APBS - Acid's Progressive Bot System 1.1.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Fully customizable progression system. By default, all AI will level with you, have appropriate gear for their level, and might be a tad more dangerous due to their progression. Everyone has something worth stealing or scavenging!

Are you tired of scavs being utterly pointless after level 20? This mod is probably for you then.

Because all of the AI will level with you, they'll all start wearing gearing that gets better as you get better. Bosses and their guards will always have decent loadouts. Scavs will actually wear the gear they have been scavenging (sometimes). What the hell is the purpose of scavs outside the early game? Now they have a purpose. Maybe they'll spawn with armour worth yoinking the plates out of? Maybe they'll spawn with weapons that have useful attachments for you! Who knows! That's for you to try this mod and find out!

This gives you a reason to actually check your kills and maybe you'll find something shiny.

All AI have their loadouts adjusted with this mod. Not just scavs. Not just PMCs. All of them. (Boss weapons needed for quests will still spawn, I'm not that mean!)

Please review all of the mod page!

Do not use this with another progression mod.

This mod is still in active development. It may be missing features or configuration options you may want.


If you enjoy my work - you can buy me a coffee~

  • Version 1.1.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    Major Major Update.

    Thank you all SPT Discord testers! <3

    New Features

    • Individual Weapon Category Attachment Chances
    • Config option for custom level deltas for Scavs
    • Config option for Attachment Blacklisting
    • Config option to set mod weapon importing weights
    • Config option to disable adding Gas Masks to bots when Realism detected
    • Config option to set min food/med resource value
    • Implemented Presets (NO SUPPORT FOR THESE)
      • These can be easy to create depending on what you want to be changing. The main mod page has a rough walkthrough on how to get started.
      • Presets will always work between APBS versions going forward, unless any format changes are required. I will say on the release if they need to be fixed. (Make it once, use it forever)
      • If you want to share these, you are required to post a link to your preset in the comments (or in my thread in the SPT Discord).
      • I will aggregate these and put them on the main mod page & a pinned comment here and the SPT Discord.
      • Please do NOT put mod items in your preset if you plan to share it. If you do you must specify what mods are required and the load order.
        • Just make it easier, and don't put mod items in your preset.


    • Improved mod import logic (MASSIVELY)
    • Improved weapon mod_muzzle attachment logic (Less suppressor spam)
    • Improved weapon mod_scope attachment logic (Less scope ring mounted top optics)
    • Adjusted minLevelVariance for all tiers
      • You will see a wider level range of AI.
    • Adjusted all PMC chances for equipment / weapon attachments
    • Adjusted all PMC weapon weights
    • Adjusted all Scav chances for weapon attachments
    • Adjusted all Scav armour weights
    • Adjusted BEAR long range weapon weights
    • Added "acidphantasm_easier_scavs" preset
    • Removed "mod_muzzle" from required slots for PMCs
    • Removed MP-155 Ultima attachments from T1 & T2
    • Removed Valday optic from T1
    • Removed the default M4A1 handguard (the OG looking one)
    • Removed various top mount tacticals from weapons that block optics

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed missing FN Five-seveN RMR attachments
    • Fixed missing MP-155 Ultima camera & mount
    • Fixed missing VPO-215 scope rail
    • Fixed missing OP-SKS scope rail
    • Fixed various double optic handguards
    • Fixed force stock, receivers, and scope configs to use per weapon chances format
  • Version 1.0.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    Major Release. 1.0.0!!

    Thank you all SPT Discord testers! Without you this release wouldn't be possible! <3

    New Features

    • Compatibility w/ Punisher & Raid Overhaul
    • Config option to change PMC Game Version weights
    • Config option to blacklist specific Weapons from AI
    • Config option to allow AI to spawn with T-7 Thermal Goggles
    • Config option to set AI scope & tactical attachment limits
    • Config option to enable Scav Equipment Tier flattening
    • Config option to enable Scavs Weapon/Equipment attachment tiering
      • If disabled (default) they will always use Tier1 attachments unless any "challenge" modes are enabled


    • Realism detection added
      • When detected, it will add gas masks to all of the AI at roughly 30% chance
    • Move mod importing logic from Tier7 scavs to dedicated list
    • Added various optic spacers and mounts
    • Added GLs to secondary short range slot for T1-7 Raiders & Rogues
    • Adjusted T1-7 Raider & Rogue Weapon weights (weights change as they tier up)
    • Adjusted T1-3 USEC Weapon weights
    • Adjusted various PMC attachment slot chances
    • Adjusted G19X & G18C to colour match magazines
    • Adjusted MDR 5.56 & MDR 7.62 to colour match attachments
    • Removed "mod_scope" tacticals from handguards

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed tiering for 30mm scope mounts...woops
    • Fixed config weapon blacklist to accept melee IDs
    • Fixed missing AUG receivers from attachment tiering
    • Fixed missing SVDS attachments
    • Fixed duplicate optic chance on M870
    • Fixed Fika Dedicated Profile Generation (thanks Archangel)
  • Version 0.9.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    Major Release.

    Thank you to all testers on the SPT Discord, as always - this would not be possible without you <3

    New Features

    • PMCs that spawn with two primaries will now select one short & one long range weapon
    • AI PMC Clothing is now tiered
    • Config option to import Mod Clothing (No support if you enable this)
    • Config option to disable Scav Loot
    • Config options to add keys to Scav Backpack Loot
    • Config options to enable PMC Ammo down-tiering


    • Overhauled Scav Weapon/Equipment Weights
    • Overhauled PMC "LongRange" weapons to only have marksman/snipers
    • Adjusted PMC/Scav Holster chances/weights/pools
    • Adjusted Scav Backpack Loot chances
    • Adjusted BEAR T2-7 Weapon weights
    • Adjusted PMC T3 Plate Class weights
    • Adjusted Map Weapon Type Selection weights
    • Adjusted M4A1/ADAR/TX-15 barrels at all tiers
    • Removed some "LongRange" weapons from "ShortRange" pools
    • Removed KS-23M from BEAR/Scav T1-3
    • Removed HK416 & SCAR 5.56 from USEC/Scav T1-2
    • Removed M1A, RSASS & SPEAR from USEC T3
    • Removed some poop ammo from Bosses/Followers/Guards
    • Removed some problematic weapon attachments (THANK YOU AYRE)

    Bugs Squashed

    • Blacklisted OS4x & NSX optics from being imported by modded weapons
    • Fixed some modded weapon handguards creating the chance for the weapon to be generated with a front and rear optic
    • Fixed some modded attachments being used when they shouldn't
    • Fixed double optic chances on various Saiga-12k handguards
    • Fixed minor spelling mistakes..
  • Version 0.8.2

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    New Features

    • Configuration option to disable debug logging


    • Adjusted Scav MP-133 & TOZ T1-7 weights
    • Adjusted PMC 5.56x45mm T1-4 weights
    • Adjusted PMC SAG 5.45 AR T1-4 weights
    • Adjusted PMC AUG & MDR T1-3 weights
    • Removed NcSTAR MPR45 Canted Mount from T1-3
    • Removed double optic chance on SKS SOCOM Rail Mount

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fixed potential pockets & secure container missing on PMCs
    • Fixed APBS Logger from opening too many file threads (changed from async to sync)
      • Thank you laptop spt (Sam/Sammy) on Discord for the initial report and testing fixes!
  • Version 0.8.1

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    New Features

    • Configuration option to set what Tier imported mod items start spawning in
    • Configuration option for PMC pocket/rig/backpack loot
    • Added config "blickyMode".. it's like a warzone.. but nobody dies.


    • Adjusted PMC 7.62x51mm T1-3 weights
    • Adjusted PMC T3-5 Armour/Headwear weights
    • Adjusted non-Scav Plate Class weights
    • Added additional pocket types for Guards/Followers
    • Removed sawed off Mosin stock T2+
    • Removed PKM, PKP, RPD, RPDN from Tier3 Bears & Scavs
    • Removed dumb NPZ 1P78-1 optic dovetail mount

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fix modded equipment being added to the config blacklist actually blacklisting them (hopefully)
    • Added internal attachment blacklist to prevent NVGs/Thermals from being imported via modded equipment (will stop AI from spawning with T-7 NVG)
  • Version 0.8.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    Major Update.

    Thank you all SPT Discord testers! Without you this release wouldn't be possible! <3

    New Features

    • Assault Rifles & Carbines can now have Sniper Optics (TAC30, Vudu, etc)
    • Configurable Plate chances
    • Configurable Weapon Durability
    • Configurable Ammo & Equipment Blacklist
    • Config option for importing modded equipment
    • Config options for "onlyChads" or "tarkovAndChill" or...both? Chaos?


    • Overhauled PMC Weapon/Equipment/Ammo weights at all tiers
    • Adjusted PMC Weapon/Helmet mod chances
    • Adjusted PMC Plate chances to be more realistic
    • Adjusted Scav MP9 weights
    • Adjusted Scav Front Plate chances
    • Adjusted Scav Backpack loot chances
    • Adjusted some Boss Plate chances to scale with level
    • Adjusted Guards/Raiders/Rogues/Cultist Warriors Plate chances to scale with level
    • Adjusted Mod Item importing weights
    • Added missing AKS-74U Railed Dust Cover
    • Added some missing equipment for PMCs & Scavs
    • Removed problematic AK Dust Cover
    • Removed .366 chambered weapons from Tier5+ pmcBEAR

    Bugs Squashed

    • Fix Unheard Edition bots not having Unheard Edition pockets. They paid their $200, let them have cake.
    • Fix Raider/Rogue config option to actually disable properly
    • Removed a few duplicate records
  • Version 0.7.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    Major Update.

    Thank you all SPT Discord testers! Without you this release wouldn't be possible! <3

    New Features

    • All weapon & helmet attachments are now tiered
    • All AI now have their own equipment pools & chance rolls
    • All AI will now have NVGs if it's night (if they can)
    • New Config Options (forceScopeSlot, forceDustCover, enableConsumableResourceRandomization)
    • Your player scav will now have AI tier around your PMC level
    • Grenade count & NVG logging added to APBS Logs


    • Removed some poop helmets from PMCs
    • Removed a couple troublesome attachment slots
    • Removed poop ammo from high level PMCs
    • Removed meta ammo from low level PMCs
    • Removed BEAR armband from USEC (also removed USEC armband from BEAR)
    • Added vanilla-adjacent initial boss pools
    • Added vanilla-adjacent initial goons pools
    • Added vanilla-adjacent initial cultist pools
    • Added vanilla-ish Raider & Rogue pools
    • Added missing Fast MT (black) helmet
    • Adjusted scav backpack loot count chances
    • Adjusted weapon attachment chances for all AI
    • Adjusted Toz spawn chance on Scavs Tier1-3
    • Adjusted AI light/laser toggle chance during day/night

    Bugs Squashed

    • Bot Generation should be significantly less delayed
    • Fixed forceStock config option not working properly
    • Fixed equipment mod chances to be handled by APBS instead of vanilla
    • Fixed NVG not being forced if possible & night
    • Fixed catch for weapon attachment pools
    • Fixed Knight being stupid cause I did a dumb
    • Fixed plate selection loop improperly selecting and not escaping the loop when finding a valid armour class
    • Fixed randomizing health/food/drink resource values for PMCs
  • Version 0.5.6

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    New Config Options

    • Option to disable Boss, Follower, Scav, PMC, Raider/Rogue generation (one or any)
    • Option to adjust AI level deviation per tier
    • Option to force stocks on AI Weapons
    • Option to disable force weapon attachment limits on AI Weapons (cursing the guns if you want)


    • Added a LOT of optic selection options on weapon generation - should no longer see Elcan all the time
    • Adjusted Scav Weapon Durability
    • Adjusted Scav Armour and Helmet weights
    • Adjusted Boss Armour and Helmet weights
    • Adjusted PMC Item Limits
    • Adjusted map weights for weapon generation
    • Split Scav armour plate weightings from the rest of the pools. Will now only get T5 & 6 plates if the armour can't take 2, 3, or 4.
    • If botgen fails to place bot in a tier, will now generate Tier1 instead of 3 (this is very very rare anyway)
  • Version 0.5.3

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    New Features

    • Mod Weapon importing is disabled by default. Enable at your own risk - no support.


    • Adjusted PMC NVG chances
    • Adjusted Scav helmet & weapon attachment chances
    • Adjusted Scav backpack loot quantities (slightly higher than vanilla to make up for PMCs not having backpack loot w/o Looting Bots)
    • Completely overhauled Scav weapon weights
  • Version 0.5.0

    This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x

    Bugs Squashed

    • Helmet/Headphone issue should be 95% resolved now


    • Slightly lowered helmet mod spawn chance on PMCs
    • Scav Weapon Weights changed to allow people who run a million custom weapon mods not to always have them spawn
  • Please join the SPT Discord for support or create an issue on Github

    Quicker Support and beta releases take place in Discord.

    If you have feedback or adjustment requests it is easier to have that discussion in Discord.

    Join the thread #acidphantasm-mods in #mods-development

  • Such amazing changes this update, TYSM!

    Heart 1
  • Quick question, so in order to change chances of weapon attachments using default APBS presets / config, we need to tweak " Tier 1 to 7 chances " json files in the "acidphantasm_easier_scavs" folder?

    • No, that preset just has easier scavs equipment wise.

      Follow the presets instructions on the hub page. The example preset is a 1:1 copy of the default APBS database. That'll be the one you want to copy and then edit.

  • Thank you for the regular updates and improvements!

    Heart 1
  • For the ammo tier sliding -- if I set it to 2, does that mean a PMC can slide from Tier 5 to only Tier 3? Or will they also be able to pick from Tier 4?

    • They will either stay tier5, or slide to tier 4 or 3.

    • Awesome, thanks!

  • I was wondering if it’s possible to add modded weapons to bot load outs? I have all of the WTT and Massivesoft weapon mods, but they don’t spawn on bots. I would love to add them to the spawn pools.

    • Read the mod page, this question is covered on it.

      You should give a glance at the config

    • I apologize, I completely glossed over that in the mod page. Thanks for taking the time to reply anyhow!

  • I have noticed that occasionally and now more frequently wrong ammo type spawns to bot weapons ( error message at the right bottom of the screen ).

    Let's say .300 blackout ammo spawns / trying to load to the 7.62x39 AK... etc, etc.

    • You usually get that when a scav picks up a weapon off a dead body that uses mags that can also load the caliber round of the weapon they spawned with.

      Also happens when a PMC decides to spawn with 2 weapons that share magazines but not calibers.

      It's a base SPT problem but it can pop up with APBS slightly more often due to how many weapons they can spawn with.

  • Forgive me if this has already been asked, but is there a way to limit how much of a given ammo is allowed on any given bot? I don't mind bots having top-tier ammo, but want to limit it to maybe a full mag or so per bot, with lower tier ammo filling the rest of the mags.

    • Not at this time. If you create an issue on the GitHub (link is pinned) I can maybe take a crack at implementing that for future releases. It's not an easy request so I make no guarantees.

      I'm on a bit of a vacation from modding for a little bit but I'd expect another release in a couple weeks maybe.

    • Sounds good, I'll do just that. Enjoy the vacation.

  • Got this when trying to use with Raid Overhaul

    I've made sure the bot generation is only happening from this mod, and I basically just need to figure out how to include the Legion boss data into this. any help is greatly appreciated :)

    • To add to this it is the legion boss trying to load, but can't.

    • I just added:

                      case "bosslegion":

      to the below hoping this would fix it, but going to bed.

    • I will have to update APBS to be compatible with Raid Overhaul.

    • Oh okay lol :) I just did the above with my limited understanding XD

    • FYI this error isn't caused by APBS being incompatible (it actually is already compatible)

      APBS just throws an error because the inventory isn't being generated, which means it's another incompatibility you have or an incorrect install of RaidOverhaul.

      I will be adding into the next update to leave Legion (and Punisher) bosses loadouts as is instead of switching them to default APBS loadouts.

  • Hello! I enabled the option: "addAllKeysToScavs": true, (the other key-related options are disabled), but during raids, I don’t encounter scavs with keycards (for example, Lab keycards. They only have mechanical keys). Are keycards just extremely rare? I am playing with the SWAG + DONUTS mod, and I spawn a lot of scavs in my raids due to the DONUTS configuration. I've killed many of them, but I haven’t found a keycard in their loot yet.

    Also, could you tell me if it's possible to edit the PMC loot so that ammo packs don’t spawn? For example, could I replace them with limb restoration kits, water, food, etc.?

    • There are a lot of keys in the game, and I weighted them all the same when they're added..so it's just RNG.

      As of right now the pmcLoot config just enables default vanilla counts, weights, and pool - there is not a way to edit that pool currently in APBS. If you create an issue on the GitHub I can work on a possible implementation for future releases

  • Awesome mod, my man! I use it with Scorpion too (he's such a pal, def my fav Trader).
    Questionnn: how would I go about changing Scav's loadout a bit? Primarly, changing with what armor they spawn with.
    I think they're a bit too tanky with their Uley's and Armored Rigs.
    How could I resolve this?

    Thanks man!

    • You'll need to wait for the 1.0.0 update to make changes to scavs because currently the mod importing functions run off scav loadouts.

      Eventually I'll have a basic guide to show how to adjust the files. They should end up with crappy armour 95% of the time as is.

    • can you change the raider loadouts too because most raider have a rsass rifle

    • @Shturman - Raiders are currently almost 1:1 to vanilla (as are most non PMC/Scav bots)

      I plan to implement adjustments to them again but it'll likely be in 1.0.0

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I've had several raids and most of the time the raiders had the SR-25 rifle but actually they can carry a large number of weapons with them

  • Hey acid, great mod loving it!

    Question: Is there any way I can lower the chance of silencers on pmc loadouts? Alternatively but not ideal, can I ban silencers entirely?

    I know I can ban equipment but not sure that works for gun parts.

    I like playing where silencer are ultra rare or possibly only at very high levels.

    • In this update the attachment blacklisting is done internally and not configurable (allowing it to be configurable is something I've been thinking about, but theres no way to stop the user from making weapons invalid when they blacklist things)

      If you join the SPT Discord thread for my mods I can assist you in making those changes yourself (it's fairly easy)

  • hi acid i have a little question

    How can I make the weapon durability a bit high for all of them because some PMCs also have poor durability for weapons and rogues from time to time too, would be good how I can change this exactly in the config file

    • The config outlines how to manually set the durability for each bots group.

      If your PMCs ever have a durability lower than like 90, you aren't using the latest or have incorrectly edited the config for durability. By default PMCs have good durability.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • okay thx

  • Hi Acid. Thanks for the regular updates on this awesome mod.

    One thought though, I endlessly fight overstuffed level 30-40 PMCs (I'm currently 27). It feels they always carry best gear. Is there a way of "randomizing" a bit more the levels and type of equipment?

    I mean, on live you can always came across low level bambies or high level PMCs running light on gear.

    Thanks for your work!


    • If you want wider variety then increasing the custom level deltas is the way to go. I'm still working out a better method to have a proper sliding tier system but I'm pretty stuck with working through the SPT code to get it to function correctly. Soon, hopefully.

      For now, you can set your current PMC level tier delta to be whatever your level is -1 to your level. For instance if you are level 63, set the T7 custom delta to [62, 0] and you'll get AI from lv1 to 63.

      Hopefully will be an update soon to make this better.

    • Thank you very much.

  • Привет, как ставлю этот мод, боты и чевека перестают лутатся и собирать всякий хлам, посмотри в чем может быть проблема.

    • APBS does not change, alter, or impact bot behaviour. It's likely a mod conflict.

    • Хорошо, проверю сегодня на последнем обновлении, спасибо.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • поставь APBS последним в порядок загрузки модов. Если у тебя есть что-то влияющее на это поведение - выключи и поставь LootingBots на геймхост. Только совет - поставить одновременно лутающих ботов не больше 10 (иначе геймхосту плохо) и радиус обнаружения чвк до 300 поднимай, чтобы они вообще по карте двигались, а не просто стояли

    • Да, опустил мод вниз все заработало, спасибо.

  • I noticed that some bots PMCs or SCAVs don't have a sidearm, it might be possible to change this because sometimes bots use seven weapons more often when their main weapon is empty, it would be really cool and really more realistic

    • The next release will have some changes regarding holster chance & choice.

      Heart 1
  • Hey Acid,

    I have a suggestion, to add one feature from ALP mod, if it's not against the rules or moral code hehe.

    "higherTierAmmoChance" from 0 to 1 chance / weight system.

    Let's say PMCs level 30+ still could have lower pen ammo, not just high / best pen ammo all the time? Because past certain level 30-35 can't remember PMCs have 40-ish something pen ammo all the time? Maybe something like that can be implemented in the future updates? Thanks.

    • Right now as the tier gets to 4+ their ammo pools get smaller for PMCs shifting more towards meta.

      Until I can figure out how to get a sliding tier system implemented properly, the best solution is to use the customLevelDelta config settings and change the minimum level to be a bigger value. This will have more PMCs spawning at lower tiers.

      Hopefully I'll have a solution for sliding tiers (or maybe a downward sliding ammo chances config) before 1.0.0

    • The latest update includes a configuration option that allows PMCs to "downtier" their ammo pool

    • Thank you for your time and work.

  • loving the mod so far, but is there any way I can make bots not have acess to the highest tier ammo like BP, 995. m61??

  • So Im T7 and It seems I only see geared to the max pmcs and I like a variety, I put the max difference that can spawn below me be 60 levels but it doesnt seem to make a difference. My main problem is always running into guys with Level 6 plates and similar helmets so it takes away the fun and viability of certain things. Is there a way to make a more balanced curve for spawning?

    • If you want wider variety then increasing the custom level deltas is the way to go. I'm still working out a better method to have a proper sliding tier system but I'm pretty stuck with working through the SPT code to get it to function correctly. Soon, hopefully.

      For now, you can set your current PMC level tier delta to be whatever your level is -1 to your level. For instance if you are level 63, set the T7 custom delta to [62, 0] and you'll get AI from lv1 to 63.

      Hopefully will be an update soon to make this better.

      Heart 1
    • Thank you! Your mod has the best progression from my tons of different tests with others! Your style feels so realistic and I love it.

      Heart 1
  • hi I wanted to ask if it would be possible to give Scavs a KS-23 shotgun later, because I think it's already very op,i got them when i was level 5

  • Hi! I'm seeing almost every weapon on PMC bots having two laser/flashlights, sometimes a sniper scope behind a red dot. Is this intended? :saint:

    • The laser/flashlight stuff is just stuff I need to balance the weights on better, they cap at a maximum of 2 by default so generation doesn't go overboard.

      If you're seeing a sniper scope behind a red dot optic, I'll need you to report it with screenshots of the weapons on the Discord thread so I can track down where that's happening. I've fixed most of them but I haven't been able to find all instances of that possibility.

  • dose your mode prevent from AI to loot around the map and loot dead body ?

  • Could you please explain why some bots are running with the best ammo? I'm at level 25+, and I encounter bots at level 30+. They usually have Igolnik or M995 rounds.

    • Tier1-3 PMCs can't even spawn with those rounds. At level 25, you are equally likely to see a Tier2 PMC as you are a Tier4 PMC.

      I'd have to assume you're mistaken or you're experiencing the worst RNG in the world.

      Lv31-40 PMCs are Tier4.

      Tier4 PMCs spawn with Igolnik at a 4.5% chance.

      Tier4 PMCs spawn with M995 at a 9% chance.

      Even at Tier7 PMCs aren't more likely to spawn with Igolnik or M995 than any other round available. Though at that tier it is much more likely.

      Most common rounds for Tier4 5.45x39mm & 5.56x45mm are BT & 855A1 respectively.

  • I have been using ALP for ages. I wonder how this one is different and what new it brings that ALP doesn’t have? I really love ALP for fully random loadouts (if you tweak the config right). Thanks!

    • APBS does progression in a different way than ALP, but it's still just a progression mod. APBS does have more "tiers" than every other progression mod that allows the progression to feel more natural, instead of just "Well I'm level 20, time to see all this same gear". Because everything in APBS is hand-balanced, there's far less cursed weapons than other mods (IMHO). APBS also affects all AI and not just PMCs. You can of course adjust this via the config, but it's intended to be run with a default configuration.

      Each progression mod has it's pros and cons. ALP & Valens were a large reason why I decided to create APBS. It's never a bad thing to have more options! Try them all and see what you like.

      Thumbs Up 2 Thinking 1
  • Love your work!

    Heart 1
  • Thanks for your work. I really like this mod! Cheers from France!

    Heart 1
  • Love your work, Acid. <3

    Heart 1
  • Hi! Loving the mod so far, is it possible to have PMCs with modded armour, rigs + backpacks?

    • Not at the moment. The update I'm working on is absolutely gigantic so that request will likely fall into the following update.

      Heart 2
    • No worries thank you anyway & loving the mod :)

  • does this make keycards more common on bosses

  • This looks good. I have two questions (currently I'm using Algorythmic Level Progression).

    1. Does this mod factor NVG, infrared and such in night raids?

    2. Can I add Painter (trader mod) and Artem (trader mod) so bots spawn with their items as well?

    Would be awesome to see Painters items in the wild more.

    Cheers Acidphantasm. I have most of your mods installed.

    Happy 1
    • Right now NVGs are vanilla due to a bug, but will be fixed in the next version.

      Weapon attachments all pull from a large pool, we are a few releases away from tiered attachment pools (but it is coming!)

      Modded items will spawn if enabled in the config. Enabling it will invalidate support though, because it is impossible for me to ensure it works with every mod item. (It does work just fine with the 2 WTT mods I tested with)

      I really like ALP & Valens both, but this mod does everything different then those - both of those mods are part of why I created this mod.

      Thumbs Up 1