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Version 1.0.0
- CreamCheese
A must have mod I hope gets revived
Author Lacyway created a mod that does the same thing for 3.9.x. - CameraShakeTweaker
I saw
Sadly, it doesnt replace it fully, as it doesnt change anything with the atrocious blur when hit, I dont mind the aimpunch, it is the blur that is bs. Hope this mod gets updated soon.
Can anyone confirm if this working with SPT 3.8.1/2?
Yes, up to 3.8.3
Thank you, bsg if full of blind idiots that think you lose vision when get shot
I was just about to ask for someone to create this mod
Maddog Matt
Thank you so much. Been waiting for a mod to reduce aim punch.
I have no problem with the mechanic but the amount that it does it is what always annoyed me. So many fights i would lose because i am not the one who gets the jump on someone and it just feels bad when your counter play is so limited due to the random aim punch throwing my aim off all over the place.
finally, i can be the sigma based gigachad i want to be by ignoring bullets completely when they hit me
(I am schizophrenic and severely afraid of women)
Another great mod thanks! Curious if you know of a way to get rid of the black vignette that shows when you full auto weapons as well?
CreamCheese Author
I could look into it for you. I might add it into this mod if I figure it out.
That would be amazing thank you! It's one of the things that just really bother me.
finally someone made a mod for this specific extremely annoying problem