TarkovIRL - Weapons Handling Mod 0.5.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Ever wish that different weapons handled differently in Tarkov? That your meta SR-25 did not feel 95% like your unmodded Glock? Me too!

\\ ATTENTION // This mod is tuned to be played with Fontaine's REALISM MOD (at default settings). It can work without it just fine, but you'll have to tune it differently yourself with the value sliders in the config menu.

The overarching theme of any future mods to be released under my 'TarkovIRL' moniker is generally to slow down Tarkov gameplay; more survival shooter, less deathmatch-with-extra-steps.

Within that scope, the Weapons Handling Mod has three general goals:

1) Make weapons feel very different depending on their size and ergo, thus encouraging the player to select specific weapons for specific tasks. Larger and more modded weapons are going to feel squishy, so you really have to think about how to set up your kit.

2) Make aiming harder generally, with a weapon deadzone, with added weapon sway, with my 'parallax' (aiming mis-alignment) feature, and with various visual effects which impede the player's ability to aim depending on the condition of his character.*

3) Generally improve the aesthetic fidelity of how the player's character handles the weapons, to what I imagine is more authentic.

* (Enter long screed about how recoil is the only lever BSG had to pull to change the dynamic of firefights, because aiming is too easy.)


- There is a known bug that causes the player camera to 'stutter' occasionally, quickly twisting in an awkward manner. It is annoying but for me personally not game-breaking. Currently researching the problem.

Important mods I use:

- Path to Tarkov

- Fontaine Realism
- Fontaine FOV fix
- SWAG + Donuts
- Looting bots
- Questing bots
- Backdoor Bandit
- Amands's gfx
- Better Bullet Cracks
- That's Lit
- Louder Suppressors
- Realistic Combat Overhaul - Unicorn
- BatterySystem


  • Version 0.5.2


    Small iterative update

    • Fixed bug where weapon weight smoothing was not being applied to deadzone (causing issues when holding something very heavy).
    • Changed throw animation values to be more pronounced.
    • Lowered default parallax value.
    • Lowered default sway value.
    • Added slider to modify how much impact negative conditions have on player efficiency (which affects sway, parallax, footstep visual effect, etc).
  • Version 0.5.1



    Small update to tune some values:

    • Efficiency max penalty from health loss reduced from 100% to 50%
    • Increased default sway value
    • Slightly decreased base parallax value
    • Slightly decreased base deadzone value
    • Removed and disconnected a debug slider that shouldn't have been there
  • Version 0.5


    This is an important updated, it's a huge polish pass on existing features. The main overhaul is to the 'efficiency' system:

    • Did a big refactor of my internal 'efficiency' calculation. This stat governs many aspects of the mod's features, most notably the intensity of the sway and parallax (sight alignment) calculations. Many things will cause you to be less efficient and handle your gear with less control. The exact values are as follows (everything stacks).
      • General health: at zero health you will have a 100% penalty (and also be dead).
      • Being overweight between the YELLOW and RED status adds up to 50%
        penalty (so 50% at red).
      • Concussion adds 20% penalty for its duration.
      • Broken bones: each broken bone will give you 15% penalty.
      • Tremor adds 5% penalty for its duration.
      • Stamina and arm stamina each give a 20% penalty at zero.
      • Light bleeding anywhere will give 5% penalty.
      • Heavy bleeding anywhere will give 15% penalty.
      • Being poisoned / infected will give a 10% penalty. This feature is represented well in the Realism mod, where the risk of poison is not just from cultists but also somewhat likely from eating junk food.
      • Hydration and nutrition deficit each add 5% penalty when at zero.
    • Speed and stance: slower speed and lower stance each buff efficiency by up to 50%. (So at minimum walking speed and a full crouch, these stack to a 75% efficiency buff.) Going prone gives another 50% buff (that would be a 87.5% total efficiency buff). *
    • Sprinting will apply a 50% penalty. Astute readers will say, "but your weapon is not up whilst running anyway". But the change in efficency is not immediate...
    • Change in efficiency: the changing status of efficiency is not immediately reflected in your player, but is FLUID. The rate of change itself is ALSO GOVERNED by your efficiency. For example, if your efficiency is very poor (you are heavy, injured, and starving), decreasing efficiency will be reflected to the player MORE QUICKLY and increase MORE SLOWLY (for example, going in and out of a sprint). Vice versa, if your efficiency stat is good in general (uninjured, good stam, good nutrition), a momentary decrease in efficiency (again, the easiest example is sprinting) will result in a slower reflected loss of efficiency and a faster return to base efficiency after the sprint.

    Overall, the system will always respond more favourably if you are in a good condition, and it's up to you to maintain that condition, through your health, nutrition, and movement.

    * The buffs actually are division operations of the total, applied after all the penalties, so perhaps that seems confusing but it looks like: 1 * 0.5 = 0.5; 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25; 0.25 * 0.5 = 0.125, in other words a 87.5% buff. This should illustrate how powerful your speed and stance are.

    Other changes:

    • More tweaking to parallax feature.
    • Added fluctuation period in sway calculation, where previously the effect was immediate. This became noticeable going in and out of ads rapidly, you could see the polarity reversing in an awkward manner (stocked weapons in ads will lag behind the player camera, whereas out of ads they will lead). Now the change is fluid.
    • Added new animations to your head camera movement when throwing grenades. Unique animations for over- and under-handed throws. Inspired by Squad.
    • Redid the arm shake visual effect and tweaked values.
    • Updated footstep visual effect, effect is now present when out of ADS.
    • Changed how parallax works specifically for pistols. Since the points of control contact are so few (thanks to beta tester for pointing this out), they're especially hard to aim. So in the mod the sights become more easily misaligned when you're rotating, but they have a uniquely faster recenter time when not rotating. The point is you can practice on the range with a particular pistol and get good at aiming it during movement even when the sights are not perfectly aligned, and make better use of lasers etc.
    • Along the same lines, pistols are debuffed with 2x more hand shake effect than other weapons.
    • Added a weight attenuation curve: since the weapon weight acutely affects weapon handling, I've added a smooth curve for the factored weight to max out at 6.5 kgs to avoid cartoonish levels of weapon sway and deadzone.
    • Fixed speed-efficiency calculation to reflect non-movement.
    • Fixed blindfire to work with my mechanics.

  • Version

    - Fixed bugs from 0.4.6

    - I may have fixed the legendary head-snapping bug in the course of fixing the above ones -- initial testing suggests so fml

  • Version 0.4.6

    Further (and very likely final) tuning of new aiming misalignment/'parallax' feature. Reworked a couple things and tweaked it again and I'm very happy with where it is.


  • Version

    This is basically a hotfix -- I noticed that really heavy weapons got comical and removed a bit of code that was overtuning the effect.

  • Version 0.4.5

    Big thank you to purplenamelol for his feedback and testing!


    - Refined new parallax system:

    • Added faster recentering mechanic to parallax: if you are not rotating at all, your parallax will center faster, but if you are rotating at all the slower, main parallax layer will obtain, and you must center it yourself (by overshooting and pulling back)
    • Added much deeper shot logic: parallax reset per shot depends on weapon weight versus cartridge power
    • Generally tuned parallax system a LOT

    - Added non-instant efficiency change: your change in character status (stam, movement speed) is no longer instantly reflected in your weapon handling; adds further depth to how you balance your movement versus your readiness

    - Added footstep visual effect when ADSed

    - Unified efficiency calcs across various effects for more consistent feel

  • Version 0.4

    --- Version 0.4 ---

    - New feature, aiming misalignment; when you move your weapon around, the sights will mis-align for a period of time. You can LEARN to align them yourself by overshooting the target a little and recentering it. (Hard to explain.) When you ADS with a stocked weapon, the effect is reduced by 80%. When you shoot in an ADS, the misalignment is momentarily reset. The upshot of all of this is that the longer you are focused on a target, the better your weapon control will be. The effect scales with the size and ergo of the weapon, the condition of your player (health), and your arm and body stam just like the weapon sway mechanic. This all may sound moronic but I promise if you already liked my mod, you will like this feature. And of course you can tweak it.

    - Removed player strength from condition calculations. It's just bugged, I've got to refine it.

    - Refined basically all previous features while rewriting most of the mod.

  • Version 0.3.5

    Sorry for the version spam, just trying to get the mod in a good place before some downtime. Trying to dump all the recent ideas for the mod while I can. Likely last update for a while. It's been fun :p

    --- Version 0.3.5 ---

    - Fixed stance-dependent visual not working (accidentally killed it).

    - Lowered default sway value.

    - Added more randomness to arm shake visual effect.

    - Improved (greatly) breathing visual effect.

    - Added effect, when player is turning he pulls the weapon in a bit because I like visual complexity.

    - Added effect, when player is moving with unstocked weapon he lowers it a bit when ADSed (because I like visual complexity again).

  • Version 0.3.4

    --- Version 0.3.4 ---

    - Tweaked deadzone behavior again (removed the tapering experiment, was not really working out).

    - Added increased arm shaking; effect intensity driven by arm stam, stance, health, and strength stat.

    - Cleaned up some small things for SPT 3.9.x.

  • Thanks for update. Seems like mod started to work correctly for me with new version. Blind shooting is no longer buggy, for example.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • A planned feature for the mod is to 'fix' blindfire, so that you can move while using it again.

  • i have most of my settings cranked pretty high up, like parallax multiplier, parallax size, and pistol parallax, and im trying to achieve something like bodycam, where with tiny mouse movements the gun/optic moves a lot, and snaps back to the center, so i turned return to parallax to max but it doesnt seem to be doing anything at all? its definitely going back to center but very very slowly and i was just wondering if maybe the settings im using are higher than they are intended to be and if its even possible to achieve a much faster return to center with the settings im using

    • There's no setting currently that would let you achieve a very fast return time with the parallax -- besides just manipulating the mouse and 'overshooting' the intended point of aim.

  • Mod still ultra buggy and not working after correct fix version

    • Do you use Realism mod? I was just testing on a vanilla version and noticed some of these bugs people talk about.

    • No but i really not like realism because it have some freaking not disabling feartures

      Thinking 1
  • getting stacks of these errors with the hotfix version and deadzone turned off in the f12 menu.

    doesnt happen with the version

    [Exception] : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    TarkovIRL.ParallaxFadeController.UpdateLerp (System.Single dt) (at <8108dd7ab06146e3a55471dd3d2ae28f>:0)

    TarkovIRL.PrimeMover.Update () (at <8108dd7ab06146e3a55471dd3d2ae28f>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class362:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    • Are you sure it's Either it's not or I uploaded the wrong version. I removed the above code entirely.

    • I've just reuploaded a fresh one to be sure, same link.

  • i cant use this mod, i have to turn off effects, breathing and stances because my gun just dissapears behind me, sometimes causing busy hands bug

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Please fix this mod, it dont work and ultra buggy

    Thinking 1
    • Did you try the hotfix released today?

    • Yes, this didn`t work. Maybe i requied to install realism mod?

    • Since so many people are having problems it's possible I didn't upload the correct version. I've just reuploaded a fresh compile.

  • no, same problem here

    • But thank you for everything, I really like this mod

  • Since installing the new update, I've been getting this error spammed in my console.

    [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    Stack trace:

    TarkovIRL.ParallaxFadeController.UpdateLerp (System.Single dt) (at <8108dd7ab06146e3a55471dd3d2ae28f>:0)

    TarkovIRL.PrimeMover.Update () (at <8108dd7ab06146e3a55471dd3d2ae28f>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class362:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Also, my hands seem to be bugged and my gun's floating in the air.

    • I'm also seeing bugs with the latest version. There will be a hotfix soon. For now turn off the deadzone toggle in the F12 menu.

    • Same issue and also get huge framedrops with it, but disabling deadzone does fix it temporarily. excited for the hotfix! great mod

  • I'm experiencing some kind of bug that causes my hands to deform and rotate rapidly when I'm using a heavy weapon and on the ground

    • Do you have other mods that change weapon behavior? Try resettling all the values to default.

    • Only this and realism, I think this bug is related to weapon sway

    • First of all, what do you mean by "on the ground"? Second, I'm not convinced that you're not describing the intended behavior of the mod?

  • Interesting mod, but feels kinda weird and... disorienting? I mean it looks good in a cinematic way and realistic as weapons are heavy so they have inertia - so they aren't as simple to handle and aim as some people can think, but I literally had a slight dizziness after one raid with the mod. Gonna tweak it some way so it doesn't make me uncomfortable.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I think the most disorienting module of the mod is probably the deadzone.

    • Yeah, I've figured it out pretty quick - it feels way better after disabling the deadzone. It's still hard to aim compared to vanilla, but doesn't make me sick anymore. Thank you for a good mod.

      Heart 1
  • based mod 10/10, will get ptsd in factory again

    Heart 2
  • what mod is adding the bird chirps and stuff in your showcase video?

    • That's no mod, friend. It's just the most recent spt update.

    • interesting I thought I had the most recent update but my raids are quiet as hell

  • this mod is AMAZING. It changed the whole game for the better for me as someone who doesnt play without realism. I dont plan on playing without it from now on!

    In base tarkov I always felt like I was fighting against my aim, and like the game punished me for playing too slowly. Now its the opposite. Aiming feels natural and good, and playing slowly rewards you with better aim, which makes sense.

    Only things I have to point out is that the camera movement feels a bit? Off. Like its lacking smoothness. Also, ocassionaly the camera jitters a little like others pointed out. Thanks for making this dev its a real gem.

    • Thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot.

      I will add a modifier to increase the camera refresh rate, I think that's what you're referring to. As far as the actual jitter bug goes, I sincerely apologise that it's still in the game. A solution has evaded me for months, I've attempted many fixes for it but I'm missing some piece of the puzzle. I will figure it out eventually.


      Heart 1
    • Yeah no probs bro. Btw I suggest setting up a ko-fi account for one time donations. Some people don't earn dollars/euros but still want to help out, or maybe they just wouldn't sign up for a subscription without the typical patreon rewards people expect.

    • I've been trying to get Kofi up and running.

    • fixed!

  • is there supposed to be such violent horizontal recoil when firing rapidly?

    a 10 lbs rifle chambered in 5.56 should not be jumping ~.7 inches sideways when firing

    • I do appreciate the feedback.

      So generally yes, you're moving around a lot, you have zero stam, you were not set up well to clear that angle, you didn't allow any time to collect your aim, and thus your aim is all over the place. So my system is working as designed pretty much.

      But that is a lot of kick. In the next version I am going to add more complexity to this new 'recoil' layer, weapon weight vs cartridge power. In this case, with such a heavy rifle and such a small round like 556, it is jumping too much (but the rifle should be quite unwieldy and you shouldn't be sprinting around with it frankly). In addition, I just generally need to refine the new parallax system introduced in this patch. There is more tinkering to be done. So again I really appreciate the feedback and an actual video. Cheers.

    • sway should be more affected by stamina loss rather than recoil, since it feels like i'm limp-wristing my guns as it is currently

      i also noticed that when walking with a pistol equipped, the gun moves down to misalign/peek over the iron sights, which would seem fine if it wasn't so easy to maintain sight alignment with irons on a pistol, i come from no firearms training background yet i can walk at a reasonable pace with my pistol's sights aligned and on target without significant loss of alignment, worst case is my gun shakes vertically from each step, similar to the motion in SPT Realism mod, but significantly faster and more violent, and only when stepping, rather than a fluid constant motion.

    • I take your point on the pistol mechanic, I removed it as I also didn't like it.

      I'm not sure what you're getting at with sway. Sway is a different thing. Sway is not affected by recoil. There is the game's (Realism mod's) recoil, then there is my 'recoil' which isn't specifically recoil. When you shoot in an ADS, your sights fall out of alignment for a moment if 'efficiency' is low and if you are rotating around a lot. The way to avoid that is to move slower, keep your stam/health up, and avoid taking flickshots, especially as the weight of your weapon goes up. The system is self-correcting and rewards slower play. I don't know how to explain it better.

    • what i mean is to make weapon sway (not referring to parallax) increase when low on stamina, rather than recoil, since a gun's recoil doesn't get affected by how out of breath you are, but instead based on grip and strength.

      it's hard to hold a gun steady after a marathon, but it's very easy to control recoil.

      i really want to run this mod as it cures the problems i have with spt realism's locomotion, and i love parralax, however the recoil spike is miserable

    • Sway already does increase under these conditions, so we're good there!

      I saw a lot of these arguments relative to Squad's infantry combat overhaul update last year, so I get what you're saying. I will takes these points into consideration as I refine the system, and have toggles and sliders for the player to tune it next patch. I do appreciate the feedback, really.

  • really love the update this is amazing! especially the parallax feature on max :> do u know if itd be possible to have an option where the ads parallax could be configurable whether you are using a magnified optic or not?

    Heart 1
    • It's possible but not on the list of things to do.

  • IDK if this happens for anyone, while tinkering with values to see for myself what it does or does not, 32GB of ram were not enough and game CTD because it lacked RAM aparently. I think when you go around switching values, it eats at the RAM.

    Cant confirm any of this, as I am no pc genius, but wanted to share the first problem I encountered (after all these months using your mod, not a single one) with v.0.4.

    • I am also no PC genius...

      Thank you for the bug report. I just tried messing with the sliders aggressively on the release build, and I can't reproduce a crash. It doesn't sound like my mod either because my mod is pretty low overhead: I'm not adding any assets or anything like that, no expensive checks besides one that runs every second and has no relation to the sliders.

      Have you installed any new mods lately? Maybe remove your latest mods sequentially by the most recent?

      If you have any more information please post it.

    • Thank you for the reply. I'll try the uninstalling the latest mods.

      I'll report back if I find anything useful.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Still havent been able to replicate the same issue I had previously.

      I seriously dont know what happened.

  • Are there any plans to fix camera shake :D ? This bug is very immersion breaking

    • As soon as I figure out why it's doing that... I've been trying.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Paired with REALISM and some other immersive mods, makes Tarkov so damn (difficult? beautifully alive? changing?) good!

    Thanks for keeping the mod alive! I thouroghly enjoy my tarkov experience with this! <3

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I really appreciate the kind words.

      Heart 1
  • i still have the same amount of jitter than the first version

  • cant downloade 350 says cant open zip

  • Привет, реально после игры с этим модом хочется спать) к тебе претензий нет.

  • Can you make a version without deadzones? Its giving me motion sickness.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I play with the Deadzone mod and this mod, so maybe thats causing exaggerated motion blur or something, but it was way too much

    • My brother, I literally made a config option to turn off the deadzone. :thumbup:

      Heart 3
    • Thats totally my bad then lmao

  • saw video but whats difference it make? i have deadzone as standalone mod and fovfix so what good your mod can give me? :/ bugcatlove

    ? 3
    • ... you want him to convince you to use the mod? :kekw:

      if the video and lengthy description didn't help you, you should probably just try it and see or move on

      Thinking 1 Heart 2 Happy 2
    • yes i need support to get understanding what it make, well ill try install it animeproudclap used it and still didnt get what it adds me.maybe gun got more shake when i wounded

    • same for me

      Heart 1
  • Unfortunately, the mod does not work on 3.9.0

  • still says 3.8.3 lol

    • Yes, that is intentional. I have not made the switch to 3.9.

      *edit* I fully expect it to work on 3.9, feel free to try.

      Crying 1
    • i love a dare

  • Feels amazing combined with Realism and DJLane's Deadzone updated!

    Heart 1
    • Thank you sir means a lot

  • Can confirm vanilla is very broken lol.

    • Will put in some limits to the effect on next version, as well as a F12 menu. I promise

      Heart 1
  • 0.3 is so so much "breath effect:" the weapon rises high above the head and falls closer to the floor

    test it:

    • My next priority is to integrate a proper F12 config menu so that you can adjust the values as you like.

      Having said that, I intended the breath effect to be strong enough that it is something consider. My idea is that stamina management should be more important.

    • The problem is that in a calm state, right in the shelter (REXTAC Wages of Sin), the weapon swings up (far above the head), then down (to the knees) :)))) at the same time, for example, the AK74 behaves quite decently

    • I checked the version 0.31 it looks like the problem has been solved)!

      It looks really cool, thanks!

    • hmm, today I again met a problem with swinging, using a shotgun, my hands flew far up, as in RTS

    • I didn't change anything between 0.31 and 0.3 that would have solved whatever issue you're having. Do you have any other mods installed that affect stamina? Can you provide a modlist? I will add limits to the effect in the next patch so that hopefully it reduces the surface area for bugs.

  • Amazing mod. Keep up the good work. Only issues so far is the jitter everyone else has reported but besides that its great.

    Heart 1
  • I like it but I'm experiencing that same jitter a couple of other commenters mentioned. For my friends its a little worse than mine. I also think the sway when point aiming and walking is a little extreme especially when compared to it when standing still, but I also saw you're working on an F12 menu. Overall its a very cool mod and I enjoyed it a lot, it's pretty close to being essential, its just that jitter bug needs a patch.

    Edit: It seems the SKS is centered incorrectly? The other weapons I've used rotate with the stock in place on the shoulder, where the SKS rotates from the center, as if it doesn't have a stock.

    • If it helps in tracking it down... I remember in my first raids, when I was testing the mod out, I did not notice the jitter at all. I used very high ergo weapons in those raids (9A-91, and SR-2M). In the raids where I noticed the jitter I used a lightly modded AK-74M, and then a Mosin Nagant Infantry.

    • That is helpful. I would say that it is probably still happening, but you just don't notice because the effect is so fast on smaller kits. Haven't had much time to research the problem but I will.

      Thumbs Up 2