Add Presets to Fence 1.1.0

Fence sells your presets!

This mod will add your presets to fence at a reasonable price. It will add your presets on game launch and on whenever you create new presets. Feel free to use this mod as an example on modifying Fence or add the code to your own mod.

This is a reupload of when this mod was "AddPresetsToSkier". Adding presets to Fence was a bit harder and broke some things on the first try, but hopefully fits the flavor of Tarkov more!


  • Great mod! Thank you.

    Just wanted to note that:


    It will add your presets on game launch and on whenever you create new presets

    for me it only works if I create a preset and then relaunch the game. Is this normal? Would be great if the preset immediately show!

  • @nader. Has something changed from the 1.1.0 (Apr 22, 2024) update. This showed up as [New]. Thanks

    • the original move from skier to fence broke the entire mod, and the name change added further complications; this version fixes that functionality and permanently moves everything over to Fence.

      If you have 1.1.0 from the old post, please delete it or overwrite it with this mod. Be sure to also delete nader-AddPresetsToSkier-* from your `user/mods` folder. I'm sorry for the double post and will be more careful about mod name changes like this.

    • Absolutely no need to apologize. Just wanted to know. Glad I did.