Borkel's Bloody Bullet Wounds + Particles + Splatters 1.2.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Retextured bullet wounds to feature an actual bullet hole and more blood (vanilla bullet wounds don't even have a hole). Also implemented blood particles with splatters on collisions.


If you wish to support me and help me achieve my dream of owning night vision goggles you can buy me a coffee.


  • Version 1.2.2

    Added a null check to prevent a rare error.


  • Version 1.2.1

    Refactored by pein once again.

    Added new configs to the F12 menu, it is now highly customizable:



  • Version 1.2.0

    New particle system with blood splatters on impact! Many thanks to pein and Arys for their help!




  • Version 1.1.5

    Updated for 3.9.

    Next version will most likely have a new particle system.


  • Version 1.1.4

    I've given up on the blood particles, can't get them up to standard so they are now disabled by default. They can be enabled in the F12 menu for those who liked them.

    Edit: not giving up afterall.

  • Version 1.1.3

    • Reworked the plugin logic, it now will spawn different particle systems depending on the damage dealt (includes exit wound particles).
    • Also reworked the particle system itself, adjusted particle size, amount and dispersion to achieve a more realistic look.


  • Version 1.1.2

    Greately improved the look of the particles, they have more accurate reflections.


  • Version 1.1.1

    Implemented directional burst of particles, no longer uses spherical burst. Added option to disable the particles in the F12 menu.

    Further improvements to the particle system are still planned.

    Also improved the code, resulting in better performance (i was duplicating particle instances, silly me)




  • Version 1.1.0

    Implemented blood particles. Added F12 setting to enable an option to make particles last longer.

    Preview videos:

    Preview image:


  • Version 1.0.3

    Updated for 3.8.1 and all future 3.8 versions

  • Got this while having a firefight on streets / died

  • i love your mod so much, i made som straight up fanBwoiii shit.

    im still hoping and are excited, if your mods blood will be able to have more.
    still present, before it disappearing.
    would be soo kwol!

    Heart 1
    • very gory and cool

  • watching this mod evolve has been awesome. at first it was just a nice-to-have, but now I kinda miss it when I play live. keep it up :)

    Heart 1
  • very very awsome mod i love it.
    is it possible somehow, to make blood stay longer before it dissappears visually.
    can i config somehow :)
    thanks in advance

    p.s. you should consider making/ collaborating with the creator of the HOORAY confetti mod.
    For headshots.
    and maby make meaty custom cycle of different sounds.
    for more audioble satysfying experience with your great mod!

    • The blood lifespan is infinite actually, it is not timed. There's a limited amount of blood splatters that can exist at a time, when that limit is reached, the oldest one will disappear. Maybe I can make it a customizable amount.

      Headshots already different from bodyshots.

    • i would very much ejoy love that. so i can stack up a pile of corpses.
      and paint the hallways of factory. im trying to make a amv. tribute video to your mod ^^

      Heart 1
  • 非常好的模组 我很喜欢

    Heart 1
  • I got this error that spammed the server when shooting and killing an enemy while I was mid-extract. I wasn't able to extract and my hud just disappeared. First time it happened.

  • I installed it the way you said to and no BepInex plugin when I press F12. My mods are.





    Saria shop

    Tactical gear component

    Black core


    Looting bots

    Questing bots

    Friendly pmc

    Burst M4

    choccy rpg 7

    • You most likely installed it wrong. Drop the contents of the zip inside of the SPT folder, where the .exe of the game is.

    • Forgive me but if i got this right I just highlight the BepInex and user folders. Then I just drag it into my spt 3.9.5 folder?

    • i know i downloaded the latest version but it says i have 1.1.5

    • hey I got it don't really know how but its there now lol

    • The server mod has not changed since 1.1.5, so I never bothered to update its version number. What I've been changing since then is the client mod, which you can check in the F12 menu

  • This newest update is 10/10, way more realistic looking than visceral dismemberment's blood particles. Keep up the incredible work!

    Heart 2
  • just wondering but have you thought of adding a configurable max/min particle amount so particles dont disappear as often when more are spawned? (kind of like the old longer lasting particles in the older versions) when shooting at someone, other particles disappear and im assuming theres a limit for max drops at one time

    • it might be possible to do yes

      Heart 1
  • I cant get this to update stuck at 1.1.5, Any suggestions?

    Tried overwriting
    Tried deleting starting server then extract to folder nothing worked

    • No clue, if you follow the correct install instructions it should jsut work, like ti does for everyone else

    • I mean the instructions are install to SPT folder LOL..

    • Yeah you just drag the contents of the zip into SPT folder

    • and doesn't work 😕 stuck at 1.1.5 sad noises 😢

    • what other mods do you have

  • Thought I'd try this again since the last time was when you first added the particles. Wow it's so much better now I love it, definitely prefer it over the current implementation of VD which feels a little mismatched at the moment with the effects.

    The only thing that looks a little off to me right now is the blood splatters look like the specular strength and/or brightness of the diffuse is a touch too bright, like a tiny amount.

    • The splatters are from Tarkov's own heavy bleed emitter, i have not created those textures, it's BSG's work. I may edit them tho, maybe.

    • Ah ok, perhaps because there's more of them now it was more noticeable. On the other hand I can see why its so well integrated now, good job.

    • if your running amands graphics mod, this makes it even brighter shinyer.
      you should try.

      Film Look for Tarkov (ReShade Preset)

      without amands, then play with some other contrast, saturation.
      i promiss you that blood can get cool :D

      also i reccomend high SSR, i tarkovs graph settings.
      for better shiny what you call it :)

  • it's clearly getting better and better, we're getting closer to perfection, thank you!!

    Heart 1
  • Awesome mod and it doesnt even require additional useless mods to work. :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • Awesome, thanks a lot !

    Heart 1
  • Now additional realistic body dismemberment and you are a god. Thanks for your mod, it gives a lot immersion.

    • i don't know about dismemberment, but i may improve the look of bullet wound holes by creating a normal map for it

    • maybe sometime anyone comes and give you advice how you can do :)

      Happy 1 ? 1
  • I love this mod so much. With your upgrade to a new particle system it made a HUGE difference visually! Awesome work!

    Heart 2
  • great mod :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • Would it be possible to include a smaller splatter option?

    Likewise, an option to disable the bullet wounds (for some who may just want the splatters)

    • 1. Not really, since it would also affect the splatters generated by heavy bleeds.

      2. Just delete the part of the mod that is installer in user/mods, it will revert the wounds to vanilla

  • Wow! I really like the latest version! Great improvement! Thank you so much!

    Heart 1
  • works really great, so much blood!

    makes the game really gory even without the dismemberment mod

    Heart 1
  • Looking great, any way to make the blood darker though?

    • It uses Tarkov's own blood emitters, so the textures are the vanilla ones, they are used for heavy bleeds. Maybe I edit them at some point.

    • That makes sense. Good work :)

      Heart 1
  • So awesome! Thank you for all the amazing work you do!! <3

    Heart 1
  • I tested the 1.2.0 and I loved it. you did a good job sir, thank you for this amazing mod.

    Heart 1
  • The update was good, the new splatter system works perfectly, but i sort of miss the amount of particles we had in the previous version. Can we get a slider to adjust the amount of particles and particle chance? Keep up the good work and thank you for your mod!

    • That is already included, check the F12 menu

    • Oh you mean an actual slider instead of the current numerical input

    • Nono. Oh from what i understood, the current slider doesn't increase the particle effects, it increases the chance a particle effect will produce a splatter on the ground?

    • Yeah, it only affects the splatters, not the actual flying particles. Might add the option under advanced settings maybe.

  • Good work! Thanks for the update! And for paying the optional cat tax!

    Heart 1
  • great mod :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • I love your mod so damn much. Great work as always! Happy to see you implement the particle system you like and of course happy to see others helping you with it

    Heart 1
  • New update is out fucking standing, great work!

    Heart 1
  • YOU DID IT!!!!!

    Heart 1
  • Looks cool now, much better than the early particle system..... :thumbup:

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1