The crafter 2.3.0

If you want recipes, scavcase alcohol based and more in your hideout. you are in the right place

The mod is standalone. You don't need anything else. If you have my others mods please remove them before use this.

I recommend to use with my SVM profile FAIR PRESET WITH BIGGER STASH

The mod is fully modular. Use config.json for disable the unwanted features

-You can craft more stuff in hideout

-Convert your scavcase payment from money to alcohol

-Increase the stash size for each level

-Reduce the stash price by 10 times (in the original game due the fact you can buy eod, the stash upgrade price is insane)

-Added almost every rebalance to recipes from Softcore by ODT and some my addition

  • Version 2.3.0

    New craft

    -Car first aid kit

    Reduced cost

    -Money Case

    -Keycard holder case

    -Weapon case

    -S I C C organizational pouch


    Lucky Scav Junk Box (Lavatory 2 -> Intel 1, it cost 2 of each item)

    Grenade case (Lavatory 2 -> Intel 1, it cost 2 of each item)

    Magazine case (Lavatory 2 -> Intel 1, it cost 2 of each item)

    Body armor repair kit (Lavatory 3 -> Intel 2, KEKTAPE 4 -> 2, Duct tape 6 -> 3, Fort redut -> Korund)

    Weapon repair kit (Workbench 3 -> Intel 2, Weapon parts 10 -> 3, Insulating tape 6 -> 3, Set of files "Master"/FireKlean gun lube removed)

    Violet card (AccessLab 10 -> 4, IntelFolder 4 -> 3)

  • Version 2.2.1


  • Version 2.2.0


    New recipes

    -RGN hand grenade

    -Item Case

    -Medicine Case

    -Mr. Holodilnick thermal bag

    -Money case

    -Injector case

    -Keycard holder case

    -Weapon case

    -S I C C organizational pouch

    -Increased compatibility with other mods that have recipes

    -Moved secure containers from Workbench to Intelligence center

    -Increased the craft time for each secure container except Kappa

  • Version 2.1.0

    -Added almost every rebalance to recipes from Softcore by ODT

    -Cleaned, formatted and adapted the code for my mod

    -Balanced many of my craft around the implementation of softcore rebalance

  • Version 2.0.1

    HOTFIX thx AtaraxiaDev

  • Version 2.0.0


    8) Now we are compatible with SVM at 100%. No more workarounds8)

    As the result:

    -Every craft of the mod is synced with SVM values now

    -Scavcase is synced with SVM values now

    -Modified just a bit Scavcase rewards

    -In config.json you can disable what you don't want (default is on for every setting)

    in my next update i want integrate the craft balance from the great "softcore"

  • Version 1.1.0

    New features
    Bigger stash (default on)

    -Level 1 is 50 V lines

    -Level 2 is 65 V lines

    -Level 3 is 80 V lines

    -Level 4 is 100 V lines

    10 times less money for upgrade the stash in the hideout (default on)


    Moved back again to Lavatory Level 2 the RPK-16 5.45x39 95-round drum magazine

  • Version 1.0.0

  • sadge

    only good crafting mod for hideout and its not updated and wont for another month prob (idk I really hope not, I hope it will be here earlier)

  • Will this be updated to 2.8.0?

  • Greetings! Does it work with 3.8.0? And if not, is there an update planned?

  • crafter 2.3.0 has a compat issue with Kiki's BiggerStash

    • sure, my mod does that too

  • Great update man , can you add the goblin king stims too ?


  • amazing mod, really improves the game.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • hi ,nice mod .. with this mod the morechekmarks works fine, but can you add the crafts from morehideoutcrafts ?

    ? 1
    • morehideoutcrafts has not craft inside. it's just an "empty box"

    • mistake kkkkkk, i mean the crafts inside the mod ...

      can you add them ?

    • i repeat. morehideoutcrafts has not crafts inside. morehideoutcrafts is a platform for create craft

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello, a typo on line 696 of the mod.ts file causes ODT ItemInfo to crash.

    "Requirements" should not be capitalized; it should be "requirements". For some reason, only scav case productions use "Requirements".

    Otherwise, the mod works fine; nice job.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • So updating form Deprecated mod to the new how would that necessary be ?

    • if you mean, update this mod from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 just overwrite the mod when you are not crafting something in the hideout. if you mean from craft craft craft, just remove the old mod and use this

    • I mean going form using the Craft Craft Craft Mod using the shredder-MoreHideoutCrafts as it was depending on it

    • remove the files of my old mod and install this

      Thumbs Up 1
  • So does this latest version do much more than just adding crafts to the hideout to be made? When reading the latest version and looking over softcore, it sounds like the crafter mod is now incorporating a lot of game changes. Is this the case? Is there a way going forward where we can turn it off in a config file and just have the crafts you make if so?

    • The mod is fully modular. Use config.json for disable the unwanted features

      Edit: I added only the rebalance to recipes

    • Oh okay that makes more sense, so you made the crafts themselves be suited to use with softcore. Okay that is more reassuring. I really like your mod and thought I was going to have to stop using it if it was going to change gameplay things.

      Thanks for the reply!

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Yes, it was my mistake. I assumed it was clear when it obviously wasn't

  • If you are upgrading The Crafter from an old version, do NOT forget to Clean Temp Files from the SPT Launcher!


    I upgraded from TheCrafter 2.0.1 to 2.1.0.

    My UI in game was all kinds of jacked up.

    Inventory Cells and shit was all over the place.


    From the SPTLauncher window, go to Settings and use the Clean Temp Files.

    This resolved all my issues with the UI.

    Other important notes

    I use the latest version of MoreCheckMarks as of this message.

    I have no issues, everything is working fine.


    Thumbs Up 1
  • Good evening,

    I am super excited to use this mod, however I have systematically isolated that this is causing MoreCheckmarks to not work. It does not cause an error, the checkmarks just don't work. I read through some other comments an based on those response's I have tried to move the load order but no joy. Please let me know if there is something else I may try?

    Overall love the direction of this mod and am looking forward to using it in the future.

    Thank You very much

    • i use Morecheckmarks and it works flawless. I load morecheckmarks at bottom of the list. If you have problems try clear the cache in main folder and in user folder. try a fresh install of both the mods and check if you have at least aki 3.7.1

    • Thank you for the feedback, I have cleared the cache , installed fresh, have Morecheckmarks last, and I am on 3.7.4. Still not working. I appreciate the feedback, I will try again at a later time.

      Crying 1
    • i don't understand why it doesn't work. :(


      check if this beta will fix your problem

    • I truly appreciate the time you took to look into this for me. Unfortunately it appears to be giving me the same results. Thank You again.

      Crying 1
    • check the comment above. Kilo_lee fixed it

  • 2.0 version and later breaks iteminfo (which while outdated, does still work in 3.7.4)

    Thumbs Up 1
    • try load iteminfo before my mod

      Edit: how can it break iteminfo? i didn't add items can you show me the error, maybe it's a bug in my code

    • This the error I get using iteminfo and your mod. I have iteminfo loaded before your mod.

      TypeError: recipe.requirements is not iterable

      TypeError: recipe.requirements is not iterable

      at ItemInfo.productionGenarator (C:\SPT-3.7.4\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:1315:50)

      at ItemInfo.itemInfoMain (C:\SPT-3.7.4\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:755:49)

      at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\SPT-3.7.4\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:292:22)

      at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:569:17)

      at processTimers (node:internal/timers:512:7)

      TypeError: recipe.requirements is not iterable

      TypeError: recipe.requirements is not iterable

      at ItemInfo.productionGenarator (C:\SPT-3.7.4\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:1315:50)

      at ItemInfo.itemInfoMain (C:\SPT-3.7.4\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:755:49)

      at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\SPT-3.7.4\user\mods\odt-iteminfo\src\mod.ts:292:22)

      at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:569:17)

      at processTimers (node:internal/timers:512:7)

    • maybe i fixed it. load iteminfo as first mod and in config.json of iteminfo set delay to false. It should work

  • could you please keep your older version of the crafter up? I currently am having severe server errors on creation of new characters with the 2.01 version.

    • what errors? maybe i can help you

      EDIT: 1.1.0 should be up

    • So it occurs on SPT when I make a developer account. At the Character creation screen after selecting bear or usec and click to continue I get the following error in the server and no character is made:

      [Client Request] /client/game/profile/nickname/reserved

      [Client Request] /client/game/profile/nickname/validate

      [Client Request] /client/game/profile/create

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'some')

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'some')

      at filter (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:886:31)

      at Array.filter (<anonymous>)

      at QuestHelper.findAndAddHideoutProductionIdToProfile (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:884:56)

      at QuestHelper.applyQuestReward (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:842:26)

      at ProfileController.givePlayerStartingQuestRewards (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\ProfileController.ts:258:50)

      at ProfileController.createProfile (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\ProfileController.ts:201:18)

      at ProfileCallbacks.createProfile (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\ProfileCallbacks.ts:36:32)

      at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\ProfileStaticRouter.ts:17:50)

      at ProfileStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:50:63)

      at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'some')

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'some')

      at filter (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:886:31)

      at Array.filter (<anonymous>)

      at QuestHelper.findAndAddHideoutProductionIdToProfile (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:884:56)

      at QuestHelper.applyQuestReward (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\QuestHelper.ts:842:26)

      at ProfileController.givePlayerStartingQuestRewards (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\ProfileController.ts:258:50)

      at ProfileController.createProfile (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\ProfileController.ts:201:18)

      at ProfileCallbacks.createProfile (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\ProfileCallbacks.ts:36:32)

      at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\ProfileStaticRouter.ts:17:50)

      at ProfileStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:50:63)

      at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

      This version 3.7.4 (which I haven't updated in a bit, I was last on 3.2.3), I'm starting to notice the developer account messing up several other mods and even one of my modded traders gets broken when using the developer account.. curious as to why.

    • sorry but are you migrated a profile from 3.2.3 to 3.7.4? there is an error in questhelper.ts i don't know what mod do you have. if you need more help i'm on spt discord same name.

    • oh I meant I just blew everything away and just started fresh, I didn't migrate anything. But I found the issue on 3.7.4 to be something that only occurs when you attempt to create a character on the SPT Developer account.

    • do you have some obsolete mod?

  • Hello! In the last version of mod (2.0.0) you have forgot to put comma in some places. This is the diff, if you interested:

    Thumbs Up 1
  • I would like to make a suggestion for the next version, which I hope will be adopted.

    Give a switch to not load duplicate recipes in "Softcore".

    • what do you mean? softcore is outdated. you can't use softcore in 3.7.4. anyway, if you don't want some craft, just disable it in config. the mod is totally modular


      The repaired versions of other authors work on 3.7.3, and I am not sure whether they will be updated in the future.

    • Ah you are using the drakia version. Ok, but anyway just disable the unwanted stuff from a mod in the config file. Both mods are fully customizable via config.

  • hey perfect timing! was just looking for a mod like this!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Can you add the craft for M.U.L.E please ?

    • it's already in the game. Medstation lvl2 after the Crisis quest from therapist