Featured DLC - Vanilla Fem Clothing 1.0.0

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112 Feminine Proportion Reshaped Vanilla Clothing (Non-Replacing)

DLC - Vanilla Fem Clothing

This mod gives your PMC a more feminine appearance.

Almost all vanilla clothing has been reshaped to fit a more feminine body type.

Unfortunately, female heads are not included—yet!


WUVGAWORE : Just to clarify a few things, this is a project that I made and gave upon after losing interest in SPT; Hjal luckily chose to update and publish it instead of letting it sit in dust but, it was only 50% done when I stopped making SPT mods. Here's what's included and what's missing.

  • 112 (Non-Replacing) Reshaped USEC, BEAR, SCAV clothing found under Ragman with it's original bundle name; prefix : f
  • 1 Universally used placeholder first person view gloves, this means that every top included in the mod does not have it's matching gloves but instead a placeholder one as I never got around to changing them to the default gloves or modeling my own
  • 0 Boss outfits
  • 0 New Heads
  • Color will be slightly darker as I couldn't replicate the vanilla materials 1:1
  • I wanted realistic proportions that wouldn't take away from the vanilla game, meaning non-gooner and very subtle


  • Hey All , I have a question.

    Should I come back and finish this mod? It was honestly supposed to be my last big project and I was excited to work out on but omg it was a lot, BUT after seeing just how many downloads this got and so quickly I could pick it back up and try again if you guys really are interested. Let me know, leave all the issues you find in the comments, and any recommendations you may have too. If I do pick it up, I'll port over 3-4 heads, fix the FPV gloves to at-least use their matching vanilla ones and at-most a custom reshaped one, give them proper vanilla-matching names and maybe see what I can do about boss outfits. Let me know what's missing too! It's a lot of work. <3 luv ya

    Heart 10
    • Yes

      Heart 1
    • YES YES YES !

      Really looking forward to see more female heads since forever bugcatdancing bugcatrainbow bugcatdancing

      For the gloves, does each one of 'em has to be reshaped to match correctly ?

      If so then I can't imagine how much time you are going to spend on this mod.

      I'd be happy even if it's just the vanilla FPV gloves "glued" to the reshaped outfit but I don't know if that even possible.

      Anyway, cheers mate, you're doing the whole SPT community a huge favor with something this big !

      Heart 1
    • HfItXWK.png I will try my best

      Thumbs Up 2
    • please, best mod right here.

  • based

    Heart 1
    • Requirement to have a fun experience on SPT fr

  • You are a legend for this one

    Heart 1
  • Can I give them the fortnite dance in the dark?

    Heart 1
    • Orange Justice in Ground Zero :love:

  • Will this effect NPC bodies too or just the player?

    Heart 1
    • If the npc's happen to wear the outfits then yes, it's not replacing anything

      Thumbs Up 1
    • This mod does not automaticly apply to PMCs AI-Bots :thumbup:

    • Incredible work, and thank both of you for replying to my question!

      Heart 1
  • what about tracksuit?

    Heart 1
    • (i cant live without tracksuit it gives better aim i swear)

      Happy 1
    • I mean, doesn't it already look feminine enough..? ?(

    • i wouldnt say so >:

      Crying 1
    • please let me know if u drop a better tracksuit <3

  • oh dam this mod comes too late, wait for few days, a video about female pmcs gonna be uploaded to YT

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Could we gut but a crumb of screenshots, sire?

    Heart 1
    • I can add a screenshot or two, later today <3 :thumbup:

      Heart 1
  • This only works with your PMC, not other PMCs unless a loadout mod changes it correct?

    Heart 1
    • Unsure if there is a mod that has that kind of function, but yes you'd be correct, this mod is only for your own PMC, not other PMC's bots!

      It is still possible to add those clothes to the randomized clothing pool.. i guess? but how, i have no clue.

    • Acid's progression can. You wouldn't happen to have a table of all the db IDs in a list or table would you? I can scroll through and copy em out manually. Was just wondering.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I dont really have a table, but you can check out the db folder

      [DLC - Female Clothes > user > mods > DLC - Female Clothes > db > clothing > RCTA-Clothes.json]

  • omg yes thank you was just asking for this in my head and boom it's here 👍😃

    Heart 1
    • Hope you enjoy it :P

  • Hjal coming in clutch again 💝💖

    Heart 1
  • Time for FemBEARs and UniSECs

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1