Borkel's Bloody Bullet Wounds + Particles + Splatters 1.2.4

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Retextured bullet wounds to feature an actual bullet hole and more blood (vanilla bullet wounds don't even have a hole). Also implemented blood particles with splatters on collisions.


If you wish to support me and help me achieve my dream of owning night vision goggles you can buy me a coffee.


  • Version 1.2.4

    Updated for 3.10. Thanks to Archangel for the help.


  • Version 1.2.3

    Darkened the blood splatters to be more inline with other blood textures and tweaked the bullet hole texture.

    Configurable limit of splatters will come next update.



  • Version 1.2.2

    Added a null check to prevent a rare error.


  • Version 1.2.1

    Refactored by pein once again.

    Added new configs to the F12 menu, it is now highly customizable:



  • Version 1.2.0

    New particle system with blood splatters on impact! Many thanks to pein and Arys for their help!




  • Version 1.1.5

    Updated for 3.9.

    Next version will most likely have a new particle system.


  • Version 1.1.4

    I've given up on the blood particles, can't get them up to standard so they are now disabled by default. They can be enabled in the F12 menu for those who liked them.

    Edit: not giving up afterall.

  • Version 1.1.3

    • Reworked the plugin logic, it now will spawn different particle systems depending on the damage dealt (includes exit wound particles).
    • Also reworked the particle system itself, adjusted particle size, amount and dispersion to achieve a more realistic look.


  • Version 1.1.2

    Greately improved the look of the particles, they have more accurate reflections.


  • Version 1.1.1

    Implemented directional burst of particles, no longer uses spherical burst. Added option to disable the particles in the F12 menu.

    Further improvements to the particle system are still planned.

    Also improved the code, resulting in better performance (i was duplicating particle instances, silly me)




  • patience

    Heart 15 ? 2
  • love this mod heaps!, cant wait for 3.11!

    Heart 2
    • I'm looking forward to it too, it brings the gaming experience to a very satisfying version.

      Heart 1
  • Love this mod as an alternative to the gore overhaul hosted on the Fika Pub

    Heart 1
  • Nice work. I m on fika. On local it's work perfeclty. But any idea to work with dedicated servor ? when bot shooting on me i see blood particule on me, on my foot. but BOT was not affect by the mod.

    • get Visual Studio and build the FIKA version form my repo, it's already made

    • thx dud

  • What mod did you used in your preview and allowed you to aim canted?

  • mod is enabled both server and client side, was working and now it's not for whatever reason.. it is enabled.. any ideas what could be preventing it from working?


    Heart 1
  • Is it possible to change the decal of the bullet holes when hitting armor/rig? Right now it's just a black circle, if its possible could it be changed into ripped/frayed fabric?

  • Getting a virus alert from Windows when trying to download.

    • lol

    • Just letting you know, wasn't blaming you or anything. Thought that was the etiquette here? I only have Windows Defender so I don't have something whack going crazy with the file.

      Happy 1
    • did not take it as if you were blaming me, i did find it funny


    Heart 1
  • Thank you so much Borkel you're a legend.

    Heart 1
  • THANKS !!!! :evil:

    Heart 1
  • Lol, it still says it's only for 3.9 on the site

  • we need a update pls

  • Update to 3.10 PLLL ! :)

    Heart 1
  • Just what I was looking for. :) Highly tunable!

    Heart 1
  • I absolutely love this mod, it's what really makes the experience! I do wonder if there a way to configure the size of the blood splatters though?

    Good job thank you so much for making this, Borkel!!!

    Heart 1
  • genius !what a wonderful mod !

    Heart 1
  • Ayy, you did it. Thanks for the continued work 👍

    Heart 1
  • I love this mod. Making the blood a bit darker was a wise choice, as even though the brightness of the original color was more realistic ... bright blood looks fake. Even though that's what it looks like when there is a lot of arterial spray.

    I greatly appreciate your hard work on something that's 100% aesthetic.

    Heart 1
  • Why does the login interface keep displaying 'bundle loading' loading bundle:5369/5399”。 I have been unable to enter the game.

    • how do you know it has something to do with this mod¿

    • Because I deleted this MOD on the server, the game went in.

    • But I really like this MOD, so I want to know why it's stuck in the login interface. It would be even better if the problem could be solved. I sent the game log to Chat GPT, and he told me: "1 Check the files of MOD

      Your logs indicate that the issue may be related to loading a certain MOD or asset, especially in the code related to BundleManager and EasyAssetsPatch. Try disabling your recently installed Borkel's Bloody Bullet Wounds MOD, or any other recent MOD, to see if it can solve the problem.

      If the issue is resolved, it indicates that the MOD may not be compatible with your current SPT-AKI version.

      2. Regenerate the bundled file

      Try deleting the bundle folder in the root directory of SPT-AKI, as it will automatically regenerate the bundle files when the game starts. If the file is damaged or not loaded correctly, deleting it may solve the problem

      But my version is 3.9 and there are no version issues.

    • all i can think of is that you are not installing it properly

    • I put the BorkelBP file into the plugins folder and Bloody Bullet Sounds into the mods folder.

  • Is there any way to make the blood a bit darker? I love using this mod but the splatters are a really bright red compared to to bullet wounds

    • yes, will do it at some point

      Heart 2
  • Good job with the mod so far, i do think the blood should be darker and more spread out to make it more realistic but it's the best mod we have right now for gore.

    Heart 1
  • btw a guy made rewiew on your mod

    Heart 1
    • Am so happy right now

  • can you fix big wounds when you plaing with visceral gore mod and this mod?

    • I'd rather not have anything to do with the visceral dismemberment mod.

  • Got this while having a firefight on streets / died

  • i love your mod so much, i made som straight up fanBwoiii shit.

    im still hoping and are excited, if your mods blood will be able to have more.
    still present, before it disappearing.
    would be soo kwol!

    Heart 1
    • very gory and cool

  • watching this mod evolve has been awesome. at first it was just a nice-to-have, but now I kinda miss it when I play live. keep it up :)

    Heart 1
  • very very awsome mod i love it.
    is it possible somehow, to make blood stay longer before it dissappears visually.
    can i config somehow :)
    thanks in advance

    p.s. you should consider making/ collaborating with the creator of the HOORAY confetti mod.
    For headshots.
    and maby make meaty custom cycle of different sounds.
    for more audioble satysfying experience with your great mod!

    • The blood lifespan is infinite actually, it is not timed. There's a limited amount of blood splatters that can exist at a time, when that limit is reached, the oldest one will disappear. Maybe I can make it a customizable amount.

      Headshots already different from bodyshots.

    • i would very much ejoy love that. so i can stack up a pile of corpses.
      and paint the hallways of factory. im trying to make a amv. tribute video to your mod ^^

      Heart 1
  • 非常好的模组 我很喜欢

    Heart 1