Healing Autocancel 3.0.1

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Healing Autocancel

Automatically cancels applied med kits when the body part is at full health and is not bleeding or broken.

Highly recommend to be used with Continuous Healing

  • Hi, when you grab a medkit from a body and use it it never gets cancelled until it's all used up.

  • when used with continuous healing it breaks it and i go back to having to heal each body part individually

    • Update both mods to latest version

  • I was looking through recently updated mods and spotted WeaselMedTweaks and i'm wondering how that would interact with this mod since it changes how the healing is applied.

  • wait. this doesn't seem to work for me with the continuous healing mod, do i have to change the load order?

  • unfathomably big W for working with the continuous healing mod, thanks a bunch for what was already an amazing mod

    Heart 1
  • i love this mod so much

    Heart 1
  • Man this update is just..(chef's kiss)

    Happy 1
  • Is there a way to make this compatible with the Continuous Healing mod? They really seem like they'd go well together.

  • Been patiently waiting since 3.10 release for this update, thanks!

    Heart 1
  • W mod

    Thinking 1

  • Thank you for updating this! Can't wait

  • hello, please update to 3.10! would love to see this beautiful mod in my playthru :)

  • <3

  • thanks, this will make me so lazy, i dont know if i will ever return to pvp tarkov, but i will have to learn the clicking again, because i am getting used to this so much

  • thx👍

  • nice i love it !

  • <3

  • Beautiful QoL mod, thank you!

  • Can't play without this mod, thanks for making it! (Works flawlessly on 3.8.0, 3.8.1 and 3.8.3).

    One thing I hate about Tarkov is having lost 1 - 5 health on many different limbs and having to use the medkit over and over. Would it be possible to be able to click the medkit once, and then it heals all the limbs before putting the medkit away? Looks silly healing, putting the medkit away, and then bringing it back to heal again... ^^

    • I wanted it to heal every limb after on another, but I didn't nerd enough to figure out how :D

      Happy 1
  • Bug: if you click a hotkey to heal (let's say you got a salewa on 4), then almost instantly try to cancel the animation yourself, before any healing is actually done, you don't switch back to your weapon, and you can't do anything involving your hands

    • Known bug. Not caused by this mod.

      Heart 1
    • You can get this bug from many sources, like readying a grenade and canceling, not just healing. There is a mod that works almost all the time if you get the "busy hands" bug. Just press "End" and in most cases it will solve the issue, highly recommended:

      Heart 1
  • This makes grizzlies usuable again, before it took way too long to apply it which is why i stopped using it.

  • Thank you for this wonderful QoL mod.

    Btw, do you plan to push to your git the project's source code?
    I like to learn how the mods i love are made.

  • This is the mod only who really knows TKF can made. It's a really amazing mod, you are the best!

  • Does it fix when you stop healing and hands disapear and you can't use your gun?

    I had that bug alot, when I tried to cancel heal with a sallewa.

    • No idea. Never had that bug

    • Bug present in Tarkov

      It's probably not a matter of mod.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • IhanaMies yeah, it happened to me on 3.7.6 alot. Specially when using a Salewa and stopped mid animation.

      delusio thanks! I know it wasn't because of the mod, but I was asking if this kinda fixed it. Glad some1 knows what I am talking about ;)

    • Yeah it's a tarkov bug. I tried with every med item and it's present on Salewa only.

      Heart 1
    • There is also a mod here that helps to fix the issue temporarily when it happens:

      HandsAreNotBusy by Lacyway

      Heart 1
  • This is a GREAT mod! Good job! Definitely a must have :)

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Boy if this works, this is epic.

    EDIT: All my bum grizzly mfers repreSENT.