Hazardifier 1.1.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
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Make your time in Tarkov a living hell

This mod only adds/modifies claymores. For minefields check out Visible Minefields by pein

Have you ever thought DeHazardifier was unfair, and made the game too easy? Now you can balance things out by making your game damn near impossible. Randomly spawn claymores all around the map, with or without laser tripwire indicators, to make your time in Tarkov a living hell.

Configuration (Accessible via F12 menu, take effect on next raid)

Enable New Claymores (Default: true):

Whether to enable randomized claymores

Claymore Disarm Timer (Default: 5):

The amount of time (in seconds) it takes to disarm a claymore

Allow Arming Claymores (Default: true):

Whether to allow re-arming a claymore after you've disarmed it

Convert BSG Claymores (Default: false):

Whether to convert BSG claymores to new custom claymore implementation with laser indicators

Make BSG Claymores Shootable (Default: true):

Whether to make BSG claymores explode when shot. Ignored if Convert BSG Claymores is enabled

Disable Lasers (Default: false):

Disable the visibility of the trip lasers on claymores, giving no external indication where claymores are or whether they're active

April Fools Mode (Default: false):

Whether to make the random claymores harmless, but still give a concussion/blinding effect. This is the mode used in the SPT 2024 April Fools release

Map Claymore Settings:

The amount of new claymores to place on each map. Set to 0 to disable claymores on that map. Higher = higher performance hit

Note: A modified version of this mod was used for the SPT 2024 April Fools day prank, and I've finally gotten around to cleaning it up and packaging it as a mod to ship.


1) Open the downloaded zip file in 7-zip

2) Select the folder in the zip file in 7-zip

3) Drag the selected folder from 7-zip into your SPT folder

Demonstration Video (Yes, it's Quest Tracker, but the same concept applies to all of my mods, I'm not making mod-specific extraction example videos. No, you don't need to drop it onto LICENSE-Launcher.txt, just drop it into your SPT folder):



  • There are no known conflicts

If you enjoy my work, you can feed my caffeine addiction

  • Version 1.1.0

    This version will only work with SPT 3.10.x

    • Update for SPT 3.10.0
  • Version 1.0.1

    • Move claymore count settings to per-map, and make them absolute values
    • Fix potential out of bounds exception if claymore count ends up higher than ambush point count
    • You can now disable claymores on a per-map basis by setting that maps claymore count to 0
  • Version 1.0.0

    Initial Release

  • Take it with you after dismantling and re-install it in another location

    • I have no plans to add placement of claymores

  • How to reduce damage from a claymore? I would like it not to kill immediately.

    • Not possible. I was unable to get dynamic damage to work, the prefab always used the damage it was built with. Your only option is to switch on April Fools Mode, which turns them into flashbang claymores

  • Is it possible to do a version with the existing tripwires?

    • Not really something I'm interested in doing, no. I wrote this mod initially before BSG implemented tripwires, and it's all built around custom assets

  • I hate you all. This mod is fucking awsome. I cannot tell you how many times I died to this thing lol. Keep it up lol. And ty I love hearing booms in the distance.

    Heart 1
  • No please. I still get my ass kicked playing spt. lol ty:)

  • I both love and despise this mod.

    Small (and probably very doable) feature idea : have an option for the lasers to be visible only as IR lasers.

  • Hope it can make work with Fika.

  • Haha to anyone that cares, me and buddies just found out this mod is NOT fika compatible! Found that one out the hard way 8o

    Thumbs Up 1
  • So It seems sometime the claymores will use a green laser for NVGs instead of red sometimes. Once the NVGs come off, they're the normal visible red. The weird thing is that it still uses the red laser dot, and the red IR glow. This has only happened once and I've done close to a hundred raids with the mod. I have no idea how IR lasers in Tarkov work, and I see you only use the red laser bundle, so I feel this may be a BSG thing

    • Yeahhhh, I don't know what would cause that, as I'm just using BSGs own red laser bundle as you said. I'm just gonna blame BSG

    • I've just figured it out. Because I'm using Borkel's NVGs, the color filter bleeds out and covers the whole screen, causing any nearby light source to glow green.

  • This is diabolical. May I suggest some effects to make it even more evil :evil: ?

    • Getting hit bounces the player up or around. Good luck with your legs if you are using Realism with fall damage changes.
    • Getting hit has a chance to send your helmet flying away. Don't forget to bring a flashlight cause your precious quad tub NOG is either gonna end up on the roof, or the other side of the map.
    • Getting hit has a chance to yank your weapon out of your hands and yeet them away. Hope you've brought a sidearm.
    • Getting hit has a chance to slash open your backpack and make all your loot spill out. Have fun picking them all up.
      • Bonus if you make loot in their secure container drop as well. Literally shitting oneself.
    • Getting hit reduces your hydration or energy level. Imagine starving to death all because you tripped a claymore.
    • Getting hit makes the player fall over and break their arm/legs. No damage to limbs, no blood loss, just broken bones.
    Happy 1
    • That is WAYY more work than I plan on putting into what amounts to a release of an april fools prank mod :D

    • that was very funny to read thank you

  • There's a claymore in that screenshot, and I definitely didn't see it. LOVE the mod!

    Heart 1
  • All your mods are top notch!

    Heart 1
    • Anyway (unless i missed it with the settings) to control the brightness of the laser tripwire. I saw on or off, but they are pretty easy to see with how bright they are. (and fully off, the game is now a nightmare LOL)

    • There is not, they use the same base bundle as gun lasers, so if you're using a mod such as BrightLasers, they will be a lot more noticeable.

      They are however pretty easy to miss while in a panic, which is the real purpose, catch you off guard when you're least expecting it :)

  • 为什么不可以拿来使用? :D

    • What?

    • i think he means why we can't pick up claymore and deploy it by yourself

      Happy 1
    • 哈哈哈哈!你是聪明的 :thumbup:

  • idk but when i go to street of tarkov my fps drops from 60 to 23.
    is there a way to fix this.
    i really wanna try it ;-;
    also thank you for your hard work

    Heart 1
    • Hmm, you could disable New Mines option when you play streets. The way it picks how many mines to place is based on the number of patrol points bots have, Streets with its expansion may have vastly increased that number since I last tested the mod on that map

    • And this should now be fixed in 1.0.1, with more customization options as well :)

      Heart 1
  • Diabolical. Do it again 8)

    Heart 1 Happy 1
  • Does this only affect the player or AI too?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Ah, I see you’re a masochist as well.

    Heart 2 Happy 1
  • Can anyone make a mod so that you can buy claymores and install them in the right place? I've been looking for this for a very long time, and I'm very surprised that they made a mod for an exoskeleton, biorobot suits, and other nonsense, but they didn't do such an elementary thing.

    • You do it since its so elementary. It takes less than three months to learn C# and nobody else is gonna do it for you, buddy.

    • Mod comments aren't really the place to ask for someone to make a mod. Mod developers (Including me) make the mods they want to make, it's pretty rare they will make something someone else wants them to make

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone here) I wrote a comment in the hope that someone would like this idea, and nothing more. I apologize again.

      Heart 1
    • no ideas allowed!

      Happy 1
  • Just checking, but from the description it sounds like if I do the following it will basically overhaul BSG's claymores without making any new ones?

    Enable New Claymores: False
    Convert BSG Claymores: True

    If so that's pretty spicy as a claymore overhaul mod.

    Heart 1
    • Yes, you can disable New Claymores, and enable either "Convert BSG Claymores", or "Make BSG Claymores Shootable" to overhaul the base game claymores (Such as on the Lighthouse bridge)

      Heart 1
  • Claymore Amount (Default: 10):lcJZ5GG.png


    Happy 1
    • Welcome to hell. Shoot them

  • Kill me please

    Happy 1
  • having legs was getting old anways

    Happy 5
  • I think it'd be great to have an option to require a multitool to disarm them, or even to pick them up after disarming if at all possible. It'd also be nice for an option for them to use IR lasers instead of visible

    Heart 1
    • +1

    • Making them lootable/replaceable would take way more work,, as it would require custom placement animations. I'm a code guy, not an animation guy, sorry

      Heart 1
  • Perfect for realistic profiles. Always hated knowing exactly where I can and can't run through because apparently no one sets mines. Now for more pain

    Heart 1
  • I've always thought I shouldn't be able to walk without fear

    Heart 1
  • amazing work thank you

    Heart 1