Freecam 1.4.2

A flying free camera mode for EFT

Please do not expect any immediate support for this mod. I don't have free time to diagnose and fix issues that might come up.

As the name implies, this mod allows you to detach the camera from your player body and fly around freely.

While flying around, you can also choose to teleport your player to wherever the camera is currently. Also includes a dedicated button to (mostly) hide the UI - perfect for cinematic shots!

WARNING: I highly recommend you don't disable the fall damage prevention features if you're planning on using camera teleport - not only are some surfaces outside the play area not solid, it seems that flying to a lower part of the map and teleporting causes you to take fall damage as if you fell the entire distance! This mod is not intended to be used as a cheat in-raid, so don't expect it to keep you safe/alive when misused.

How to install:

Extract the .zip file contents into your AKI root folder (same location where EscapeFromTarkov.exe is).

Your BepInEx/plugins folder should now contain Terkoiz.Freecam.dll.

Default Controls:

Keypad Plus - toggle free camera mode
Keypad Enter - teleport player to camera position
Keypad Multiply - toggle UI
Keypad Dot - toggle player control during freecam

You can rebind all the controls with the built-in configuration manager plugin (invoked with F12 by default).

Known issues:

  1. When teleporting to camera position, the camera rotation gets copied exactly, potentially causing the player model to tilt
  2. Game version UI element is not hidden when toggling UI
  3. When flying to distant parts of the map in freecam mode, LODs are not triggered (these seem to follow the player)

Additional Credits:

Ashley Davis for the initial Freecam control script (link)

My good friend Kars 🇳🇱 for assisting with Unity engine specifics

nexus4880 for the code inspiration to allow a visible player body during freecam mode

Kobrakon for fixing the mod for SPT-AKI 3.2.0 and later
CWX for updating the mod and fixing some long-standing issues

Kaeno for continuing to update the mod for latest versions of SPT

  • Version 1.4.2

    Tested on SPT-AKI 3.8.0


    • Recompiled for 3.8.0 support

    VirusTotal scan: link

  • Version 1.4.1

    Tested on SPT-AKI 3.7.2

    Should work on all SPT-AKI 3.7.X versions


    • GrooveypenguinX added a feature to toggle Freecam controls, allowing for the player character to be controlled with a detached camera. Thank you, Groovey!

    VirusTotal scan: link

  • Version 1.4.0

    Tested on SPT-AKI 3.7.2
    Should work on all SPT-AKI 3.7.X versions


    • Added back the fall damage prevention feature, now in two flavours:
      • Global Fall Damage Removal - a lot more reliable this time around, hopefully!
      • Smart Fall Damage Removal - an attempt at leaving fall damage enabled for regular gameplay, but disabling it right after teleporting. May not be as reliable.
    • Redone all setting labels for better readability. This will cause all the settings to reset to their default values - sorry!

    VirusTotal scan: link

  • Version 1.3.5

    HiddenCirno compiled an updated version of the .dll this time around. Huge thanks to them!


    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.7.1
  • Version 1.3.4

    Kaeno once again pulling through and updating Freecam. Show him some love!


    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.7.0
  • Version 1.3.3

    Untested release, created by Kaeno. Huge thanks to him for updating the mod to work with latest SPT.


    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.6.0
  • Version 1.3.2

    Untested release - intended to be used with SPT-AKI 3.5.1


    • No code changes, only a recompile for 3.5.1 compatibility
  • Version 1.3.1

    Tested only on SPT-AKI 3.5.0


    • Removed the fall damage toggle, as it was unreliable
  • Version 1.3.0

    Tested only on SPT-AKI 3.5.0


    • Fixed issue when player couldn't move if freecam mode was active on raid end
    • Fixed issue with LODs misbehaving when entering freecam mode. The map should no longer disappear in most cases. Flying far away from the player body still doesn't update LODs, however
    • Updated method for preventing player movement during freecam mode
    • Added a toggle for fall damage. Defaults to ON

    Huge shoutout to CWX for updating Freecam. Every single change in this release was made by him - go show him some love!

  • Version 1.2.0

    Thanks to Kobrakon for preparing a working .dll file

    For SPT-AKI 3.2.0 and later


    • Fixed issue that prevented the plugin from running on the latest version of Tarkov - credit to Kobrakon
    • Player model is now visible when in Freecam mode - shoutout to nexus for the code inspiration
    • Added a few more options to the configuration menu

    Known issues:

    • Exiting the raid or dying while in freecam mode will cause you to not be able to move when entering a new raid - a workaround is to enter and exit freecam mode to restore movement.
  • This mod is abandoned and no longer maintained - please do not leave comments asking for any kind of support, as they will simply be ignored.

    The mod page will stay up for archival purposes.

    Mod is temporarily back, while my patience lasts :p

    Crying 3
  • Terkoiz Since you're not working on the mod is there by chance anyone who helped with the mod previously can help with this?

    I used the freecam mod on Customs and then went back to my player. I had a bot near me and he was just staring at me, not shooting. If I tried to shoot him no damage was done. I also was unable to prone as well so it's like my character was stuck and invisible even though I could physically move.

  • has anyone gotten this to work for 3.7.6?

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Have you tried it yet?

    • i have and it works for me in 3.7.6

    • it loads but the keybinds dont work even when i change them to my own

    • There can't be any other active keyboard inputs when you hit the keys bound for this mod.

  • I need help with Moving my character while in freecam mode

  • Anyone know why this showed up yesterday 08/21/2023 under the [Recent Updates]? Thanks

    • I needed to test Discord webhooks since I had redone them from scratch, and I don't have any other mods I could post a fake new version on. Apologies for the confusion.

  • does the 3.6.0 update work on 3.5.8?

  • Latest release for 3.6.0 doesnt work

  • Hello, I wanted to ask, I haven’t used this mod for a long time and I forgot what to click on so that the camera works when I’m already in the raid.

    Thinking 1
    • The default controls and instructions to change them are right there in the mod Overview tab...

    • Just wow.

  • Thanks to Kaeno for the update!

  • working?

  • Hi, so I installed this mod and (I'm sorry, I'm pretty new at this) I'm pretty sure I installed the mod correctly cause you can see the F12 menu detects it but I pressed the "Numpad Plus" and nothing happened. Any insight for this? thank you.image.png

    • The mod isn't updated for the latest SPT version, so it's expected that it won't work

    • make sense, thanks

  • For those who want free cam, there is a way. Find EFT trainer by sailro and it does come with a free cam feature like here but kinda worse bcs cam for some reason on customs those not cause asset load so kinda you can float around flat map :d

  • 3.5.5 please help! ;(

  • not working for 3.5.5

  • Thank you, 3.5.1 works great now!

  • Thanks for the good work.

    hello, unfortunately 3.5.1 doesn't work for me. 3.5.0. worked great. What should I do?

    No other mods installed.

    • The mod doesn't work on 3.5.1
      Should be working as of version 1.3.2

  • Hi, I've tested your mod on recent 3.5.1 fresh build but found the unsnap toggle not working, along with this error in console.

    [Exception] : MissingMethodException: void GClass2907`1.set_Value(!0)

    Terkoiz.Freecam.FreecamController.ToggleCamera () (at <679053d6b13a492881acd908b928e118>:0)

    Terkoiz.Freecam.FreecamController.Update () (at <679053d6b13a492881acd908b928e118>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class310:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Really appreciate your updates all through the way, though this is not an update request or so, just an archive in case you might want to take a further look at it in the future ;)

    • I'll update Freecam when I have time. It just needs a recompile.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • awesome mod!

  • Is it normal that everything becomes invisible when you're activating freecam? All maps except Factory turn invisible, like buildings, walls etc except AI.

    • I experience the same issue. This isn't a problem in older versions.

    • same thing happened to me today, but it was working fine yesterday. Not sure what happened... If there's a fix or a workaround, I'm all ears.

  • Got a question. When I use free cam is it normal that my character apart from weapon becomes invisible?? :/

    • this is normal, it should go back to normal when out of freecam

    • I see, thx for reply :thumbup:

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Thanks for your good work, it's going great.

    It used to be different, now the objects and parts of the level disappear on activation.

    Can this be changed again, or adjusted via the menu?

    Best regards

  • There are some odd side effects when you use this, usually it starts with losing your own footstep sounds then it screws up the first person rig with it bobbing all over the place.

  • Has anyone experienced a bug with this mod where it screws up your characters aim down sights?
    After returning from freecam sometimes when I ADS the sights are not center.
    When it happens the only way to get an accurate ADS sight picture is by going prone. Hip fire still seems on point.

    • I've had this happen a few times so far as well, very annoying and I couldn't figure out anything that would fix it mid-raid.

  • amazing mod


    Happy 1
  • Hello, may I ask why I am still seriously injured or dead when I am transferred to a place where the height is not high?

    • I confirm that under normal circumstances, this height drop will only cause very low damage

    • It's a consequence of how fall damage is calculated in the game. As per the warning in the mod's description - if you plan on using freecam, I highly recommend disabling fall damage.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • To add to what Terkoiz said, whenever you move position, the game compares the elevation of the two positions, factors in your player's weight, and decides whether fall damage should apply.

      Using this mod, it's very easy for this to cause significant damage, or even death, to your PMC. As a result, disabling fall damage is the right thing to do.

      Thumbs Up 1 Heart 1
  • Hello! I'm new to modding!

    This being a BepInEx plugin, do you know if it's compatible with version 3.0.0?
    I haven't updated to 3.1.0 as of yet.

    I tried it out but the keybindings didn't seem to do anything so I'm guessing by the result that it's only compatible with 2.3.0?

    Could it be that I'm potentially missing something?

  • Are there any plans to update this for 3.1.x?

  • Please update it, i need it to make videos

  • Just waiting for that mod,The Perfect mod for workers o casuals.