Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 1.8.0a
- Fin
-Added a mechanic to ensure money trades aren't removed from traders
-Fix for disabling insurance
Version 1.8.0
- Fin
Version 1.8.0 for AKI 3.1.x
- Compatibility update for AKI 3.1.x
Version 1.7.1
- Fin
Bugfix update:
-Removing items on death should work again
-Disabling insurance should work again
Version 1.7.0
- Fin
Version 1.7.0 for AKI 3.0.x
- Compatibility update. I think I fixed all the horrendous bugs x.x
Version 1.6.0
- Fin
Just a package file update for 2.x.x compatibilty
Version 1.5.0
- Fin
Version 1.5.0 for AKI 2.2.x
- Compatibility changes for 2.2.x
Version 1.5
- Fin
Compatibility update for AKI 2.1.X
Version 1.4.1
- Fin
Version 1.4.1 for AKI 2.0.X
- Deleting stash items on death should now delete the correct percentage of items
- Fixed vendors not selling some quest items again.
Version 1.3.1
- Fin
Ver 1.3.1 for AKI
1.5.1 and (probably) 1.6.0Should be fully 2.0.0 compatible, unless I've made a big goof1.3.1 - If fence is disabled, he will now buy items from you at a massively reduced price.
1.3a - Small bugfix
Added a new option: Delete stash items on death.
If enabled, this option deletes a percentage of your stash (Configurable in the config) whenever you die.
It has an option to ignore roubles, dollars etc., and doesn't immediately delete containers with items in them. -However, if it selects a container with fewer items in it than it's slated to delete (IE: If you have 100 items, set the 'delete percent' to 10%, and have a container with nine items in it) it can delete the container and everything inside of it. If it selects an item that can stack (Bullets, roubles, etc.) it will search through all iterations of that item in your stash, and delete either one full stack's worth, or the same percentage you set in the config, whichever is higher. (IE: If you set it to 10%, and have 800 855A1 rounds, it would delete 80 of them. If you only have 100 rounds, it would delete 60. If you use a mod that increases stack sizes, it will use the new, higher stack size in this calculation)
Version 1.2.1
- Fin
-Expanded list of purchasable quest items
-Some options aren't just cosmetic anymore. ..Don't know how I let that one slip past me.
-Enabling barters_only_for_everything still allows players to purchase quest items like the multitool and signal jammer for roubles.
Latest version of the mod, used on AKI 3.2.0, "disable_scav_raids" set to true but SCAV still available, is it because of 3.2.0 ?
for me disable insurance causes an error in v1.8 so not using it base insurance min payment is set to about 10 billion. throws an error. will reduce till it works
Fin Author
Should be working in 1.8.0a ^ ^. Let me know if there's still a problem
i reduced it to 100 in v1.8 and that works. will check 1.8a soon. also the disable fleamarket doesnt seem to be working. i set it to true but flea still works
1.8.0a no longer throwing the insurance error. good job

I like the hardcore challange but getting enough Euros to build hideout is a pain.
Any chance to add money exchange to traders when you have barters_only set to true?
Fin Author
Currencies have been added to the same system that prevents quest items from being removed in 1.8.0a, so that should be done now!
Can you make a only disable fence mod?
I tried to modify your mod to only block fence and well ... red errors everywhere
Fin Author
You should just be able to set every other option except the fence one to false
Some of the functions are not really working for me (Yes I changed it in the config)
For example the disable Fence works great. But the disable insurance doesn't.
Tried it in my modded SPT and a fresh install with only this mod. I also tried the only barters options, but they didn't really change anything in the traders assortment either
Fin Author
Still looking at just what might be wrong with the 'only barters' option, but I believe I've got the others fixed.
..Fingers crossed.
Thank you for your work, love your mods
Looks like it should link to…coreModeVer1-7-0.rar?dl=1
its not letting me download it it just keep staking me to a pic of ur amour mod
v1.7.0 is linked to the jpg for your Armor Plates mod instead of the download for this mod.
hoping this will get updated to v3.0. my favorite mod for this game. love it
Fin Author
It's got some weird features in it that are making it harder to update than my other mods, but its on the list!
excellent. thanks for the heads up
Hey Fin,
Did you happen to fix the delete items on death option? I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. What I want is if I die with my PMC my stash gets wiped clean. Is that possible with this mod?
Fin Author
I believe that should work right now, if the percent is set to 100. I don't have a lot of free time right now, but I'll double-check that if I can!
It seems that currently available verion is missing aki version in the package
Fin Author
Updated the download link, it should point to a version with the correct package.json now. Thanks for pointing that out ^ ^
So I gotta say I love this mod, particularly for the smaller stashes option. Honestly, I couldn't imagine playing with a vanilla-sized stash anymore haha. I've been interested in trying the "delete stash items on death" option, but since I avoid the flea and only barter, I don't really want the containers to be deleted. I know the option already avoids outright deleting containers with items in it (as described in the version history), but I was wondering if it would be feasible to add in a "blacklist" option to the config where you can specify certain item ids to be skipped for deletion? No worries if it is outside of the scope or would take too long, it isn't a make-or-break thing!
Fin Author
That should be doable! -I'll give it a look over the weekend.
So, another question,
I had the deletion percentage set to 100, but I died as a PMC and when I came back my entire stash was still there. Is that a bug or did I misinterpret something?
Also, if it's not working as intended, does it only delete PMC deaths?
Thanks, I'm really enjoying this by the way. Is there an option in the future do increase the prices flea market and even traders? Because I'm using it with other modded weapons and I still want to use them, but I also want to earn them.
Fin Author
Oops. -Looks like I messed up how it interprets that percentage value.
I'll put out a fix (hopefully) later today. It doesn't look complicated, but I'll need to do some more testing to be absolutely sure.
As for the rest, there isn't currently an option for that, but I'll look into adding that in if I can, while I fix this bug.
Again, awesome work man.
Edit 2: Welp. I'm an idiot. Turns out I had an older version in my mod folder that I used. basically if you get an error like I formerly posted it means you have an older version. Keeping for other morons like myself.
I'm getting this error while it hangs on the blank screen after loading:
[ERROR] Trace:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'loyaltyLevels' of undefined
at Function.traderChanges (C:\Users\relit\Documents\EFT_SPTAKI\mods\Fin-HardcoreMode\src\mod.js:146:58)
at Object.getPlayerID [as hardcoreMod] (C:\Users\relit\Documents\EFT_SPTAKI\mods\Fin-HardcoreMode\src\mod.js:187:20)
at Function.getResponse (C:\Users\relit\Documents\EFT_SPTAKI\EFT\obj\bundle.js:56224:57)
at Function.sendResponse (C:\Users\relit\Documents\EFT_SPTAKI\EFT\obj\bundle.js:56463:29)
at Inflate.cb (C:\Users\relit\Documents\EFT_SPTAKI\EFT\obj\bundle.js:56498:22)
at Inflate.zlibBufferOnEnd (zlib.js:153:10)
at Inflate.emit (events.js:315:20)
at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21)
only mod running is this one, through SPT-AKI mod manager.
last config attempt is as follows (Have tried different configs to see if it changes anything)
"disable_flea_market": true,
"disable_fence": false,
"barters_only_for_everything": true,
"barters_only_for_weapons": true,
"disable_repairs": true,
"disable_insurance": false,
"increase_insurance_cost": true,
"insurance_cost_mutliplier": 5
"disable_scav_raids": false,
"disable_skill_progression": false,
"wipe_skills_progression": false,
"smaller_stashes": true,
"clear_stash_on_first_run": true,
"clear_inventory_on_first_run": false,
"delete_secure_container": true,
"delete_knife": false,
"delete_stash_items_on_death": true,
"percent_to_delete": 10,
"allow_delete_money": false,
"kill_xp_multiplier": 20
This is on a new account that hasn't run first, did try it on a level 22~ account but had the same issue.
Edit: did try disabling it first and starting the new account before reenabling, but it's still hanging.
Can you do a Pestily hardcore options in this mod ?
Fin Author
I've been thinking of new options to add, so I might look into what Pestily is doing for hardcore challenge runs, for sure : )
I keep having the 'Local game is starting error' whenever I try and install the mod
Fin Author
It's probably conflicting with another mod. Try removing all your other mods, and seeing if you're able to load into a raid. If you can, then it's a mod conflict. If not, let me know and I'll try and set some time asside for a closer look at things.
I removed all the mods and it still gave me the same issue.
Fin Author
Hmmn. -That's not good. Can you paste your config settings here inside a spoiler tag?
"disable_flea_market": true,
"disable_fence": true,
"barters_only_for_everything": false,
"barters_only_for_weapons": true,
"disable_repairs": false,
"disable_insurance": false,
"increase_insurance_cost": true,
"insurance_cost_mutliplier": 3
"disable_scav_raids": true,
"disable_skill_progression": false,
"wipe_skills_progression": false,
"smaller_stashes": false,
"clear_stash_on_first_run": true,
"clear_inventory_on_first_run": false,
"delete_secure_container": false,
"delete_knife": false
Hey Fin, did you forget to add the WiFi camera to barter items?
I couldn't find it so I added
questItems.push("5b4391a586f7745321235ab2") //wifi
and it seems to be showing up. Thanks for the great mod!
Fin Author
Oops, you're right. I've changed how it looks for quest items, and the camera is included now. I think it's got every other possible quest item as well, but I can't be entirely sure.
Hey Fin! Great work as always. Any chance that you can port this to A7? Thank you so much for making your AI Tweak mod: Can't play SPT without it!
Fin Author
That shouldn't be too hard to do, I'll see about getting that put up this weekend.
You're the MVP! Thanks, chief.
Love it, love the options! Great work as usual, really making me want to update to B5!
I tried the barter only mod back in A7 and it was great. However, is it possible to only allow purchases of the quest items from traders? (Leatherman tool, Wifi Cam, Markers etc..) Show only barters, except the said items needed for quests.
Also, here is Deadly's newest rules for 12.9. New rules
I don't mind even more hardcore that the streamers, but some of his/their new changes really do make sense.
Fin Author
That should be possible to do; it's just a matter of putting together a big list of the relevant item IDs. ..Which is a headache, but I'll probably start poking away at it over the week.
It's working, thanks for your work!
That topic is you linked is outdated. now the money you get from selling stuff can be used to upgrade the hideout. there was no hideout upgrade when that came out. also can be used to repair gear.
Fin Author
Oops, you're right. -I got lazy at the last minute, and just grabbed the first link Google brought up for me.