Borkel's Crye Multicam 1.0.2

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For now it just replaces the default USEC clothing set or the boring USEC AC Ranger Green clothing set with a cool multicam set, but in the future I plan on it being a separate clothing set.


  • Version 1.0.2

    Updated the textures to be more detailed and less bland. Used assets from the MILF Modding Group, thanks to Snuffpuppy.

    New version:


    Old version:




  • Version 1.0.1

    Quick update, now the mod contains two versions: replacer for the default USEC outfit and replacer for the AC Ranger Green clothing. See the installation instructions for, well, instructions.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • best clothing mod for this game to date

    Heart 1
  • Damn this look's great, Nice addition to the game!

  • Do you know if there is any way to force all usec to always have this as their clothing?

  • updated version looks fantastic. Thanks for doing this one.

    Heart 2
  • Thanks for the update, can we have the cat skin now ? XD

    Happy 1
  • se vienen cositas

  • Omg, thank you so much! Any chance you could make a version with the standard Crye knee pad insert on both sides instead of that goofy black rollerblading pad? The asymmetry is killing me :D

    • Not planned for now

  • is the helmet apart of the mod or can you point me where to get it please

    • It's most likely from TGC

    • Yes, it is from TGC


    Heart 1
  • Can I have a costume like this for a bear?

    • Use th All The Clothes mod and you'll be able to use it as s bear

  • Oh man I HATE Multicam but your skin is SO MUCH better than vanilla ! My PMC's got a new swag ^^ Thanks a lot for all your mods Borkel!

    Heart 1
    • multicam is better than digital multicam thought lol

      now using the starting timmy gear is cool 8)

    • Since PMCs are "supposed" to be independent forces, I'd have liked more exotic camo, things we don't see much such as concamo, M90 or pencott ^^

  • Looks good Borkel keep up the great work!

    I always felt the default Bear and Usec greens were too similar so this makes it easier to identify at times.

    Heart 1
  • this looks great. Can i ask you a favor? Can you add a pair of gloves to the usec predator skin? I hope it's not complicated to do, i think that would look very good

    • It would be complicated

  • savior descended from heaven <3
    do you have plans to make other replacers?
    if yes i beg you for digital fllora pants
    or if no atleast tell how did you made those replacers :p

    • I don't plan on doing that. Ii just opened the asset bundle files of the clothing and edited the textures

    • could you tell me where to find those files and what program use to open them?

    • I'm also interested in doing it myself. There are a lot of cool retextures that are not up-to-date and require JustNU core which doesn't even work anymore. Can you recommend any guides on that topic? I found one on the HUB but it's unfinished.

    • Also, I see that you're planning on adding that set of clothes instead of replacing. Any existing complete guides on that? I'm dummy and cannot find any

    • i recommend you go to the #mods-development channel of the SPT discord and ask for help there if you want to get started into modding

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Looks good.

    would it be possible to pull over the boonie hats from Falmonster's original mod too?