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If you have Pettan's port of the weapons you'll need Therkelsen's Patch . If you have the individual weapons from MassiveSoft stick with this one, and if you're looking for a 3.9 port of the weapons head over to RheddElBozo's Port as my patch works for both versions
Every weapon should be balanced for realism use.
Feel free to leave any balancing suggestions or issues in the comments
Plan to keep updating if Massivesoft adds anymore weapons
Drag and drop the folder into your root spt folder
Version 1.0.11
- OptimusChad
- Updated malfunctions for the newest realism update
Version 1.0.10
- OptimusChad
- Added compatibility for Longbow bolt-action rifle
Version 1.0.9
- OptimusChad
- Added compatibility for the DG-56
- Added compatibility for the MCW
- Changed recoil angle for QBZ-97
Therkelsen's Patch was used as a base for my MCW patch so big thanks to him.
Version 1.0.8
- OptimusChad
- Added new ISO SMG variants and attachments
- Added compatibility for ISO-H variants and attachments
Version 1.0.7
- OptimusChad
- Added compatibility for the ISO SMG
- Added compatibility for the 1911CE
Version 1.0.6
- OptimusChad
- Added compatibility for the QBZ-97
Version 1.0.5
- OptimusChad
- Adds compat for realism mastery
Version 1.0.4
- OptimusChad
- Added compatibility for the Vector-308
- Added compatibility for the new JAK-12 attachments
Version 1.0.3
- OptimusChad
- Added new 7.62x25 ammo. Tried to balance the ammo the best I could without making the other ones redundant. Let me know what you think
- Changed default type 64 stock to work with face shields
Version 1.0.2
- OptimusChad
- Added compatibility for QBZ-03
Does this mod make M14(outdated) works in 3.9.x with full functionality? I really love that gun but I feel depressed it's outdated. I wonder this mod helps my dream comes to tarkov.
ISO Hemlock has an ERGO of 23, is that normal?
I am getting this as well. This patch doesn't appear to be applying to any of the weapons in the massivesoft bundle.
For clarification, here is what I am using:
I am installing the weapons in "\user\mods"
And this patch in "\user\mods\SPT-Realism\db\put_new_stuff_here"
I've tried dropping the entire "MassiveSoftWeaps" folder into "put_new_stuff_here", AND putting each json directly into "put_new_stuff_here", neither seem to work.
I have spot checked a few of the weapon IDs to confirm I have the correct weapon pack + realism patch, IDs line up correctly.
I have the weapons loading before realism in my load order, assuming that's correct?
Not sure what else to do from here, any help would be great.
P.S I have cleared the cache on the server located in "\user\cache" and cleared temp files in the launcher.
P.S.S This appears to be a problem with my realism. I have just discovered that realism is not applying any compatibility patches to any of my modded weapons.
D Rose_01
missing compatibility for cod mags by massive soft just a heads up.
OptimusChad Author
Grab therkelsen's patch, should have them there.
Hey, just a heads-up, but the I think the new patch for this, ATLAS and Choccy's weapons might be missing the commas after RecoilIntensity for the new MasteryCategory property, as I had to go in and add the commas after I noticed the same error as my own patches where I forgot to add it.
OptimusChad Author
Yeah was an idiot and forgot the commas, will reupload now
OptimusChad Author
Should be good now
OptimusChad Author
Credits to Therkelsen for the mastery compat. Honestly wasn't sure if I was doing it right till he posted his patch.
It looks like some attachments were added to JAK-12, are there plans to add compats for that?

The KRISS Vector .308 is also missing from the list.
Thank you again for putting this together
OptimusChad Author
unfortunately im not magic lol. Working on both rn, should be ready later today.
Does not work for the type 64 ammos for me, looks like the person below me has the same issue
I changed load order frontwards and backwards, removed the files from the folder and put them directly into the db folder- and nothing
Your item IDs are correct, I feel like whatever is happening has to be on the side of the original mod due to the way its coded.
OptimusChad Author
make sure ur using realism's stats viewer and not a separate mod like ammo stats because the values dont get updated in ammo stats for some reason.
good to know
The 7.62x25 ammo Is not changed sadly
Hey man everytime I try to launch the server, it says "Mod PETTEN-Guns_Massivesoft is incompatible with SPT-Realism" even with this mod installed, any fix?
Pettan's port of Massivesoft's weapons is incompatible with realism, to remove the error you need to remove "SPT-Realism" from the list of incompatibilities in package.json.
If that seems complicated, you can use the files directly from Massivesoft's profile as they've been updated for 3.8.x (except for .308 KRISS Vector). This option also doesn't require a new trader for the guns as the guns will be added to the assort in the vanilla traders.
OptimusChad Author
Not sure if this works with Pettans port of his mods. I would just stick with massivesoft's mods directly anyways.
Pettan is ridiculous, why be so against what people want to do with the guns that all he did was port?
I agree he's very hostile towards realism users.
Either way, I can confirm this only works for the original mods from Massivesoft. I have a patch that works for Pettan's port, on my profile.
OptimusChad Author
Feel free to use some of the values from this patch if u need help finishing the rest of your patch
Super glad this got made, but I noticed the 2 new 7.62x25 ammo types added by the Type 64 mod haven't been made compatible, they still have vanilla-ish stats.
OptimusChad Author
Thanks for the kind words, had no idea the type 64 mod even added ammo. Am currently working on changing some stats around for the tavor and will add this and the ammo in the next update