Quick Weapon Rack Access 1.0.3

Quick access to the weapon rack without opening the hideout first

Use the weapon rack as the extra storage you always knew it really was! Adds a button onto the bottom left of the stash above the sorting window button that will open up the weapon rack.



- Drag mod from zip file directly into your SPT-AKI install folder

Recommended Other UI Mods

- Tyfon's UI Fixes

- DrakiaXYZ's Equip from Weapon Rack, Quick Move to Containers, Quest Tracker, Task List Fixes

- ChooChoo's Trader Modding and Improved Weapon Building

- CJ's Stash Search, which I have contributed to

- My other mod Player Encumbrance Bar

  • Version 1.0.3

    - Fix issue where close button wouldn't appear (and toss an exception) in a very specific circumstance

  • Version 1.0.2

    - Fix game-breaking issue with item manipulation if weapon rack wasn't installed, really sorry about that!

  • Version 1.0.1

    Initial release

  • Please do not use the support thread. Either file an issue on GitHub, leave a comment in the comments section, or ping me ( @mpstark) in the official SPT Discord.

    Just like any other client mod: if you're running into a problem, make sure that you check if an exception has happened, those will most likely show up in the ~-console. If you see one there, be sure to grab both the BepinEx log (located at spt-dir/BepinEx/LogOutput.log) and the client log (located at spt-dir/Logs/log<date><version>/<date>_<version> traces.log). These logs contain much more information that I can use to narrow down the issue.

  • i cant seem to close the window when i open it in the inventory pressing esc bring me back to the main menu

    • There should also be a red X in the top right corner of the weapon rack window. If there is not, make sure that you're on the latest version.

      If you are on the latest version, check the logs mentioned above and see if there are any errors related to this mod reported.

  • 3.8.1 is not working. LMB + CTRL combo is not working with this mod, even on inventory

    • Make sure that you're using the latest version, it sounds like you have the initial release, which had some issues.

  • Those this mod work with Inventory organizer as the button are place in the same location as this mods does

    • I just tried this, since I had not tested it before. Yes the mods buttons don't conflict, Inventory Organizing Features sits at the bottom while the weapon rack button sits on top. Like so:


      Heart 1
  • after opening the weapon rack window, I can't close it. errors in the console under the spoiler

    I understood that the window closes with the ESC key, but somehow not always. and the console gives errors when closing

    • This should now be fixed in 1.0.3, thanks for the report.

      Some context; I copy the chat close button to use as a close button for the weapon rack window in the stash. Apparently, if you open the chat, that button actually moves in the Unity scene when you open it. So if you opened the chat before you open the stash for the first time in a game session, you would see this behavior.

      I have moved to something a bit more robust to get that close button.

      Heart 1
  • I want to apologize again about the initial release having a pretty significant bug triggered by not having the weapon rack installed, hope that you'll give this another try!

  • This mod breaks so much of the UI. Can't CTRL-Click, can't load/unload mags, can't receive mail, etc.

    • Having this same issue. was pulling my hair out trying to trace it through my whole mod list!

    • This should now be fixed in 1.0.2.

  • Hey mpstark!

    I would like to let you know that this mod break item transfer via CTRL-Click. I don'w know if this is just in my case. Maybe someone else can confirm?

    • Same issue here. Tried to get Insurance back and "Receive All", did nothing, as well as grayed out both buttons. Had to Alt-F4 💀

    • This should now be fixed in 1.0.2.