Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
# BetterMedsRevised
This mod is based on an older version "BetterMeds" Better Meds => Thanks to DonutxLord for writing the previous version
Update the meds to have shorter use time and more capacity with modifications.
All the the items have 1 sec use time which can be configured in the config file if you don't want instant healing
Updated items:
- Healing meds (AI2, Salewa, IFAK) has 4000hp => can be changed in config file
- Splint and ALU Splint can be used 10 times => can be changed in config file
- Bandage and Army bandage can be used 10 times => can be changed in config file
- Hemostat, CAT, and Esmarch can be used 10 times => can be changed in config file
- Survive surgery kit and CMS can be used 50 times => can be changed in config file
- All painkiller meds (pills, stims, vaseline, golden star...):
- Can be used 20 times => can be changed in config file
- Duration is changed to 5000 sec for each use => can be changed in config file
- The Energy and Hydration consumption is lowered to -1 for both on each usage
Version 2.5.0
- TimmyGG
Updated to SPT Version 3.10
Forgot to update package.json like a noob. All Fixed!
Lightly Tested! - Send all reports to me on Discord
Version 2.4.1
- TimmyGG
- Added option to disable modifying Stimulants
- Added option to change Weight Percentage Increase on M.U.L.E Stims
- Forgot to include M.U.L.E in Stim Disable option. Oops. (Change manually in config.json)
This version wasn't tested much and I am half asleep while updating so, pray everything works as planned.
Hope you enjoy the update.!
Version 2.4.0
- TimmyGG
Updated to 3.9.x
Version 2.3.6
- Revingly
- SPT-3.8
Version 2.3.5
- Revingly
- Remove extra lines of unnecessary code
Version 2.3.4
- Revingly
- SPT 3.7.1
Version 2.3.3
- Revingly
- SPT-3.7.0
Version 2.3.1
- Revingly
- SPT 3.5.8
Version 2.3.0
- Revingly
- AKI-3.5.3
Version 2.2.0
- Revingly
- SPT-AKI 3.5
hi, great mod. is it possible to increase the healing done ?
For the dev and everyone having issues with bandages, splints, heavy bleed items and surgical kits not working correctly. I sat down and had a look at the code and its VERY easy to fix:
-> go to the mods folder "revingly-bettermeds"
-> go into the "src" folder
-> Open "mod.ts" in your text editor of choice (if you have other files in there delete them so we dont have to fix the issue multiple times, they will get generated again on server start based on "mod.ts")
-> Scroll down to the section labeled "// Medical Items" (Line 45) and do ONE of the following 2:
1.) delete said small section "// Medical Items" (Line 46-50) or
2.) comment it out by adding // at the start of each line in the section (Line 46-50)
-> Enjoy the issue being gone (The Items will still have their increased "Uses" / "Charges" and 1 second use time except they work correctly and only consuming 1 "Charge" at a time)
TimmyGG Author
I just saw this. I'll get this fixed when I can, hopefully soon, and get that released for you all.
Sorry I didn't catch this issue sooner. Seems it's been a thing for a while.
Has anybody had a problem when stopping a bleed or fixing a fracture it uses all of or most of the uses of a splint, bandage or calok-b?
Yes, it seems that splints and bandages are busted... They use the entire thing in one go.
In case you want to fix this, you can modify the code to comment out the medusetime function as that's what's causing the splints to disappear on use... They are still broken in the sense that splints, CMS, and the Surgical kit are all infinite.
I did notice that the medkits weren't being used up all the way, what I've found to work is using svm to individually change the hp of the items though you cant have this mod active
how do i make the use time of the items the same as vanilla Tarkov? ive tried changing default use time from false to true but there is no change when i do that, everything is still on one second timer use
The code doesn't actually check to see if those options are enabled or not, except on one section which doesn't affect most. If you want to have default use time, open the mod.js and mod.ts inside the src folder and find the lines that say: items[item]._props.medUseTime = this.config.globalUseTime; and add // at the beginning of them. This will ignore the changes to the use time. You can do this for each group of items (They have comments above each code block for each group) that you want to have normal use time.
Thank you!
Love the mod, it's one of the most helpful QOL mods out there.
I'm having the same issue as Th3_W01f was having last year, however I never saw an end response solving the problem.
I've narrowed it down to the only changes I make are adding SJ6 to itemIds, then launching the server it gives a similar error Th3_W01f was getting about cannot read properties of undefined(reading 'capacity') and referencing the mod.ts file.
As I said, the only change made was an attempt to add the SJ6 to the itemIds file, I haven't even touched the config file yet.
Thank you for keeping this one running.
Any chans we can get an option to not touch stims? Don't want to change them.
TimmyGG Author
I can look into making that an option. I don't think it'll be too hard to implement.
Thank you for your suggestion!
TimmyGG Author
Your suggestion has been added, along with a couple added features.
Awesome to hear! I'll definitely be using this now!
Can you make every injector stim's duration and their uses configureable? Because adding the item ids to the itemid config doesn't work.
T-90MS Tankman
Compatible with boosted meds?
Revingly Author
I checked that mod, it has similar functionality to this so pick either one cause one will override the other if you use them together
would it be possible to add the 4 main medkits to the item list? the Salewa, Ifak, Afak, cheese, and the car?
I've been trying to config the med items with my own values, but keep getting a syntax error when trying to launch the SPT server. It specifies that the error is located right at the closing bracket of the "salewa" edit. (line 49)
Any help would be much appreciated
I've added basically my entire config file down below.
(and yes, I have added the item IDs to the itemIDs file)
Revingly Author
The thing about json files in the config folder is that you can't add a comma on the last item in an object so for your edit for example you have to remove the "," from the "capacity": 300, and repeat the same for the other lines next as well
Thanks for the help.
But when I remove the "," it gives me a TypeError saying that "capacity" isn't defined
Revingly Author
can you show the new update config file
Of course, here you go.
How do i change the healing items config seperately? I want to make the salewa to 800 and the car to 400.. etc
EDIT: i figured it out!!!
how did you end up doing it? I was looking at it for a while and couldn't seem to figure it out
Not sure if there's an easier way but just real quick I added these lines to itemIds.json
"544fb45d4bdc2dee738b4568": "salewa", - salewa obv
"590c661e86f7741e566b646a": "item_meds_automedkit", - car
"590c678286f77426c9660122": "item_meds_medkit_ifak", - ifak
"60098ad7c2240c0fe85c570a": "item_meds_afak" - afak
Then put these lines in config.json
"salewa": {
"capacity": 1000
"item_meds_automedkit": {
"capacity": 300
"item_meds_medkit_ifak": {
"capacity": 600
"item_meds_afak": {
"capacity": 800
I set healingItemsCapacity to 200 so that it will set the cheese to 200 without having to add it to the json files
I couldnt figure out how to put the code in, it just kept creshing after i tried loading the server. how does it look on your end?
Will this be getting an update for 3.6 by chance?
Revingly Author
Eventually yes
I totally love the mod
Will it be updated to 3.5.8?
Revingly Author
It should be still working with latest version
Even if the console says that the mod is not compatible with the version and errors can occur?
Sorry for asking...i'm quite new to SPT
Revingly Author
I still use the same the mod even on my spt 3.5.8 and it's working.
The compatibility warning is normal, you can ignore it
Okay, thanks!
First I gotta say I love your Mods and are some of the first I add, especially the food and drink one.
Right, I want to learn how to create mods but it is thin on the ground and not a fast learner so I wanted to ask you ..... Is there a way of combining two semi used med kits ie two half used AFAKs to make a full one?
Keep the awesome work up and please, as others have said, keep your mods updated as they are amongst some of the best on here..... atleast that is my opinion, bias maybe but still.
Kind regards,
Revingly Author
Thanks for the nice words, I try to keep the mods updated for as long I as continue to play eft
As for the request, I don't think it could be done the server side which means I have to modify the actual game to make it stack meds because that logic doesn't exist in the game so I have to write it myself. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to do that, so I don't know how long it will take me or if I can even do it
Excellent mod, please always update your work.
Can i add my own meds to the config, via the same method you used? Create them with the ID and name in the ID file, then call to them in the config? Is there a reason the Mule is in the config, and not in the itemid file? Not picking, honestly wondering, and want to add the couple stims I use most. Thank you for your work. Its greatly appreciated
Revingly Author
The mule is there because someone here requested to add longer duration for it, so I only added that one.
As for adding new items to the itemIds.json, you can add other meds and you need their ID and name from the items.json in the AKI item template database.
If you can tell me what you wanna do, I can help you with it more
This doesn't work I wanted to add all injectors, except Obdolbos and Obdolbos2, but they keep their default time.
The best thank you!
Just one help please.
All the meds i got (spawn with it or get from looting) comes with defaults values, but the max was expanded. Like as it is already used. Only the meds i buy are coming with the max value.
Could u fix it, please? Or is something am i missing?
Revingly Author
The issue of the meds on AI pmcs/raiders etc... is not coming from this mod.
I'm trying to find out what is causing it and I'll try to fix as soon as possible
Would be awsome if not only the painkiller stat duration was extended on stims
Revingly Author
I'll add it in the next update
Thank you !
Just so you are aware, your package.json still have the version showing as 1.4.0. Great mod though
"name": "BetterMedsRevised",
"author": "Revingly",
"version": "1.4.0",
"license": "NCSA",
"main": "package.js",
"akiVersion": "2.2.1"
Could you add the MULE stim to this, I tried and kept getting errors, also would be nice to have a version where the use time is set to default for all items, don't like that the Surv kit is near instant lol
Revingly Author
Ok, I'll add it soon
Cheers, any plans on a version with default use time?
Revingly Author
I'll probably push new version today
You're a legend
Thanks for not mentioning my name anywhere.