APBS - Acid's Progressive Bot System 1.4.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Fully customizable progression system. By default, all AI will level with you, have appropriate gear for their level, and might be a tad more dangerous due to their progression. Everyone has something worth stealing or scavenging!

Are you tired of scavs being utterly pointless after level 20? This mod is probably for you then.

Because all of the AI will level with you, they'll all start wearing gearing that gets better as you get better. Bosses and their guards will always have decent loadouts. Scavs will actually wear the gear they have been scavenging (sometimes). What the hell is the purpose of scavs outside the early game? Now they have a purpose. Maybe they'll spawn with armour worth yoinking the plates out of? Maybe they'll spawn with weapons that have useful attachments for you! Who knows! That's for you to try this mod and find out!

This gives you a reason to actually check your kills and maybe you'll find something shiny.

All AI have their loadouts adjusted with this mod. Not just scavs. Not just PMCs. All of them. (Boss weapons needed for quests will still spawn, I'm not that mean!)

Please review all of the mod page!

Do not use this with another progression mod.

This mod is still in active development. It may be missing features or configuration options you may want.


If you enjoy my work - you can buy me a coffee~

  • Version 1.4.3

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+

    Special thank you to Chomp for some big brain updates to some custom logic I had <3


    • Minor refactor for plate class level filter code
    • Minor change to Med/Food/Drink randomization code
    • Balance pass for T4-T7 PMC equipment
    • Added missing headsets to PMCs T3-7
    • Added missing Glorious-E facecover for Scavs T1-7
    • Added missing Vertx Ready Pack for Scavs T1-7
    • Adjusted Scav Backpack Weights
    • Updated example preset

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed PMC Loot blacklist not actually working
    • Fixed missing "mod_stock_002" value on PMCs at Tier7 (Thank you Foreiinas)

    Presets created in 1.4.0 or higher are still usable

  • Version 1.4.2

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+

    Bugs Squashed

    • Actually fixed HP Resource for some food/drink items from being changed which made them unusable but still spawning as loot on AI

    Presets created in 1.4.0 or higher are still usable

  • Version 1.4.1

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+


    • Added additional weapons to low tier PMCs Long Range pools (lowers M700 chance a bit more)
    • Removed front mount optic from M870 325mm barrel to prevent duplicate optics
    • Adjusted weapon choice weights on Labs & Factory (slightly)
    • Removed internal clothing blacklist as it is no longer necessary
    • Updated preset
    • Minor code cleanup

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed HP Resource for some food/drink items from being changed which made them unusable but still spawning as loot on AI
    • Fixed T3 Scav missing Pilgrim Backpack
    • Fixed fallback generation for Cultists mod_pistolgrip_000
    • Fixed Blacklist invalid item ID logging to not spam console for each tier

    Presets created in 1.4.0 or higher are still usable

  • Version 1.4.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+


    Major update. Thank you for all Discord testers <3

    New Features

    • Implemented configuration option for enabled bots to roll ammunition choice again
      • For external magazine fed weapons, this roll happens based on config chance for each magazine
      • For internal magazine fed weapons, this rolls happens once based on config chance
    • Implemented Bot Loot gen item whitelist w/ weighting system
    • Implemented Bot Loot gen respecting item limits


    • Added Pilgrim backpack for Scav Backpack equipment pre-T4
    • Adjusted Pilgrim backpack weights for Scav
    • Adjusted default level variance for tiers (tightened up slightly, it was too wide for my liking - you can still config this)
    • Adjusted default food/med resource used chances and lower limit (you can still config this)
    • Forced Bosses/Followers/Rogues/Raiders/Cultists to only use Tier4+ mod pools
    • Removed Randomization options that were hardcoded (no longer needed)
    • Refactored the mess of checks for if the bot is enabled/disabled via config
    • Updated example preset

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed preset changes to Bot Loot gen weights and whitelist not functioning
    • Fixed some changes taking effect even if bot is disabled in config
    • Fixed Ultima variant of MP-155 never having correct stock due to misconfigured internal buttpad array
    • Fixed various bot attachment chances for specific weapon types to prevent default weapon fallbacks
    • Possibly fixed Realism Compatibility for gas masks not having filters installed (won't know until Realism is updated)
    • Possibly fixed M700 w/ProMag Archangel chassis not getting correct mags in rig...maybe
  • Version 1.3.1

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+

    Thank you Lacyway for reporting an issue that created the need for a loot blacklist, and also for providing much appreciated feedback regarding some balancing! <3

    New Features

    • Configuration option for PMC Loot Blacklist (this default comes with the Residential Keycard due to a SPT bug)


    • Updated Woods Weapon Range selection chances (now 60/40 long range instead of 90/10)
    • Updated USEC Long Range weapon weights
    • Updated example preset

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed PMC Appearance code for SPRING_EARLY
  • Version 1.3.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+

    New Features

    • Configuration option for buttpad on stock spawn chance
    • Per Season PMC clothing appearance, PMCs will now try to wear clothes that better blend into the seasonal environment
      • (if enabled (default) then import mod clothing is automatically disabled)


    • Updated PMC 4.6x30mm ammunition weights
    • Updated example preset
    • Moved T-5000 from USEC to BEAR as the T-5000 is a Russian made weapon
  • Version 1.2.5

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+

    New Features

    • Configuration option to force muzzles
    • Configuration option to force muzzle children
    • Configuration option for muzzle chance that overrides preset/db


    • Slightly adjusted Max Bot Level Variance for T1-4
    • Slightly increased default muzzle chances for PMCs at all tiers
    • Added Death Shadow Armoured Mask PMC T3+
  • Version 1.2.4

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+

    Thank you DrakiaXYZ for the assist!

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed sortModKeys as 3.10.2 has a new argument
    • Fixed various non-user impacting errors
  • Version 1.2.3

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.0 - 3.10.1

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed Zombies, they're still cringe but they work properly with APBS now
    • Fixed Santa spawning with boss guard loadouts
  • Version 1.2.2

    This version will only work for SPT 3.10.0 - 3.10.1

    Thank you Hazel for reporting the issue!

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed weapon mod chances
  • Please join the SPT Discord for support or create an issue on Github

    Quicker Support and beta releases take place in Discord.

    If you have feedback or adjustment requests it is easier to have that discussion in Discord.

    Join the thread #acidphantasm-mods in #mods-development

  • bots are having different ammo types in each magazine. Which setting might be causing this?

  • Добрый день, есть такая проблема что у меня не спавняться бойцы чвк, я уже 10 лвл бегал Резерв,Таможня,Эпицентр и у меня только Дикие спавняться, если есть проблема то как её пофиксить или хотя бы скажите с какого лвл акка будут чвк спавниться

    • Этот мод не влияет на спавн.

    • А неизвестно как можно исправить проблему с которой я столкнулся?

    • проблему я устранил, стояла версия мода вашего 1.3.0, как только поставил 1,4.2 так сразу появились чвк)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I was wondering which mod was messing up my food loot!

    • Are you still having issues with newly acquired food on the latest release?

  • Something wrong with Blacklisting items for PMC. I am trying to delete from loot pool TerraGroup Labs residential unit keycard, but this keycard still spawns into every PMC backpack.

    • That keycard is already blacklisted. I cannot help without logs, if you need assistance you'll need to join the discord and report it in my thread

  • Hey, I have noticed that one config line has zero value set as default only on Tier 7 config under "weaponMods" tab:

    presets > example > Tier7_chances > "weaponMods" > "mod_stock_002"

    All other tier configs from 1 to 6 has value at 100

    "mod_stock_002": 100,

    it's a typo or something to be aware of ?

    • Could have just missed it, the DB files are like 140k+ lines of JSON. I'll double check it. The preset example is copy pasted from the DB so if something is wrong in that, then it's also wrong in the db. Luckily that mod slot is rarely rolled.

    • Yep, confirmed it's set to 0 instead of 100 for PMCs on Tier7. It'll be fixed in the next release - if you're building a preset and don't use "force_stock" in the config then you should go ahead and change those to 100 as well

    • Yeah I use "force_stock" option. One more question if you don't mind.

      If you force every weapon attachment to be at "100" chance under "weaponMods" does that work? Or simply generation will not understand how to correctly modify weapon?

      Because I have tested 1 raid, and I have seen some truly kitted weapons, but sometimes there is still attachment(s) slot empty... Like SR-2M have a scope mount on, but no scope anyway.

    • The weaponMods section only applies if the weapon being generated doesn't have a specific classification. For instance, assault rifles use assaultRifles, not weaponMods.

      If you want to only use the default weaponMods, then disable "enablePerWeaponTypeAttachmentChances" in the config.

      Additionally, just because a scope mount spawns doesn't mean a scope will spawn in it, you would need to enable "forceScopeSlot" in the config. Keep in mind that not every spot is named properly because of BsG so enabling this may force more tactical attachments than wanted.

    • Oh, I did all of these configs. I see, game itself is not perfect to create 100% perfect generations. And mod itself can do as much. Thank you.

  • Hello is there anyway that you can force AI PMC uses face shields all the time?

    • You can make a preset. In that preset you only give PMCs helmets that can use face shields in the equipment JSONs. After you do that, in the chance JSONs set their mod_equipment_000 and probably mod_equipment_001 to 100.

      You'll probably also have to add the face shields to those helmets in the mods JSON if you want them before tier 4.

      It's possible to do what you're asking but it isn't easy. BsG did not name attachment slots consistently or use them for consistent purposes.

      Heart 1
    • thx dude!

  • Thank you, looks great. Quick question: Raiders and Rogues are pulling their ammo from boss or pmc pools?

  • I used the latest APBS, but I found that the AI gun still does not produce muzzle. So I enabled the muzzle of the Force weapon, but I had a question: "muzzleChance" : [10, 25, 40, 55, 65, 75, 75], based on the base value of the configuration, does a higher number mean a lower probability of generation?Because I found that even with forced muzzle generation enabled, the weapon held by the AI still had no muzzle

    Second issue: I enabled disable PMC ammo layer sliding. Does a slideChance value of 33 mean a probability of 33%?

    Sorry, my comprehension is a little poor. Can you answer that for me? thank you

    • The chanice is a chance out of 100. If you set force muzzle it uses the chances configured there. This is stated in the config.

      If you didn't change the chances they still might not have them. The force muzzle just allows you to easier set the muzzle chances without making a preset.

    • Thank you for your explanation. I get it now <3

  • Code
    [2025-01-02T20:13:55.247Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'pmcBEAR')
        at APBSEquipmentGetter.getPmcAppearance (D:\Games\Tarkin\Escape From Tarkov - 3.10.4\user\mods\acidphantasm-progressivebotsystem\src\Utils\APBSEquipmentGetter.ts:362:57)
        at APBSBotGenerator.setBotAppearance (D:\Games\Tarkin\Escape From Tarkov - 3.10.4\user\mods\acidphantasm-progressivebotsystem\src\ClassExtensions\APBSBotGenerator.ts:83:61)
        at APBSBotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:250:14)
        at APBSBotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:131:21)
        at BotController.generateSingleBotAndStoreInCache (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:338:46)

    When using Simple Season Selector with earlyspring

    • I'll double check the code, what level are you?

      Also - are you using a preset? If so - you need to update your preset appearance JSONs with the new ones

    • level 29, default settings

    • I've found the issue and will be pushing a fix shortly

    • Update has been released, this latest version should fix the issue with SPRING_EARLY

      Thank you for the report!

  • i would love an option for us to be unable to loot any items the pmcs spawn in with (or PMCs at all). so they can be strong, but we dont get boosted because of it

    • Unfortunately that's outside of the scope of this mod (but is a cool idea)

    • In that case, there may be a solution for you.

      Hardcore Loot

      You can configure it, so I see no reason why it can't be configured to allow looting bags/rigs but no guns/armor et cetera.

      Combine it with this and you should have your dream come true.

  • I am sorry to ask such a stupid question, but where can I modify the probability of the muzzle appearing? The muzzle issue has also been bothering me, I really like your mod, thank you. :竖起大拇指:

    • Latest update has increased default chances for PMCs and additional configuration options.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • 感谢您的辛勤工作。 :竖起大拇指:

      Heart 1
  • Is there anyway you can make an option in the config file to force ai types to have muzzles "forcemuzzle" like there is to force stocks "forcestock" idk it's kinda immersion breaking, it's fine on scavs but on pmcs raiders guards and bosses that's weird imo.

    I tried to make a preset but I think I broke it cause a bunch of lvl 40 pmcs were spawning, when I am lvl 10.

    Also where can I find shared presets ? is the a discord I can join ?

    Also does it matter what level the AI is ? no right ? it just matter what is the lvl of the player and that will determine the tier of AI right ?

    • If you're getting level 40 PMCs while level 10, your preset isn't doing that... Your config is in the level deltas.

      If you make an issue on the GitHub then I can add that as a config option when I get back to modding.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Figured out what I was doing wrong both with muzzle mods and AI lvl.

      Only thing now is a lot of builds have scopes and just mods in general that don't make sense at lower tiers and for me to go into tierX_mods and change things gun by gun it's gonna take me weeks to do lol, is there some simple way to force AI at lower lvls/tiers to just use worse mods, for example if AI using muzzle mod use some simple muzzle break or scope use mrs pk06 or acog for example instead of the meta 1X/8X scopes.

    • Latest update has increased default chances for PMCs and additional configuration options.

      As for customizing the mods available at tiers...no...there's no easy way. It took me forever to build them, and it's really not any easier than just opening them and slowly going through them with CTRL+F to adjust the mods you want.

      Heart 1
    • Yeah I ended up doing the latter, it's okay the good thing this mod is really modular and you can customize to get the exact experience you want so thanks for that.

  • This is very cool, I see one problem tho.
    There are no muzzles on bot weapons. Mostly :) 90% of the time.

    • Latest update has increased default chances for PMCs and additional configuration options.

      Heart 1
  • is there a way to make it so every pmc that spawns will always have a muzzle device? idk why it bothers me if a pmc doesn't have one & would like to know if it's possible, thank you tho really really like this progression mod.

    • Make a preset and change the mod_muzzle chances to be higher on PMCs

    • Latest update has increased default chances for PMCs and additional configuration options.

    • thank you!

  • One of the best mods. I was able to make it even better by customizing the presets. Thank you for making the mod.

    Heart 1
  • Are there all the weapons available to spawn on bots?

  • Can't robots have spare bullets, surgical bags, and other items

  • In my opinion, this is the best mod that makes the AI equip all of my custom weapon mods <3 . Hats-off to the author, Acidphantasm.

    Question - Does anyone know how to reduce the number of bots :?: After installing this, I am getting performance issues.
    Note - I have MOAR and SAIN as well :!:

    • MOAR would be controlling the amount of bots

    • Thanks Acid; I will take a loot at it.

  • I rewrote all backpackloot from T1 to T7 like this,

    "backpackLoot": {

    "weights": {

    "0": 0,

    "1": 0,

    "2": 0,

            "3": 0,

            "4": 0,

            "5": 0,

            "6": 0,

            "7": 1,

            "8": 1,

            "9": 1,

            "10": 1,

            "11": 1


    But all ai still only have 2 items in their backpack, why?

    • Where did you write that

    • Tier1_chances.json(Tier1 to Tier7),

    • It's probably the backpack weights are handled differently and that doesn't change anything but the blacklist, but I haven't tested that a bunch on 3.10

      Can you please make an issue on the GitHub and I'll take a look at it whenever I give PoE2 a break!

    • ok,i'll try

  • do you know why santa dont have his normal stuff on he has equipment like a raider or something like that he dont look like santa xD how i can change that,sometimes i killed him because he looks like a pmc with best gear

    • You haven't updated your SPT or APBS.

      Do both and the issue will be resolved (the latest APBS requires 3.10.2)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thx

  • I regret never trying this before and defaulting to my same old mods, I like this a lot more. Great job.

    Heart 1
  • I doubt that the balance is set correctly, according to your list I should now be on 4tier.

    Why absolutely everyone uses the most powerful bullets in the game ssa AP, mai AP, m993.

    They walk in armor class 3, but shoot with bullets that are not available in the game.

    Looks like a joke)

    • Yeah I am waiting for ALP at this point. Every single PMC I run into is juiced out of their mind.

    • Respectfully, neither of you have any idea how RNG works.

      If you are level 33 (Tier4), PMCs will spawn between level1 and 48, meaning they can be tier1-tier5. But for sake of argument say they spawn level 37, they will be tier4. Tier4 PMCs have a less than 10% chance to use ammo better than 855A1.

      However, if the PMC spawned as tier5, they now have a 35% chance to have ammo better than 855a1.

      Additionally, scavs cannot and will never use 855A1 or better, so clearly you didn't mean *absolutely everyone*

      All of the AI that spawn via APBS are in the logs for APBS in the mod folder under logs. You can see the actual variance by looking at the PMC generation logs. This includes their level, gear, ammo choice, and plate levels.

      Additional, APBS is a bot system first and for most..this means you can change everything about their loadouts by making and using a preset. It just comes default with a preset.

      If you don't want to make your own preset, and you are unhappy with APBS - then use a different progression mod. This mod will do whatever you want it to with bot loadouts, but you have to spend the time to change it from defaults if you want.

      You can't please everyone with a default configuration.

    • What you said is true, I went to the settings and there is what you told me.

      But I say what happens when I am in the game.

      When I said "absolutely everything", that’s literally what I meant, I have any PMC come with the strongest bullets in the game, different bosses and so on. Also.

      Yeah, I’m at level 36 right now.

      btw I have half a box full of m993 7.62x51

      p.s I tried to play 10+ raid without mod, I have never had anyone’s cartridge stronger than the t4

    • The logs are telling you what my mod is spawning the bots with. If you kill a PMC and the loadout on the PMC doesn't match what the log says it is, then you have another mod interfering with their progression.

      Bosses have their own logs, and are meant to have stronger ammo, same with the followers. Their ammo doesn't change between Tier1 and Tier7. They should always be stronger because they are bosses.

      Scavs will never have stronger ammo, it's always crap ammo but they may have better guns.

      If you want to change the ammo pools for bosses and followers you'll need to make a preset.

  • Добрый день,может Ваш мод помочь-проблема почему то нет совсем спавна ЧВК на карте Резерв,нет совсем,уже не знаю что делать..Ставил чистую версию то же самое...В Вашем моде есть замена спавна ботов?

    • APBS не меняет места появления, только снаряжение.

  • I'm still on 3.9.8.

    I've change "pmcLoot": true, but I can find only ammuntion and nothing more.

    Or vanilla stuff

    • It's RNG - vanilla SPT PMCs in 3.9.x had a lot of ammunition boxes.

  • Hey, I'm still on spt 3.9.4 and APBS 1.1.0 and I have noticed that "Death shadow lightweight armored mask" never on pmcs? Is it for personal choice or something?

    • I probably just forgot about it honestly. If you make an issue on the github I'll try to remember to add it in (I'm on a bit of a break cause PoE2)

    • I made an issue. Take your time with PoE2, no rush.

      Heart 1
  • Code
    PMCs lost all the loot from their backpacks(
    • PMC loot is disabled by default. There's a config option to enable it.

      Heart 1
  • im having this little issue where bots are spawning with 1/x durability on their helmets, how can i fix this?

    Edit: nevermind, it was caused by full helmet coverage

  • nice mod so far, just getting a LOT of cpu spikes\ fps drop.

    any way to smooth it out?

    • This mod doesn't affect that at all.

      Perhaps you should look into the 3.10 mod for performance fixes

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Killing bots in 3.10 causes spikes in CPU and Memory from what i am reading causing a stutter.

      This is known from live EFT PVE games. SPT staff or mods will fix it at some point i am sure just wanted to share what i know :) ;)

      Thumbs Up 1
    • ok thanks acid, i think i mixed your mod up with spawning mechanics.

  • Is there a way I can make it so the AI spawn with hand made presets? I'd love to see it.

    • No, if you'd like a progression mod that uses weapon presets then Andern is where you'd go.

    • Andern would be the way to go but it has a bunch of other features that tweak the AI which I haven't been able to turn off. Well thanks for responding though.