? (I am also using a lot of the WTT armory guns and some of the MassiveSoft guns with realism mod.)
DeadLeaves Author
I have no idea how the code for heli crash works. It might work, it might not. no idea.
Well. I am just back home and im testing it. If it works with the one on the Fika discord. I will leave a reply.
any way to adjust the sale price of the guns, Because some of the guns can sell for millions
DeadLeaves Author
They don't unless you have an outdated version of artem that bugs shit out.
shiny armour?.....
we just need a shiny trader now
I don't think this mod works with modded weapons at all, i keep getting errors when trying to add them (the g3 and hk417 mods).
UPDATE: Problem solved, you need to put this mod lower than the modded weapons in the load order in order for the modded weapons to work.
thanks for the update! also, which ID's did you use? theres so many ID's lol
For hk ex:
"664a5b945636ce820472f225": { <=== this ID at the very top
"itemTplToClone": "6176aca650224f204c1da3fb",
"parentId": "5447b5f14bdc2d61278b4567",
"handbookParentId": "5b5f78fc86f77409407a7f90",
"overrideProperties": {
"ExaminedByDefault": true,
"Prefab": {
"path": "hk417.bundle",
"rcid": ""
for the g3 mod, its the same thing, but if you wanna add the hk11e variant, youll have to search for it with the ctrl + f function, and type in hk11e, it should be the id right above it
i got everything working except the acr and scorpion. for some reason those are the only 2 that dont have the weapon ID's at the very top. and i have tried like 20 different ID's with those 2 and nothings working. oh well i guess lol
the id is the name of the weapon "czscorpion" just tested it out, it works
so im trying to add modded guns to the list to make shiny (specifically wtt's acr, scorpion and g3, and the mk12 mod) but i cant for the life of me figure out which mongoID to add, every one i add comes up with a error in the server. any suggestions?
I'm having the same exact issue, ive tried every id i could find and kept getting errors. maybe the wtt series of mods just arent compatible. also, fuck your name.
Update: read the comment i posted up top
whenever i equip a shiny gun, a message pops up saying "unable to edit trader item"
DeadLeaves Author
What's your mod list? It has to be some kind of mod incompatibility: Because I can't replicate it, and you're not the first to report it.
admittedly my mod list is huge, im running 54 mods. trying to narrow it down might be a nightmare lol but weirdly it doesnt cause a error in the server
i was using a shiny mp 155 earlier for a couple raids just fine, then i found a shiny m4 so i tried to equip it and the message popped up saying "unable to edit trader item" and sent me back to the main menu, dupilicating the gun and stripping the equipped version of all parts. im not a modder but maybe its conflicting with a trader? its weird that it happens so sporadically though. it sucks cuz i love this mod. here is my mods list in load order, maybe its a load order issue, like i said though, im not a modder so idk.
artem trader
artem equipment
bright lasers
better night vision goggles
questing bots
algorithmic level progression
remove time gate from quests
expanded task list
fontaines fov fix
guilded key storage
shiny airdrop guns
medical attention
less restrictive headwear
optic rework
realistic thermals
custom quest loader
wtt armory wilson combat
wtt little drummer boy
wtt packNstrap
bigger bang
any update? I'm sorry my mod list is so big. As far as I know it could be conflicting with anything. I'm not a modder what so ever lol
DeadLeaves Author
Yeah, it's an issue with artem. Has technically nothing to do with my mod. except causing the airdrop crates to give you stacks of guns (yes stacks of them) which glitches out the game.
If I have a couple of mods that add weapons, do I need to do anything?
Do I need to add to the blacklist? But I don’t quite understand what and where to add
DeadLeaves Author
You only need to change something if you want weapons from that mod to be shiny and appear in weapon cases from airdrops.
sometimes this error comes up
You don't know what it's connected to?
DeadLeaves Author
I dont think its related to this mod. Sorry I can help more than that.
Hi! Loved your mod, have used it in the past. Changed my damn life. But I've had an issue using it recently.
So I installed it, edited and added a few more guns to the lists (did this before in previous wipes), and started the game. The game started up fine. I exited the game, and came back in and I get this error:
"Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Single'. Path 'DoubleActionAccuracyPenalty', line 1, position 10000247."
After I get this error in the start up screen, the game closes.
I removed the mod and my mod folder and booted the game again and it worked fine.
I added the mod back, default without my edits, and it gives the same error now.
Tried looking through the profiles.json and items.json for clues but I'm not versed with code so I don't know which json to look through to fix this error. Please help.
Thank you for your time and attention.
DeadLeaves Author
Probably a config file that's not properly formatted. Could you send your config? or tag me in the SPT discord.
Sure, thank you, which channel should I hit you up on?
got the same error, maybe this mod not compatible with Skill Extended or Realism?
Actually, we worked it out, I took out and reinstalled all my mods one by one and it worked somehow. Including Realism. I don't have skills extended installed or anything like that though. Maybe your mod list just needs a little wash. Tedious but those were my results.
i get this error

DeadLeaves Author
Probably a config file that's not properly formatted. Could you send your config? or tag me in the SPT discord.
Hello, whenever I try to equip any of the guns from the mod it shows this error, duplicates the gun and restarts back to before I equip it leaving only the core of the gun, no barrel no stock, nothing
Unable to find item: 66198ef5010016f80fec1f8e to swap positions with: a00c40615384e978a597ecf0
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'parentId')
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'parentId')
at InventoryController.swapItem (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\InventoryController.ts:413:25)
at InventoryCallbacks.swapItem (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\InventoryCallbacks.ts:98:41)
at InventoryItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\src\routers\item_events\InventoryItemEventRouter.ts:70:48)
at ItemEventRouter.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\src\routers\ItemEventRouter.ts:42:29)
at ItemEventCallbacks.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\ItemEventCallbacks.ts:26:52)
at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\static\ItemEventStaticRouter.ts:16:52)
at ItemEventStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63)
at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)
at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)
at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'parentId')
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'parentId')
at InventoryController.swapItem (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\InventoryController.ts:413:25)
at InventoryCallbacks.swapItem (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\InventoryCallbacks.ts:98:41)
at InventoryItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\src\routers\item_events\InventoryItemEventRouter.ts:70:48)
at ItemEventRouter.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\src\routers\ItemEventRouter.ts:42:29)
at ItemEventCallbacks.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\ItemEventCallbacks.ts:26:52)
at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\static\ItemEventStaticRouter.ts:16:52)
at ItemEventStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63)
at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)
at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)
at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)
DeadLeaves Author
What version of SPT? What version of this mod? What other mods are you running? Do you get this issue with only this mod?
i was able to fix it by updating to latest mod version, realized i had downloaded an older version, ty for ur time
My game freezes at the exact moment the airdrop drops out of the plane. Not sure if its the mod, because it doesnt happen every raid and when I deinstalled the mod it didnt happen for 2 raids. However that also happend with the mod. It never crashed without.
Ill link a reddit post with the picture of the spt server errors.…_crashing_with_air_drops/
DeadLeaves Author
What version of SPT? What version of this mod? What other mods are you running? Do you get this issue with only this mod?
[LeavesShinyGuns] Modding: 5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567 ˙·٠•●♥ Colt M4A1 5.56x45 assault rifle ♥●•٠·˙
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567_shiny_ARs Name')
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567_shiny_ARs Name')
at CustomItemService.addToLocaleDbs (C:\snapshot\src\services\mod\CustomItemService.ts:207:74)
at CustomItemService.createItemFromClone (C:\snapshot\src\services\mod\CustomItemService.ts:77:14)
at LeavesShinyAirdropGuns.addWeaponGroup (D:\1\user\mods\leaves-shinyairdropguns\src\mod.ts:209:36)
at LeavesShinyAirdropGuns.postDBLoad (D:\1\user\mods\leaves-shinyairdropguns\src\mod.ts:81:18)
at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:78:45)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:31:13)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:56:13)
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567_shiny_ARs Name')
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567_shiny_ARs Name')
at CustomItemService.addToLocaleDbs (C:\snapshot\src\services\mod\CustomItemService.ts:207:74)
at CustomItemService.createItemFromClone (C:\snapshot\src\services\mod\CustomItemService.ts:77:14)
at LeavesShinyAirdropGuns.addWeaponGroup (D:\1\user\mods\leaves-shinyairdropguns\src\mod.ts:209:36)
at LeavesShinyAirdropGuns.postDBLoad (D:\1\user\mods\leaves-shinyairdropguns\src\mod.ts:81:18)
at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:78:45)
at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:31:13)
at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:56:13)
Error has occurred, can you take a look? There's a comment with an error similar to mine, but I don't know how to fix it.
Shiny Airdrop Guns!#comments/comment31414
Nvm. I solved it by erasing the line that corresponds to my language in Aki_Data\Server\database\locales\language.json
Since I am a foreigner and have low intelligence, it is very difficult to add new guns to the mode.
"RD-704 / RFB / MCX / ASh-12.7 / AXMC / RSASS / SR-25 / MK.18 / RPK-16 / PKP"
I would like to add the guns listed in the section, but I would like to know if someone can help me. TT
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1 < I'm not sure if the item code for that part can be set arbitrarily, or if the original code exists.
For example, does the randomly entered code "4896a4sdc64agfvd4cx8z64", //ASh-12.7 work?
In that case, if there are no duplicate item codes and the name of the gun is written correctly, will it be added?
DeadLeaves Author
The //<name> is just a comment: it does nothing. the long string of random letters and numbers is the ID of the weapon. You can find the ID of a weapon on
and then looking at the 3rd line from the top named _id
You want to copy that string into the list of weapons. Remember to keep the quotation marks. Also make sure to have a comma after each new weapon EXCEPT the last one.
Example below
I understood it perfectly. Thank. We will modify it to expand the range of supply by using four colors and setting the rarity to four levels.
If used like this, will there be guns with different performance depending on the color grade?
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1
"5dcbd56fdbd3d91b3e5468d5", //MDR 762
"6499849fc93611967b034949", //AK-12
"606587252535c57a13424cfd", //MUTANT 47
"5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", //AKMN
"57c44b372459772d2b39b8ce", //AS VAL
"5beed0f50db834001c062b12", //RPK-16
"64ca3d3954fc657e230529cc", //PKP
"628a60ae6b1d481ff772e9c8", //RD-704
"5f2a9575926fd9352339381f", //RFB
"5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3", //MCX .300
"65290f395ae2ae97b80fdf2d", //MCX 6.8
"5cadfbf7ae92152ac412eeef", //ASh-12
"5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3" //HK-416
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.1,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 10,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.9,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.9,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.9,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.9,
"background": "blue",
"prefix": "˙★ ",
"suffix": " ★˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★"
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1
"5dcbd56fdbd3d91b3e5468d5", //MDR 762
"6499849fc93611967b034949", //AK-12
"606587252535c57a13424cfd", //MUTANT 47
"5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", //AKMN
"57c44b372459772d2b39b8ce", //AS VAL
"5beed0f50db834001c062b12", //RPK-16
"64ca3d3954fc657e230529cc", //PKP
"628a60ae6b1d481ff772e9c8", //RD-704
"5f2a9575926fd9352339381f", //RFB
"5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3", //MCX .300
"65290f395ae2ae97b80fdf2d", //MCX 6.8
"5cadfbf7ae92152ac412eeef", //ASh-12
"5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3" //HK-416
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.2,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 15,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.8,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.8,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.8,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.8,
"background": "violet",
"prefix": "˙★★ ",
"suffix": " ★★˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★★"
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1
"5dcbd56fdbd3d91b3e5468d5", //MDR 762
"6499849fc93611967b034949", //AK-12
"606587252535c57a13424cfd", //MUTANT 47
"5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", //AKMN
"57c44b372459772d2b39b8ce", //AS VAL
"5beed0f50db834001c062b12", //RPK-16
"64ca3d3954fc657e230529cc", //PKP
"628a60ae6b1d481ff772e9c8", //RD-704
"5f2a9575926fd9352339381f", //RFB
"5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3", //MCX .300
"65290f395ae2ae97b80fdf2d", //MCX 6.8
"5cadfbf7ae92152ac412eeef", //ASh-12
"5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3" //HK-416
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.3,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 20,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.7,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.7,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.7,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.7,
"background": "red",
"prefix": "˙★★★ ",
"suffix": " ★★★˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★★★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★★★"
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1
"5dcbd56fdbd3d91b3e5468d5", //MDR 762
"6499849fc93611967b034949", //AK-12
"606587252535c57a13424cfd", //MUTANT 47
"5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", //AKMN
"57c44b372459772d2b39b8ce", //AS VAL
"5beed0f50db834001c062b12", //RPK-16
"64ca3d3954fc657e230529cc", //PKP
"628a60ae6b1d481ff772e9c8", //RD-704
"5f2a9575926fd9352339381f", //RFB
"5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3", //MCX .300
"65290f395ae2ae97b80fdf2d", //MCX 6.8
"5cadfbf7ae92152ac412eeef", //ASh-12
"5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3" //HK-416
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.4,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 25,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.6,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.6,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.6,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.6,
"background": "yellow",
"prefix": "˙★★★★ ",
"suffix": " ★★★★˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★★★★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★★★★"
"5447a9cd4bdc2dbd208b4567", //M4A1
"5dcbd56fdbd3d91b3e5468d5", //MDR 762
"6499849fc93611967b034949", //AK-12
"606587252535c57a13424cfd", //MUTANT 47
"5a0ec13bfcdbcb00165aa685", //AKMN
"57c44b372459772d2b39b8ce", //AS VAL
"5beed0f50db834001c062b12", //RPK-16
"64ca3d3954fc657e230529cc", //PKP
"628a60ae6b1d481ff772e9c8", //RD-704
"5f2a9575926fd9352339381f", //RFB
"5fbcc1d9016cce60e8341ab3", //MCX .300
"65290f395ae2ae97b80fdf2d", //MCX 6.8
"5cadfbf7ae92152ac412eeef", //ASh-12
"5bb2475ed4351e00853264e3" //HK-416
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.5,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 30,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.5,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.5,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.5,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.5,
"background": "green",
"prefix": "˙★★★★★ ",
"suffix": " ★★★★★˙",
"shortNamePrefix": "★★★★★ ",
"shortNameSuffix": " ★★★★★"
DeadLeaves Author
from a glance that looks correct. If it doesnt give you any errors, that should work.
good evening and I found 2 bugs, the 1st bug is: that you can sell the
HK 416A5
for 5,637,159 R
and the 2nd bug is just simple display errors in various "airdrop weapon boxes" not all weapons, for example. 600 Vertical recoil is displayed.
and that's it for now, I'll let you know if I find anything else
MFG Angel
DeadLeaves Author
I cannot replicate the first one. It sells for 177k to mechanic.
I'm not sure what you're saying the 2nd bug is. Please elaborate and take your time writing.
So it happens to me if I try to edit the preset of the gun. then it starts to bug out and sells for over $5mil roubles. But it also starts to duplicate if i try to drag it to my PMC from my inventory after trying to edit the preset. So basically these cant be fully modded weapons, I'm guessing?
DeadLeaves Author
Again. I cannot replicate. If you can provide exact steps, and make sure you're running no other mods Ill look into it.
I keep getting this error
no idea why even weirder is that it leaves nothing in the server log.
Can you show your config file?
The only thing i added is the ids for the SA-58, both scars and the glock 17
sorry i dont know how to insert one of those pop out text things
"replaceAllAirdrops": false,
"weaponsToMakeShiny": [
"fireRateMultiplier": 1.05,
"fireRateFlatIncrease": 100,
"lowFireRateBoost": 600,
"ergoFlatIncrease": 5,
"ergoMultiplier": 1.05,
"horizontalRecoilFlatReduction": 5,
"horizontalRecoilMultiplier": 0.95,
"verticalRecoilFlatReduction": 5,
"verticalRecoilMultiplier": 0.95,
"heatFactorMultiplier": 0.9,
"heatFactorByShotMultiplier": 0.9,
"setFireModesToSingleAndFullAuto": true,
"background": "violet",
"blacklistFromAirdrop": true,
"prefix": "˙·٠•●♥ ",
"suffix": " ♥●•٠·˙",
"addToQuests": true,
"addToMasteries": true,
"debug": false
Is it possible to add per-gun configuration? I love the idea of having the ability to create an SR-1MP with for example a burst fire mode, while the m700 being a bolt action gun gets even more accuracy and ergo bonuses etc, but no firemode selection.
Currently you have to decide if you want every shiny to have full auto added (full auto boltys 💀) or none at all (no full auto stm 😭) etc.
Would allow OP enjoyers to go nuts and create ridiculous rare weapons, and more "purist" type players to be more conservative with it.
I would expand on the mod myself and code it if i could, but I'm not much of a programmer 🥲
i actually managed to add the functionality, but I'm sure i borked something along the way. Tested ingame and seems to be working. I used AI to add it so it probably fked something i don't know about. Here it is regardless if you want to take a look:…yAirdropGuns_PerGunConfig
Has two example guns like mentioned above (3-burst SR-1MP, single action M700 with just better stats)
DeadLeaves Author
Gave it a glance, and it looks pretty nice. If you're okay with it, ill take a closer look and might use some of that when I update it for the soon coming 3.8.x
absolutely, i got most of it straight from the AI so i can't really claim ownership of it anyway. 🫡
If you do end up adding this, could you maybe look at a more modular solution? Expose all gun stats and unless otherwise specified, use the gun's default stats?
it would also be cool if you could do more than one preset per gun, and name/color them differently, give different descriptions etc. (think rare/epic/legendary type system, or just for a variety of different configurations like burst, faster firerate etc.)
DeadLeaves Author
I'll def keep it in mind once the new patch drops. No promises, but it shouldn't be too difficult.
Who's the artist for ur mod images
DeadLeaves Author
Me, Myself, and I
Since mod effectively creates new weapons, they don't have mastery attached. If anyone cares about this, gotta replace in mod.ts 'for' loop around line 200 with this:
This way it will find which weapon is original and shove newly created weapon to share same mastery as original
DeadLeaves Author
Unless something broke at some point, it should inherit masteries. I fixed that in 1.0.5