Backdoor Bandit (BB) (3.10 Port) 1.10.3

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Updated Backdoor Bandit to SPT version 3.10

This file is an updated version of Backdoor Bandit by Props, originally published under the MIT License. All credit for the original work goes to Props.

For information on how to use this mod, please refer to its original mod page.

I have not tested every aspect of the mod, but I can confirm that Plebmode, Semi-Plebmode and the breaching Slug from traders work as expected.

Everything is working as it should in my testing. (Semi-) Plebmode and normal mode are working fine. Breaching slugs and C4 work as expected. On normal doors and doors that need a keycard (labs).

Differences from the original Mod:

- C4 can be crafted at a level 2 workbench


- FIKA compatability

Known issues:

- C4 breaching not working (working on a fix) Fixed in 1.10.3

- Every door can be opened, even doors that are not meant to be open (doors that lead to nothing / empty rooms)

  • Version 1.10.3


    - C4 can now be crafted at a Lvl 2 Workbench. Customize the recipe under "databse/templates/craftingItem.jsonc"


    - Did some code cleanup to reduce load times by a small amount

  • Version 1.10.2


    - C4 works on doors now

  • Version 1.10.1

    Fixed not being able to breach with breaching rounds, melee weapons and grenade launchers.

    Now everything should work like the original BackdoorBandit.

  • Version 1.10.0

  • when i download the mod it just downloads as a note files, does anyone know how i can fix this, ive tried turning off all settings in windows defender and had the same results

  • So, about melee weapons... Maybe it's worth making the tomahawk KAT match its description? It will be possible for them to break down doors. That would be interesting)

    • Take a look at "{GAME DIR}\BepInEx\plugins\dvize.BackdoorBandit\MeleeWeapons.json"

      The id for the KAT Tomahawk is: "57cd379a24597778e7682ecf"

      Heart 3
  • Will you be adding some sort of FIKA compatibility to the mod or does it already have it?

    • I haven't looked into any FIKA compat yet, but I have added it to my ToDo list.

      I can't say when I get around to doing it yet.

    • I'd like to request this as well! Absolutely love this mod!

  • Are you planning on updating/iterating on the mod or just maintaining a port for Props? Reason I ask is if you're iterating, would it be possible to make the C4 craftable? Theres a file laying out the crafting recipe already.

    • Sure, I can look into a crafting recipe in the coming days / when I find time :)

      What kind of (balanced) recipe did you have in mind?

      Edit: nvm, I just saw that there already is a crafting recipe

    • Pushed an update. C4 is craftable now :)

      Heart 1
    • Awesome, thank you so much.

      (Had a lot of trouble finding it in loot pools so this will be a lot of fun gathering materials for.)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • installed into bep/pluggins and pressed f12 in game and BB doesnt show up also the file i downloaded was just a notepad with symbols if that means anything. if someone could help thatd be great?

    • Did your Windows Defender detect it as a false positive? It did with mine.

  • hey, it is compatible with fika?, i'm playing with a friend with the mod and it works for me but he can't see the explosion from the c4, and the doors don't open for him, but for me (the host) yes, if is not compatible can you make it compatible? thank you very much

    • The original mod was not designed for Fika so I doubt this one is. In older versions with Fika, other players on your server while in a raid could not see or hear the explosion from your C4. As for the doors being open for them, if you blow it open with C4, it's impossible to open the door for them the door disappears on your client. If you use a breaching round, you should be able to shoot it open, close it, and then reopen it with the original context menu. That way the door should be open now for your friends.

      Heart 1
    • There was a FIKA compatible version of the mod available (for 3.9.x) on the FIKA discord that allowed clients to sync (ie, hear C4, sync'd doors, etc).

      Heart 1
    • Fika COOP

      Although I should note I know next to nothing about CSharp or mod dev, and decide to try and fix this myself. Hopefully OP Mod Dev can give a better spin on this.

      The issues seems to stem from DoorBreachComponent.Enable function where the condition of



      is always false, meaning the configuration never executes in a COOP game for any other players apart from the Host. Perhaps this should check for FikaServer?

      While I'm sure someone with way more knowledge than me can fix this is an more elegant way, removing the above condition fixes the issue for all players in COOP Fika match. Changing the original method from :


      public static void Enable()  
        if (Singleton<IBotGame>.Instantiated)
          var gameWorld = Singleton<GameWorld>.Instance;

      To this:


      public static void Enable()  
        var gameWorld = Singleton<GameWorld>.Instance;

      Hope this helps some of you :)

      Heart 3
    • wow, this is very kind, thank you very much

    • I don't understand how to do this can you share the modified files to make it work with fika even if it's not "elegant" ?

  • is working? mine is not

  • cant use C4 at all i tried both pleb modes

  • It seems the issue hasn't been resolved. If Plebmode or Semi-Plebmode is not enabled, breaching rounds cannot function properly, and C4 is also unusable.

  • Quote

    Fixed not being able to breach with breaching rounds, melee weapons and grenade launchers.

    Now everything should work like the original BackdoorBandit.

    Including breaching with C4? :saint:

    • Had no time to test it yet, but in theory it should work, yes.

      Will test (and if needed, fix) after the holidays :)

      Heart 1
    • I just ran with C4 on Shoreline and I don't get the option to place the C4 Explosive on the doors. Doesn't matter where I put the C4 in the inventory. I tried to enable plebmode and explosive damage but nothing makes me able to breach a door.

    • Are you running any other mods?

      During my testing on shoreline I was able to place C4 on every door. Granted I had no other mods running.

      Let me know which mods you run and which door(s) you tried. I can look into what could be causing it :)

  • Breaching slugs only seem to work if Plebmode or semi-plebmode is on. From what I recall in 3.9, you didn't need those settings on to breach wooden doors

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks for the info. Will look into it once I get the time

    • Should be fixed in the newest version :)

    • It seems the issue hasn't been resolved. If Plebmode or Semi-Plebmode is not enabled, breaching rounds cannot function properly, and C4 is also unusable.

  • hi,

    for those who were concerned about the virustotal / antivirus flags, i can confirm the mod is 100% clean and safe.

    Heart 3
  • Sadly none of the breching methods work the items are there but they do nothing

    • Have you tried enabling „Plebmode“ to test if it works?

      In my testing the breaching slugs and Plebmode all seemed to work. Haven’t gotten around to test C4 yet.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you that fixed it

  • троян залил

    Thumbs Up 1
  • I don't know what happened, but I didn't get the "Place C4" option, and none of the breaching methods are working.

    • I haven’t tested the C4 yet, didn’t get around to it yet.

      There might be some more stuff that’s need updating to 3.10.

      I’ll look into it when I get the time.

  • Thank you, I was really missing this mod.

  • VirusTotal link above gives this result

    8/72 security vendors flagged this file as malicious

    • Source code as well as my commits are available on GitHub. Feel free to review the code and compile it yourself if unsure.

  • Has the whole mod been rewritten to just become a plugin, or are the other files needed?

    • Mod has just been updated to work with 3.10.

      Server mod has not been modified in any way :)

      Heart 1
  • my Dude you did it! THX SO MUCH!

    Heart 1
  • My virus protection didn't like his file and put it in quarantine. First time that's happened.

    • The source code is available. If unsure, look at the code and / or compile it yourself.