Borkel's Bloody Particles and Bullet Wounds 1.1.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Retextured bullet wounds to feature an actual bullet hole and more blood (vanilla bullet wounds don't even have a hole). Also implemented blood particles with collisions.


If you wish to support me and help me achieve my dream of owning night vision goggles you can buy me a coffee.


  • Version 1.1.3

    • Reworked the plugin logic, it now will spawn different particle systems depending on the damage dealt (includes exit wound particles).
    • Also reworked the particle system itself, adjusted particle size, amount and dispersion to achieve a more realistic look.


  • Version 1.1.2

    Greately improved the look of the particles, they have more accurate reflections.


  • Version 1.1.1

    Implemented directional burst of particles, no longer uses spherical burst. Added option to disable the particles in the F12 menu.

    Further improvements to the particle system are still planned.

    Also improved the code, resulting in better performance (i was duplicating particle instances, silly me)




  • Version 1.1.0

    Implemented blood particles. Added F12 setting to enable an option to make particles last longer.

    Preview videos:

    Preview image:


  • Version 1.0.3

    Updated for 3.8.1 and all future 3.8 versions

  • Version 1.0.2

    Updated for 3.8.0. Let me know if there are any issues.

  • Version 1.0.1

    Tweaked the blood texture to make it look more natural.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • the rate at which you update your mod as been crazy lately, goat modder

    Heart 1
  • Is there a way to keep the bullet wounds but disable the particles?

    • I recommend reading the description of the mod, it's there for a reason.

    • I just colored it in yellow and made it bigger.

      Happy 2
  • idk what it is about this update but shooting a headshot lags my game and drops frames to 10fps.

    I have a 4080 - pretty sure its not a hardware issue. That other dismemberment mod did the same. Not worth it.

    • Strange, doesn't happen to me with a worse GPU than yours. What weapon and ammunition were you using?

      If you have performance issues you can disable the longer duration option, or just disable the particles in the F12 menu.

  • With the directional burst of blood + the hole, there are scenarios where one can know the direction and elevation of the killer, I really like your mods bro, all of them, thank you!

    Heart 1
  • Hi Borkel, thank you for your mod! Just want to throw in my thoughts... The directional burst looks way better, the mod is a good hint, if you hit a target. But, and please forgive my comparison, I did homemade jam for the last weekends, for my tast the particles are too big, they look as if a bucket of strawberrys have been tossed. I would prefer a mory misty burst, more like blood spraying. But as I said, just my thougt.

    Anyway thank you for sharing mods that improve SPT!

    • i'll try to improve it

  • anyway to have the particles face in the up axis, so it's not camera facing

  • great work on the particle system! i think its a really good addition

    Heart 1
  • I am not sure if this is bothering you to update but thats not what i mean it as, what ever happened to your other mods that took peoples heads off and the animated blood and stuff, thanks for the mods over time, theyve all been great

    • Thanks a lot.

      You are confusing me with the author of the dismemberment mod, that's not me.

    • oh my mistake, hahahahaha, its been so long since ive seen it around and this is kind of similar so i mistook you, my bad brother, i was going to ask if you can control the shape of particles, some bone colored/shaped particles for headshots would be cool, again my b for the misunderstanding lol

  • Thank you sir, for making this mod. Me too when i first played tarkov i couldnt help but wonder.. a shooter thats "hardcore" filled with so much hate/death/cussing/blood spatter on walls etc but, no wounds?? It was quite disapointing to say the least.

    In Ghost recon 1 days i remember the glory of wound mods and how much more immersive it made it.

    Constructive citisizm: I feel you should work on the particles more regarding optimization as i noticed the game freezes a lot just before a hit is made, taken or given. It makes it unplayable but, i like where youre going with this and i hope you keep going cause spatter is a part of what tends to happen with being shot (IRL though blood spatter particles are much smaller and bunch together giving a "spray"-like gush) That would be seriously, in a sadistic way, cool to have the spatter spray then the default realistic tarkov blood spatter on the walls.

    P.S. Thank you for making it seperate for the particles, to not have them.

    • There was an issue in the code that was duplicating the particles, so now it should perform two times better. Also added an option to disable the particles from the F12 menu.

      Many improvements to the particle system are planned, I'm still learning.

      Heart 1
    • Wow, very nice. I will be trying it out right now then. Thank you.

      Heart 1
  • Can you add an option to disable the particles? Respectfully, they aren't very immersive, so I went back to old version without. Not a huge deal, I just still want to use your decals in future versions!

    • it's all explained in the mod description

      check the Installation and configuration tab

    • also, as you can see in the image in the pinned comment, improvements to the particle system are in the works

    • Oh I see, I just glanced over the config picture without reading. Good to know it will still work without the particles installed!

  • Really cool mod. But I noticed a slight performance decrease when the extended duration of particles is enabled. When I disabled it on the next run everything felt smoother again performance wise.

    First thing I experienced thou with the mod was shooting Tagilla to a pulp including a headshot lol.

    • That is why the longer duration is optional, thanks for letting me know

    • You are welcome!

      Yeah that's a good feature!

      I forgot to mention that this has been a single test only. More tests provides more consistency regarding the topic at hand.

      I will try some more raids to see if it repeats. Also worth mentioning that I ran the Shoreline map which is one of the bigger maps and thus requires more hardware wise. This combined with extended duration could possibly combined put alot of pressure on the hardware, causing the issue as well.

      For scientific purposes it could therefore be interesting to try both settings on factory map which is the least demanding map.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Dude, really liked your mod's concept. Real funny how I never even visualized such effects on tarkov before, now I NEED them hahahaha!

    If i may offer a suggestion: I didn't quite test it extensively yet, but, from what I saw, the particles are the same for every hit. I'd suggest implementing different levels of splatter depending on amount of damage caused to flesh. In other words, depending on armor/body hit and penetration we would get differing amounts and patterns of blood particles.

    You could code that based off of caliber, flesh damage, bullet weight, angle, bullet velocity, etc — although I think just some levels of blood-bursts based on damage caused would be significantly easier (and like, no splatter if armor tanks all the damage).

    • As of now, the blood splatter is different depending on if it is a headshot or a bodyshot.

      Also, shots blocked or deflected by armor don't spawn blood particles.

      Improvements are planned anyways.

      Heart 1
  • Great work as always dude. thanks for bringing tarkov up to par <3

    Heart 1
  • If you wonder like me where is Viceral dismemberment, it's on the project fika discord and works with SPT 3.8.3.
    I don't know why it's not on this site anymore, probably has something to do with ssh (the creator of the mod) being co founder of fika.
    Carefull tho, the mod is a bit performance heavy when exploding heads.

    • Nothing to say about my mod? :(

      Heart 2 Thumbs Up 1
    • Xd Sry,
      Your mod is kinda the closest thing we have left from that mod, and some people come in wondering is this it, did they update/changed the name or something...

      Happy 1
  • Does the particles effect have any negative effect on performance?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Hi
    any chance of making it so its synced over network currently when my bro hosts a RAID I see no wounds etc


    • i've no idea of how to do that

    • Ah no :(
      Well thanks for the mod though my bro can enjoy the visuals but I cant LOL

    • Try installing it on your end aswell

    • @STK synced over network? There is zero network connection with SPT, you only have your own 'server'/console on your computer to be able to play SPT.

      "Synced over network" sounds like you are using the 'other version' of modded Tarkov which gives you the ability to play coop with your friends which goes against the rules set in place here. Choose very carefully with what you say and what you do, your account will be liable or subject for termination if you are found to go against the rules that are set in place. See the FAQ's for more information.

      A friendly but stern reminder for you and everyone else: the sole purpose of this site is for a single player experience, NOT for a coop one. No mod author/developer is at liberty to respond or comment to things like this or similar.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • i love this mod, thanks for making it! :love: more blood = more fun (i am not a psychopath)

    i would love to have a mod with even more blood, like more blood on the walls after getting shot, bloodier trails when bleeding and having a higher texture and darker-red blood would be nice (i promise i am not a psychopath)

    • yeah i am cooking something of the likes of that

      Heart 1
    • as Visceral Dismemberment will be Fika only from the next release on it would be amazing if you would/could keep the vibe alive somehow... <3

    • Does the new update not keep the vibe?

    • Oh yea it sure does, sorry if you understood otherwise. This was more a cheers to that you are planning some extensions already.

      Are you also plannig on iterating on it to make it a bit more realistic for the splatter itself and color (as Realistic is somehow like your 2nd name :) )?

    • Ah thanks. Improvements are already planned.

      Heart 1
  • Man, I love Borkel's BBW mod! Wait...

    Happy 1
  • Need dismemberment mod great again please.

  • so what is the "distance to clean" measured in? meters? feet? not sure what changing the number does if it doesn't specify what unit of measurement it actually uses.

    • ?

      this mod has no configuration menu, i think you are in the wrong mod page

    • my bad i didnt even realize

      Happy 1
  • I didn't even know about this mod and I always wanted MORE blood.

    Thank you!

    Heart 1
  • When I start up the game on a FIKA server I got infinite loading, white screen and a crash at the and. Is there any fix for this?

    • I don't know, i don't provide support for fika or any other online stuff. Make sure you installed the mod correctly.

  • stuck on "local game starting" with this mod. Is there any compatibility issues with other mods?


    It was just bad timing, there was a critical bug from "WTT - Head and Voice changer" which I had installed a few games before this one which for some reason stopped being bugged when I disabled this at first. They have fixed it now

    Do you want me to leave this up for visibility or remove it? lmk

    • there shouldn't be any compatibility issues really. Maybe it's something to do with the way bundle mods work now in 3.8.0, i'll look into it.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • All that has changed in 3.8.0 is that i have to add "isBundleMod": true in the package file, other than that it's all the same so i don't know what could be your issue. Give me your modlist and if it's not too long i'll try to recreate the it to see if there's an issue.

    • no need to remove it, but you can cross your first sentence like this if you want:

      stuck on "local game starting" with this mod. Is there any compatibility issues with other mods?

      Thumbs Up 1
  • getting a broken link error when trying to DL

  • I've been using this mod for more than a week and I must say, It's subtle but provides enough information on a bot as to where you hit them. Great mod Borkel, Hope to see more bangers like this one in the future :)

    Thumbs Up 1
  • adding some bone, brain , flesh peaces to the game will be nice4

    • Yeah it would be nice, but that goes far beyond a simple retexture. Best implementation would be some sort of multi-layered gore system,

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I read somewhere online not so long ago that modders could compile and transfer blood textures and gory graphics in to SPT and other games using certain programs and other games files and all that but all of that is beyond my technical knowledge. Basically you could add brains, bones and gory stuff but it's a really tricky, time-consuming thing to do unless you know what you are doing. I would love to see that happen for SPT and Visceral Dismemberment is a really good mod (when it wants to work).

      Thinking 1
    • Visceral Dismemberment on Nexus. Not updated for 3.8.0 though, and author said he will not update it more for SPT. But it means it is possible and hopefully someone more talented than me can make their own version

    • Visceral Dismemberment actually IS updated for 3.8 at least, but the mod author is mainly just posting the new releases in the FIKA Discord server. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the link or anything here for it, since he I think was kicked off this site, but if you're in the SPT Fika Discord, its under the #mod-releases channel and its under there, mod author's name is ssh

    • really shouldnt have to join a discord server for a mod. really tired of people using discord servers for every little thing

  • Does it affect the FPS ?

    • Nope, it's just a retexture

  • Does this work with viceral dismemberment and viceral bodies?

    • I suppose. Do they do any changes to the effects bundle?

    • How would I find this out?

    • I just checked the file contents, it should be compatible

      Thumbs Up 1
  • We stan borkel in this household.

    Heart 3
  • This is one of those mods that does something but it's such a small difference that I really can't tell if it's any different than vanilla. There are some things I noticed when looking, like visible bullet holes, but this doesn't seem to be guaranteed. In my test run, I walked up to a scav and shot him in the face, and no bullet hole appeared anywhere on his head. However, in that same test run on another scav, a bullet hole did appear, though there wasn't a lot of blood. In terms of consistency, I would give it a 50% for a bullet hole to appear, but I'll need to test more.

    So, with that in mind:

    I think what this mod needs to actually make an impact on the game are exit wounds. Have blood/bulletholes appear on the opposite side of their head/body, so if they die face down you have a view of the visceral damage from your rounds.

    EDIT: Been playing with this for the past couple of weeks. It's a game changer, especially when using a flashlight. Very well done mod, ignore my original complaint. Works just fine and looks great, just not always noticeable.

    • This mod is just a retexture of the default wound texture. The way the wound decals are applied has never been consistent, it's the way BSG has done it. Looking into the code to try to improve it or implementing exit wounds would require a lot more work than just a simple retexture. I may try it at some point, but it seems quite hard to accomplish.

    • With the way BSG has implemented the application of wound decals, the easiest way to get a lot of wound decals on a body is to dump an entire mag on an unarmored scav before their body hits the ground

    • Tho, even when I fight fully armored PMCs I still get some decent woundsh8AERgP.png