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Version 1.2.2
- ZGFueDkx
This update does not provide any new functionalities. It contains only potential fix for MoreCheckmarks compatibility and small localization improvements.
- Potential fix for MoreCheckmarks compatibility
- Updated Chinese language (community contribution)
Issue with MoreCheckmarks was most likely caused by mods adding new traders. The issue should now be resolved. If you are still having any issues while having both this mod and MoreCheckmarks, please let me know!
Version 1.2.1
- ZGFueDkx
This version is for SPT 3.11 only
- Added MoreCheckmarks compatibility (minimum version 1.5.17 required)
- Russian localization improvements (community contribution)
For SPT 3.10 Users:
MoreCheckmarks compatibility will not be backported to SPT 3.10.5
Version 1.2.0
- ZGFueDkx
- Updated for SPT 3.11
- Added Russian language (Community contribution)
- Added Chinese language (Community contribution)
For SPT 3.10.5 users
Next update introducing new features will also be backported to SPT 3.10.5.
Version 1.1.0
- ZGFueDkx
Thanks to everyone for 1.5k downloads in 1 week!
This version contains several bugfixes and a bunch of new fetaures.
New features
- Counting items in hideout stashes
- Counting items on PMC in raid (configurable)
- Custom color for active quests
- Custom text colors
- Custom color for Collector quest
- Custom color when having enough items to complete all quests
- Possibility to remove custom checkmarks when having enough items to complete all quests
- Possibility to disable bullet points in tooltip
- Moving items around removed them from 'In stash' count (Issue #1)
Version 1.0.0
- ZGFueDkx
Going to give it a try now.. thank you for your work
Hello, I lost the ability to see 2 of my 3 scav boxes and your mod was throwing exceptions in my log. I removed yours and was able to see the boxes again. I was running both yours and morecheckmarks. Running just morecheckmarks now. If you would like the log, lmk and I can send it your way. Just thought you would like to know.
I enjoyed the mod but guess I'll have to do with just the one.
ZGFueDkx Author
Hi, sorry to hear that. I suspect that it may be related to the issue reported in previous comment and if I may ask, are you using any mod that adds new trader(s)?
Anyway, I've just pushed an update with potential fix. If you would like to give it a try, It would be awesome. If the update didn't fix your issue, I would definitely want to see logs so I can resolve it.
I do have other traders. It seems to be ok now, I will keep you posted if things change. Is the latest update fixing the issue with extra traders as well?
ZGFueDkx Author
Yes, the issue was only happening when you had extra traders (that's why I wasn't able to get it while testing) and the latest update was supposed to fix that.
Hey ZGFueDkx, I wanted to report a bug with this mod and MoreCheckmarks.
I am seeing an issue with items in the stash (existing profile) being invisible and non-interactable while I have both these mods installed. As soon as I remove MoreCheckmarks the issue resolves itself.
Sorting the stash and/or scrolling down and back up will reveal the items and make them interactable again. Small bug, not game breaking but wanted to pass along my findings.
Both mods are updated to the latest version:
MoreCheckmarks 1.5.17
All Quests Checkmarks 1.2.1
Thanks for the hard work on this mod, it is a must have for Fika with the boys.
ZGFueDkx Author
That's strange, I tried to test everything and I didn't encounter such issue. Would you be able to send me Player.log file?
I have the exact same problem. Stash is not visible or interactable with both mods installed. Removing either mod fixes the stash.
Based mod
wonderful, playing with more barter trades made the other checkmark mod basically impossible to use. This is all I need~
very much thanks for the update
3.11 Version. I need it.
ZGFueDkx Author
I'll try to release 3.11 version as soon as possible, but currently I'm a little short on time.
absolutely love this, better checkmarks has been missing some of these extremely key features for a LONG time
Hey there, one of the maintainers for MoreCheckmarks. I really like what you've done with the mod and I realize they are not compatible atm. Wondering if we can collab and figure out how we can allow users to run both mods and get the quest checkmarks features from this mod and the others from MoreCheckmarks.
Would be happy to link up and chat through it, reach out on Discord or here. "collin.h" on Discord.
*Giggles in anticipation*
Great update, thanks for the new features!
Like the other commentor we're also doing hardcore playthrough's and I echo that the barter checkmarks are a nice QOL for that style of playthrough.
There is also an optional config setting to see future hideout upgrades for the hideout checkmarks in MoreCheckmarks that was also super useful in a hardcore playthrough. It got me thinking that perhaps there was a way to extend the auto wishlist feature to include future hideout upgrades (seperate mod?) so as to keep it out of the checkmark system completely thus preserving your vision and utilizing the wishlist feature that already exists.
Anyway regardless of where you take this mod I already prefer your implementation, good stuff
does this mod work with Quest Randomizer ?
ZGFueDkx Author
From what I saw in Quest Randomizer code, it might work together but I haven't tested it. You can try to use them together as the worst case possible is this mod simply not working. This mod is not saving anything to database so it shouldn't cause any issues with profiles etc. If you want to be sure, you can always make backup of your profile.
If you decide to give it a try, I would appreciate feedback if my mod works with Quest Randomizer.
Ok so it works perfectly with Quest Randomizer !
But, We are doing a Hardcore run, and not having the barters shown is a downgrade for us right now.
If, in the future, you include a version that shows the active and future barters, that would be insane ! Because I much prefer your interface !
Edit 1:This mod showed me in raid that my mate needed a HDD FIR ! So it's compatible with Fika !100% keeping this mod !
Edit2: Missing the Future Hideout items is rough also.. Knowing what to save in advance is a nice feature -- If you could add it !
ZGFueDkx Author
I'm really glad it worked and you like this mod. About barters and hideout upgrades.. well, this mod was not meant to be MoreCheckmarks clone, but simply more customizable mod oriented only around quests (because that's what I needed). I see that it might be problematic if you are doing hardcore run. If there will be a demand for these functionalities, I'll most likely add them, but for now improving quests part and fixing issues (I found quite a lot of them) is my priority.
Can i run this and morecheckmarks at the same time?
ZGFueDkx Author
No, as stated in description, they are incompatible. If you try to use both at the same time, this mod will simply refuse to load.
Is MoreCheckmarks supposed to not work with Fika? I'm using both and haven't had any problems, although I don't have other players connecting to my server. Only asking because of what the overview says
ZGFueDkx Author
"Works with Fika" was not meant to imply that MoreChecmarks don't work with Fika, but rather to show that this mod interacts with Fika (if it's installed) and is able to track active quests of other players while in raid.
Oh, I see. That is a nice feature but I think anyone that sees "Differences from MoreCheckmarks: Works with Fika" at the bottom of the overview is going to think that this mod works with Fika while MoreCheckmarks doesn't
ZGFueDkx Author
I see, for me it was just mental shortcut, but I'm gonna clarify it up.
Loving the features in this and seeing as tarkov somewhat handles hideout requirements through wishlisting it doesn't feel much of a loss in that regard coming from MoreCheckmarks.
Extremely minor preference but I don't suppose you would consider an option for no bullet points?
ZGFueDkx Author
Thanks. Talking about bullet points, I can make this customizable.
Nice, that would be amazing.
I had another idea when customising the colours that you might be interested in implementing. If the colour of the FiR icon could correlate to the text colour somehow? I realise it doesn't quite translate 1 to 1 so maybe not such a simple feature. Alternatively a way to customize text and icon colours individually or even just being able to change the default yellow for current quests FiR icon would be great.
ZGFueDkx Author
Sure, all these things seem easy to implement so I'll add them when I have some free time in the week.
Hi, are there any chance that Collector quest could have it's own color ?. Or just a chance to select if the user want's to have a different color for this ?.
ZGFueDkx Author
Hi, I really like this idea. I'll add it in the next version.
I wish the two could become one. Kinda hate how More Checkmarks does quest tracking, but love everything else.
I agree. This mod makes quest checkmarks so much better but having hideout/craft/barter info is also hard to give up if you're doing something like hardcore
Hi! Can I use this with Item Valuation mods?
ZGFueDkx Author
Haven't tried that as I'm using LootValue mod, which works perfectly fine. So I can't give you definitive answer, however you can try and let me know, if it works. If it won't work together, I'll add it to list of incompatible mods.
whats up my bro.. Tell me what is the difference from more checkmarks? Is it the same? even more?
ZGFueDkx Author
Well, this mod does a lot of things that MoreCheckmarks doesn't do. I've just expanded description a bit to outline all the differences from MoreCheckmarks mod, but basically it's oriented only around quests, does more checks and filtering than MoreCheckmarks and what's most important for me it works with FIKA so I don't have to aks my firends over and over "Hey, do you need [some random item] for quest?".
Alright I am going to download the mod and put it on a test.. Can I add the mod in the middle of a save?
ZGFueDkx Author
I did it on my server and nothing broke. This mod doesn't touch anything in database so it should be 100% safe, but as always, it's better to make backup just in case. However it should be perfectly fine to add/remove it at any time.
Well if you wanted only quest a checkmark , you can do that in "MoreCheckmarks" lol
"showBarter" : false,
"showCraft" : false,
"showFutureCraft" : false
Unless something else... xD
ZGFueDkx Author
Maybe, but this mod does a lot more checks, for example: works with operational tasks, blocks all unreachable quests (event ones), has more config options to include/exclude non-FiR quests, include/exclude quests for loyalty regain and supports FIKA if you use it to play with your friends.