Folded Down MP7 Irons 1.0.1

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Why is this not a thing yet BSG huh? WHY DID I HAVE TO MAKE THIS!

Because BSG hates us, we can't have the clean, pistol-style folded down MP7 irons. Until now!

Yeah this mod is very self-explanatory

You can buy it from flea for I think the same price as normal mp7 sights

  • Haven't noticed if this is the same issue on all SMGs and if it is a shame....

    Since iron sights are removable, is this mod only for MP7 or a fix for sights to collapse on all weapons?

    • this only adds adds 2 additional items: a front and rear flipped down sight so you can enjoy their alternative sight picture that bsg didn't allow you to use. Since they are already collapsed, they won't flip down further when you put attachments on them. You can still use the base game ones.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Aha. I thought it was a fix for MP7 to enable iron sights to flip down.

  • i love the flaming towards BSG

    Happy 1
    • They are lazy, they deserve the heat

  • Tell me you are a cod player without telling me you are a cod player

    Happy 1 ? 2
  • Love this lol