Weapon Repair XP Multiplier 1.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Lets you adjust the weapon xp repair multiplier that was introduced in 3.7.2

Lets you adjust the weapon XP repair multiplier that was introduced in 3.7.2

The default value of 0.6 is the default value in game. Change it however you see fit.

    "weaponTreatment": {
        "critSuccessChance": 0.1,
        "critSuccessAmount": 4,
        "critFailureChance": 0.1,
        "critFailureAmount": 4,
        "pointGainMultiplier": 0.6

critSuccessChance and critFailureChance is how big chance there is for a critical success or failure. 1 = 100% chance. 0.1 = 10%. Both can happen at the same time, and will give plus or minus the Amount to the total xp recieved. You can never get less than 0 xp.


  • I really don't feel like opening my game, updating it, etc just to understand this so can you explain what this does to someone that hasn't played live since the first week of the last wipe? What is the "failure" chance and stuff?


    (I haven't had the chance to see whatever this does in LIVE tarkov cuz I don't load it anymore. But it sounds like from context that they made it where you can fix your armour and possibly cause there to be more remaining durability or even less durability than normal.
    is that right?)

    • Okay so, this mod affects the XP you get to weapon maintenance skill when using the weapon repair kit. The critical success or fail (a part of online) is a chance to get bonus or reduced XP when performing a repair. With default settings this results in effectively +/- 0 xp over a long time, so it's fairly pointless. But you can increase it so there is a chance for some nice bonus XP. or just disable the chance-mechanics completely. The multiplier itself gives you more XP for doing the same repair job. In online-tarkov (and default settings in this mod) it takes forever to get the skill up to a decent level.

      I'd recommend something like this

          "weaponTreatment": {
              "critSuccessChance": 0.1,
              "critSuccessAmount": 4,
              "critFailureChance": 0.01,
              "critFailureAmount": 4,
              "pointGainMultiplier": 7

      Small chance for some bonus xp, and a big increase to XP gain. I've gotten maybe 5-10 levels out of a repair kit. That seems like a fun, but not OP amount to me.

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