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Initially, I want to express a huge thanks to kmyuhkyuk for his GamePanelHUD, which was the basis of this mod and 90% consists of his code and assets, with only a few edits.
It's basically a stripped down version of his mod, where only the compass module remains, and this functionality tied directly to an existing item in the game in the form of a compass
If you don't care about immersive and only care the full information on your interface, then I highly recommend installing the full version of GamePanelHUD from kmyuhkyuk
About mod:
I respect what kmyuhkyuk has done, but I don't think the full time interface is the thing that Tarkov needs.
The whole point is the tactility of the action, where after interacting with objects we are shown information
And the principle of this mod is precisely this point - You won't have the compass interface displayed until you manually hold the compass in your hand. Thats all
The compass functionality is 90% the same as the functionality from the full version of GamePanelHUD from kmyuhkyuk, except for the display of gunshots
1. Install EFT API (its necessary)
2. Then download this mod and Drag&Drop folder from archive into BepInEx/plugins
Me - edit assets + translate on russian language + some minor code refactor
MarsyApp - edit scripts with few new functions (thanks mate)
kmyuhkyuk - original author GamePanelHUD (that's used at the basis of this mod)
Version 1.0.0
- FlashMode
can't wait for the update
Is this getting an update?
Is there a way to have a fixed hotkey for compass?
If I already use GamePanelHud can I install this as well to hide the compass at the bottom of the screen when I don't have a compass out in my hands while still retaining the other features from GamePanelHud?
I would definitely like a version compatible with GamePanelHud.
I am confused? Does this mod give the compass or only modifies the compass only after you buy from trader?
I installed it and see it when i f12 - but I do not see it in my inventory
FlashMode Author
The mod adds an enhanced interface (displaying quest locations, location exits, azimuth, etc.) when USING the in-game compass. So, yes, you need to get your hands on a compass first (either by buying one or getting one as a quest reward).
okay, thank you- I die trying to find extraction sites. Having to get items and extract with them to then get compass is killing me.
FlashMode Author
If you don't like that the advanced interface is only added directly when using an in-game item (сompass).
And you want to see such an interface all the time, regardless of the presence of the compass itself, then I highly recommend GamePanelHUD, because the interface and functionality for Immersive Compass itself was taken from it
what's the point of this mod? the compass in-game already works?
While it does work, many folks have a hard time understanding how to use it. So this mod makes the compass much more useable for those folks, like myself, who want to see an icon and a distance to said icon. If you already know how to use the compass and have complete map knowledge, this mod is absolutely not needed.
FlashMode Author
The standard compass interface displays ONLY azimuth, it doesn't provide any other information, so it doesn't make much actual sense, because orienting by azimuth is too little, especially in a single-player game.
This mod adds additional information such as: display of exits (name, distance to the exit, requirements to the exit), displays active quests (name, distance to the quest, the task of the quest itself), etc. which greatly increases the usability of the compass
Love the mod.
Just a quick question does it effect the quick slots not autohiding? None of in game menu options work. (always shown or always hidden, etc.) quick slots always stay visible after looking at the compass until I tab in and out.
U finally did it !
Works like a charm
nice work!
How is this more immersive than just reading the in game compass with no hud elements popping up? This mod is good QOL and useful but I don't know if I'd label it as immersive
its more immersive than the hud mod where the hud element is always present, so in a way more immersive for those who use the hud mod
If you don't know how to use a compass, it doesn't mean that it's useless in the game. (well, stupid)
A good reason to buy a compass for the first time